Hunter Chat Thread and Lounge

I’ve often suspected this. Thank you for the verification.

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So I’ve decided I’m going to start trying to sell torghast and twisting corridor runs when I get home. Came up with a pricing list and everything.

I strangely enough do enjoy Torghast, and I figure I could probably make some gold while I enjoy myself.


Probably. How much gold, do you think? Any ethical concerns?

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So, it varies based on layer number, but after asking around for prices it’s about even or slightly cheaper than what I’ve seen advertised.

Torghast layer pricing - layer 8 45K - Layer 7 40K - layer 6 35 - layer 5 30K - layer 4 25K - layer 3 20K - layer 2 15K - layer 1 5K.

TC layer 1 125K - layer 2 220K - layer 3 315K layer 4 - 410K layer 5 505K - layer 6 - 600K - layer 7 695K layer 8 - 790K

Could change or tweak the TC numbers.

Not really. Unlike say arena carries, this shouldn’t be affecting other players in a negative manner. Arena carries for instance end up causing match making issues for everyone.

Torghast let’s you get soul ash for the legendaries you want, though it’s not affecting any sort of rating system or giving a major competitive edge over anyone.

So, I don’t really think there is much of an ethical issue.

That said I did once carry an old roommate to gold in LoL. He offered in exchange to let me skip on rent for the month, which you know. Ethically, I disagree with what I did. But that was a lot of money to help him to only gold lol.

Personally, I don’t really care if someone is boosted for torghast or AOTC since ultimately it shouldn’t be affecting others and they are free to spend their money how they wish. I personally wouldn’t spend money on it but I’m certain others have good reason for it.

Edit: After further investigation, it seems I was right my regular layer pricing is a little low, with my TC runs being wildly overpriced apparently lol

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Jeez. Where was this idea when I was beating my head against the wall in TC? Rude! Lol.

Actually, I’m glad I pushed through it and I kinda enjoy it as well, except for how long it takes to get through. I know you can stop at the start of each floor but I would really like to be able to actually pause a run and come back to it. I’m super slow.


That was my issue with TC as well. Sometimes I just you know, wanted a break to do something other than TC but couldn’t without forfeiting the whole run!

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The time it took, for me, was too much.
I’m a careful, methodical Hunter. A half hour per floor, I abandoned most runs at 6-8 floors.
TC, I got to 14-16 after 5-6 hrs, bailed and never have gone back.


I think my full TC runs were close to 4 hours and maybe a little over that. I always started very methodically, but near the end I was getting tired and not as careful. Lol


When I was doing TC, I was still having some internet problems. So, disconnects were frequent and I hadn’t actually bothered yet with venari rep. So I had like… 5 deaths I was afforded and I was likely to die about three times at least due to disconnects.

It was pretty rough ><. I know on the final floors I really was trying to rush it to avoid disconnects as much as possible.

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Hello I am a Hunter my favorite pet is named SantaClaws


Is SantaClaws a crab?

^^^^^^ Please make this statement true and you always dress in Holiday mogs!

Now, in all honesty, I’ve been toying with the idea of buying KSM. Not because I want to use it for higher level stuff but I absolutely hate timed runs and I’m not willing to put in the time to level my own keys.

If someone wants help finishing a high level key for practice with no plans to time it, I’ll spend hours working through it to help. I don’t mind that. It’s just knowing one small misstep can tank it for everyone stresses me when it’s timed. My friends did it and they spent hours several nights a week working on it. I respect them…but I just want the mount.

My very first Garrosh AoTC was an unpaid carry because I was still learning. However I feel I repaid that by going on to learn the fight and help carry other people through with the same group. And I say carry, because I was awful. Lol. I survived to the end but was last on dps.

Since High Maul, I’ve been raiding with my community group and that’s a grind that I enjoy. We do Heroics and not Mythics. Mythic Plus is a different animal all together and I really dislike them.

I’ve never bought a carry. Part of me feels guilty about considering it, because I didn’t earn it. And part of me says it’s just a game and I want the mount so who cares? I’m a collector. I’m not using the title to advance myself but it would be an achievement I didn’t earn.

Since you are considering selling TC runs, which is quite different, I was wondering what your take is.

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I have an interesting history with paid carries.

Prior to WoD, I hated the idea of paying for a carry myself — I knew I was good enough of a player to be able to do it myself! As always, the main thing holding me back is time commitment.

