Hunter changes in beta

No most hunters want to play BM. They dont care about the pet, they dont care about the fantasy. All they want is easy damage and freedom of movement becuase they want to be able to play harder difficulty levels of content without having to improve at playing the game.

No its indicative of the fact that MM and surv are the same, BM has had plenty of seasons and patches where its bottom of the barrel but it will still pull like 40-50% of hunters to play it.

Moreover its not like all expac has been like s1 where BM dominated on ST, most seasons BM is middle if not lower end of the pack, yet mm still cant hold onto hunters.

Survs issue is not that its melee its that blizzard created the specs with a vast cavern between them in terms of difficulty.

BM has had tons of patches where its dps was bad still held onto most if not the largest % of hunters. You cant argue in one breath “people hate surv bc its melee look at how low the player count is” and then say “oh but if that happens to mm it doesnt count”.

This was weird this was the coolest part of surv idk why they would remove it.


Name a raid where bm does less damage than mm and more people play bm

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He’s not going to. He’s just parroting the “huntards are bad” rhetoric that I thought was given up around cata.


You’re right, the fact that BM has been the most played spec in every raid since Legion could only possibly due to it being the highest performing spec in every fight and not at all because it’s had greater contextual ease of play.

Then why is he comparing hunter specs only against other hunter specs (or, relative ease of play and accessibility during a given period vs. popularity of play), not hunters against other classes?

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I really really do not want to push explosive shot steel trap, or death chakram as a BM hunter. these all feel far more like ranged survival abilities. They feel like extra junk thrown in the class tree to give us extra stuff to press. I’d prefer to have a choice of 2/3 or 1/3 if I really had to. Please dont make me press steel trap in PVE scenarios in a class that doesnt have casts. It really messes with the flow of the class for me. Death chakram felt like they had to carry over some ability from SL but people complained too much about wild spirits. please stop giving us random buttons we press on cd and forget about until the 30+ second cooldown is up. its not fun and I hate having to press multiple buttons before i can get into my cooldown window. more stuff doesnt always mean bettter in my opinion. Maybe making explosive shot and death chakram a choice node, and make steel trap a targeted ability instead of standard trap mechanics.

I think the spec tree is interesting and the Idea of multiple dots increasing our pets damage is a cool idea. I, like yall, dread the idea of having to try and get passive stuff to line up. but it may be a concern for those trying to maximize damage in mythic raid scenarios.

I have played wow since wrath when I was 12, and I truly appreciate the work that wow devs put into our game. much love from a long time wow gamer :slight_smile:

Please dont make me press steel trap. I beg.

These changes feel ok and survivability is def up from what it was for MM pvp people seems like. Time will tell how competitive they are though. Minor complaint is lone wolf should have been a true haste buff vs attack speed. The attack speed portion will be insignificant. MM needs all the significant measures it can get and then you can walk it back if necessary although I doubt that will be the case.
Thanks; appreciate the effort. Let’s just see what happens.

Lone Wolf is 5% damage modifier, which is a good bump flat 5%. The Attack Speed increase you’re describing comes from Trigger Finger in the Hunter tree. Unless they change something that’s the one that is insignificant.


No one is forcing you to take any of those talents if you want to only mash Barb Shot and Kill Command.

It’s a terrible ability in general but isn’t a cast. Don’t know where you got that from but sure, it messes up mashing 2 buttons.

Weird, that’s the entire premise of BM - click buttons when they’re up and don’t worry about them. Are you sure this is the spec for you? DC, BW, Dire beast, ES are all ‘click and forget about them’ buttons.

Not possible as Survival entirely depends on having ES as a button - it’s not a choice then. I don’t know why you’re complaining about press a button once every 45s that gives you a free 10% increase of damage or gives you good AoE damage.


I was specifically talking about the “hunters only play BM cuz hunter players are bad” crap he was going on about. It’s quite literally just the “huntards bad” rhetoric from back then. It just gets applied to BM these days.

lol ok dude

im not saying its a cast, im saying in a class where everything is instant, i personally don’t like having to press a button, then put a reticle on the ground. just a personal feel.

