I can only imagine. I know when I was in school the teachers had a wide range of special needs students they had to accommodate for and have to put in extra work!
The nice thing about me back during those days was, there was no drama or conspiracy from me. I just genuinely had no clue what I actually needed and just liked getting “upgrades”. Regardless of whether they were an actual upgrade or not!
Speaking of loot, I remember in Wotlk half the raid being mad at me for hoarding DKP and going on a shopping spree on loot once. Like wtf why can’t I do that lol.
I remember one time when I was raiding Ulduar with my guild at the time, we had recently made it to Mimiron. That was at the time when they first started toying with the idea of multiple difficulties for bosses beyond 10 / 25 players.
Mimiron has a giant red button behind him that specifically reads “DO NOT PUSH”. We had done a few attempts, things were not going well. And 15 / 16 year old me couldn’t resist.
We make another pull. Maybe less than ten seconds in, I carefully position myself so I can push the button while we are fighting the boss. I press it.
Fire. Everywhere. We died horribly shortly afterwards, there was chaos in the vent chat, no one knew what was going on, I threw myself onto mute because I was dying of laughter because I was being totally immature. We wipe.
The vent chat goes silent. A good fifteen or so seconds goes by until finally, the raid lead speaks up. “Alright. Who pushed the button?”
I’m just popping in for a quick hello before I go off to work.
I’m looking forward to this afternoon — my mom is coming to stay with me for two nights! Since she lives five hours away, we don’t see each other often.
(And I’m gonna sneak her in school tomorrow to meet my students. It’s fine, she’s fully vaccinated. )
The last .5 seconds of auto-shot was originally a pseudo-cast. Movement would cancel it.
I actually kind of liked the stutter-stepping it required, and I felt like it gave us more warrant for a skill like the original Aspect of the Cheetah.
That said, I can’t now remember whether you could progress both auto-shot and auto-attack (i.e., both melee and ranged “swings”) simultaneously. My memory says you could, but perhaps it’s just wishful thinking from wanting more reason to have dipped in and out of melee range than was actually the case.
Edit: Whoops, paused tab / thread hadn’t updated. Lazyguide long since answered.
Timed my first +15 ever tonight. Was my first time doing a +15 at all.
Somehow +2’d it. So I have a +17 and I have the awkward situation of just swapping to Necrolord BM the other day. So I now have to wonder who would actually want to group up with a necrolord BM hunter with a low (for 17s) IO score lol.
I’m not much for Mythics. Timers make me very uncomfortable which just contributes to making mistakes for me.
And the Mythic Go Go Go mentality due to timers and the tank wanting to Not die makes it hard for me to get my bearings sometimes. Add in pet pathing and the need to dismiss sometimes, and I’m a train wreck.
I have genuine admiration for people that get the job done.
I get that. Timers can definitely feel like am added pressure. You’re literally on the clock to perform. And you’re expected to know all of the stats and just know what the tank / group wants to do sometimes.
I mostly just press buttons and dps and sort of pretend I know what I am doing. I feel like this a lot of times.