But then in WoD, I had this one buddy who is one of the richest players around. Like, “can afford a brutosaur” rich.

Now, the thing about my friend is that he loves to spoil his friends with gifts… but only specific friends who he feels won’t take advantage of his generosity.

I made that list, I guess.

Anyways, after half a year, he finally talked me into letting him pay for a carry. Specifically, for heroic (or mythic? I couldn’t quite remember) Archimonde so I could get that Groove Warden moose mount.

He was so excited about giving me this gift, which is why I finally relented.

So I joined the carry, was instructed to kill myself off immediately and just watch the fight. Ok, sure. When the fight started, I immediately ran towards the lava and killed myself there. :joy:

And as it turns out… it was kinda fun watching the fight! Huh. Neat.

So I changed my mind a little bit, because I saw that I truly wasn’t a burden — the group who was carrying didn’t lose a single raider. They did that fight flawlessly. That’s when it got into my mind: “Oh. It’s on farm status for them!

Then came Legion… I hated Legion, so I ignored all the carries going on there.

But then in BFA, one day I happened to notice a group selling carries for the low price of 60K (normally it was around 150K) for the Voidwing dragon mount.

I figured, why not? I paid for that, had a fun time chatting with the other carries while watching the fight.

(The funniest part was that a week later, my sister’s mythic raiding team started doing carries. My sister is part of that raid group, and she wanted to take me. She was so disappointed that I already had the mount. I had to promise her I’d always check with her before paying for future carries. :rofl:)

But the point is, I realized: it really doesn’t bother the folks doing the carrying. It’s easy to them, and they make gold… AND I get both the mount and get to watch the fight up close without having to worry about time commitment.

(As a special education teacher, I’ve had to come terms with the fact that I will never be able to commit to a regular raiding schedule.)

As far as I’m concerned, it’s a win-win situation for everybody.

But it did take me a while to reach that mindset.


So, I think it’s fine, honestly. It’s a game that we pay monthly for, you should be doing what will make you happy. Outside of PVP (which again, I can’t exactly judge since I carried my roommate in a pvp oriented game years back lol) I really don’t think there is anything wrong with it. You’re not hurting anyone else’s group trying to get it. You’re not going around pretending you got it on your own to get into groups, etc.

I really don’t see the problem with wanting the mount. When the new patch releases, it’s all going to update again anyways, right? And by the time of the next expansion? No one is going to care if you were carried or not since the content no longer matters.

So really to me, it would be a matter of if you think spending the gold for the mount is worth it to you or not. Like Watermist said, you are not going to be a burden for the group or they wouldn’t be selling it. Carrying my roommate certainly wasn’t for me, I just smashed people top lane :sweat_smile:

I really don’t think it’s anything to feel bad about honestly. If it’s worth it to you, who really cares how you spend your fictional money lol


Thanks guys. I’m still mulling it in my head but I appreciate the insight and the story. I also like doing things for people in game when I can too. I’m not rich but I’ve given away duplicate pets when my luck was better than my friends and passed on gear that someone needs more.

I did recently give away an Alani mount in a roll off for my raid group rather than sell it. I picked up a ton of shards while farming rares so it was free to me, why not give it away? I hadn’t thought about that until now.


Mounts, to me, are just a way of getting around.
I looted a Time Reaver? mount, odd-looking dragon, from a time walking dungeon.
I regret not giving it to a player that asked for it. I wish they had told me how many attempts they had made, well I just wish I had known before I clicked that token.
I wouldn’t buy a carry for a mount or gear, but I might for a Battle-Pet.
Torghast, TC runs, I might pay for, if I didn’t have to show up.
Its not that they’re hard, its that they take too long when I run them careful.
When I run them fast, I die.


I can respect that approach


Heroic Denathrius- finally killed that arrogant jerk face. Lol.

What a relief. I know I’m late to the game but it’s still a big deal to me and to my community group. No one gets benched due to spec or dps. No drama. Everyone helps.

Took 112 wipes but we got it. Was much easier with a smaller group of 12 or 13 as far as some of the mechanics…except those friggin orbs. I kept getting duplicate stacks. He really didn’t like me. Lol.

Will. Have to kill him at least a few more times so everyone gets their AoTC.


Big grats!!!

I know that was rough, but it has to feel good to smack that arrogant bastard down, right?

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