You make a good point about the explosive shot choice node idea. Your’e right. It wouldnt work for survival. I take it back.

You’re right. I’d Rather them give us engaging buttons that play into BM rather than some random buttons that make more sense for survival. Id love for them to beef the complexity of BM with stuff that makes more sense. It would make CE more fun for me.

BW is a cooldown that allows me to see how many KCs i can fit into the 15 second window. But exactly to your point, we havent taken dire beast or had ES in a while and i dont think they are that interesting. But to my point above, id rather have things like dire beast than steel trap or explosive shot personally. You also have every right to have a different opinion and I respect that and hope you do the same :slight_smile: I hope you continue to share your opinions so we can have the best feedback for the devs as possible! For the Record, I hope they make Survival cracked and make it so it has a place in PVE. you guys get the short straw often and its not fair. I hope they can make it work!

Make an @cursor macro


Yeah for sure. Assuming it wont get changed, i figured thats probs what ill do.

it’s also because bm is really easy to play, where much of your damage is actually pet damage.

surv in df take skill to play in PVP.

I’m hoping these changes allow for a more bruiser play style so we can stay out in melee range and brawl it out with rogues warrior dks and paladins

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TBH I would be absolutely stoked if I could go petless forever and not lose all the pet utility.

I hate pets and I only really like MM, so it’s my dream to just be petless. when LW was first introduced I was excited until I realize you lose every bit of pet utility

Overall TWW changes are amazing and I’m very pleased, few issues though with general tree node organization (why are useful pvp talents locked behind Misdirect etc).

The talent that reduces intim/binding shot CD by 0.5 seconds per is kinda imbalanced for MM, since it’s harder to reliably spam aimed shots compared to bombs/kill command in pvp. Feel like it should be 1 sec for aimed shot and it wouldn’t be crazy, since in PvP the amount of CC you get rammed with makes it hard to get more than 4-5 aimed shots in a 40-45 second window often times. Under ideal conditions/freecasting with trueshot you might take 5 seconds off it as it is, and that’s a stretch (strictly talking pvp, which is where the CC matters more, don’t think this would be OP for pve but maybe?).

Wailing Arrow atm is hot garbage for MM cause it doesn’t gain any of the benefits of aimed shot, no streamline cast speed or anything , even does less damage than aimed shot despite being magic, even against plate Aimed shot is better, kinda weird, I don’t see the point of it unless it gains all the aimed shot benefits.

Takes 10 aimed shots to even get 1 proc of wailing arrow too.

Those are the only complaints though, everything else is quite amazing and I’m very excited.


Tringer Finger actually gives 5% attack speed which includes casts. I wasn’t sure so I tested it, aimed shot goes from 2.2 seconds to 2.1 seconds.

Nothing really significant for 2 points though, kinda sad, it should be 1 point
 But also it should be haste so it affects GCD as well rather than “attack speed”.


Lone wolf should be zero points and baseline


I had thought that “attack speed” at this point included only auto-attack speed, with “casting speed” and Haste alone affecting casting speed. Thanks for the correction.

It means that Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire will be worth 5% more their margin over rotation had neither skill been included, though that’s far from a straight 5% damage increase to either even when not factoring in loss on/to redundancies like Lock and Load.

No, it shouldn’t, unless you want to increase the costs of utility. With this being relatively optional, you’re only really taxed 5 DPS nodes in total as SV and most MM builds (+10% WFB/AiS dmg, +2|4% crit, Kill Shot crit damage, crit value) and 6 as BM in most builds (+10% KC dmg, +2|4% crit, +2.5|5% attack speed, crit value). If anything, the +2|4% crit tax ought to be removed or softened to +1|2%.

Bit of a mixed bag considering survival gets to trap for almost free with harpoon, without using up your stun
harder damage profile sure but its so much easier to trap people as SV

I believe that’s a bug bc other attack speed increases don’t typically hasten like this