Hunter changes in beta

Hunter changes

Fixed a ton of things,

Barrage is cool, lots of great nodes.

Lone wolf nerfed to 5% and only effects certain abilities.

Still need to summon a pet out to lust, and use some of our strongest utility freedom,sac,anti heal in pvp…

I think its pretty simple, lone wolf is baseline and lone wolf is basically a spirit like orb that floats around you or a monkey on your shoulder or a hawk that automatically does damage to your primary target. Done no more balancing it. People who run lone wolf can still use lust or pet stun but dont have to worry about pet keybinds because its just always there. No more trouble balancing it


Initial opinions of course it’s hard to piece it all together in the patch-data dump.

A lot of events hanging on resets, such as Murder of Crows every 5x KC, Serpent String ever 5x Cobra/MS, every x3 Dire Beasts summoning Hati/Fenryr. I like this approach for BM.

Killer Cobra seems a little weird. Applying a DoT with an execute function?

Multi Shot Talent Position has Changes → Either horrible or amazing. It needs to be very accessible.

Wailing Arrow removed. I think some will be sad but I am happy for this.

Overall liking the BM changes. I have yet to read MM/SV.


Here is the blue post .

I’ll have to really unpack this when I have more time, but at a quick glance I am pretty excited for the potential of BM. Again, just a quick glance.

Seems our survivability got improved some, too.

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I updated the blue post, easier to read.


I’m kind of happy on the lone wolf nerf. I’m getting pretty tired of being pigeonholed into BM if I want to be ranged with a pet. I’m not sure what percentage of dps a pet provides in marks these days, but hopefully it works out to being able to play with a pet and still be somewhat competitive.

BM: I’m not sure, I’ll have to try it when I get a chance to hop on beta. An increase in DoT’s seems weird though. Especially applying serpent sting on kill shot, an ability that’s meant to be an execute. I understand dot’s will interact with our pets to make them deal more damage, but it seems out of place identity wise.

Surv: It will continue to be melee and continue to be ignored by 90% of hunters. It’s just simply not a numbers thing, but a “no one rolls hunter to be melee” thing. They should really just tack on the ability to use kill shot and muzzle with a range weapon, to the ranger talent, and give the option to do either or.

Also I was expecting some hero talent stuff here, but I guess we’re just doomed to have the worst in the expansion. Okay I guess.


Sad we still cant cast Kill Shot with a ranged weapon as survival

Just a huge YAY for actually getting significant changes. I don’t have beta so I can’t dig down into the nitty gritty, but I actually have some renewed hope for our Class. So thank you!


Survival is doing it’s best Mr. Torgue impression.

I am stoked for the changes and cannot wait to get hands on. Until then I will reserve judgement but I am definitely pleased that Blizzard went hard.


That is what you took away from today’s notes?


It looks like the only way to get specialized arsenal is to take freaking Tar Trap…I don’t want Tar Trap and have no clue why it should keep me from taking a damage boost to KC.

Until someone smarter than myself really digs into these changes and explains what’s going on it’s hard to say exactly how I should feel about it all. But, so far on paper I am super hyped for survival and can’t wait to get my hands on it.

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if you want to do more damage as MM you still SHOULD be taking lone wolf. they just nerfed something that almost every single MM players PREFERS…

absolute wrong direction for the spec that’s clearly been the petless hunter for ages now.


PVP wise you would never lose out on anti heal\sacrifice\freedom\stop flag caps for 5% damage. Also you are wasting a full talent on losing all of that.

PVE wise you still need a pet to lust and you waste a talent on it.

MM should not need a pet to use any utility and lone wolf should be baseline.


Wailing Arrow removed.

not for MM. it was made passive and procs via wind arrows but also only ST silences.

MOST of the time you don’t need to press lust because a bunch of classes press it for you. mage, shaman, evoker, or even BM hunters…

also PvP I couldn’t care less, which is the same for a vast majority of WoW players so whatever.

I mean I still remember lone wolf moving from baseline to optional in order to give hunters the choice.

I’m not saying lone wolf should be nerfed to the point that it’s worse to take it, but like, I’m just hoping that if you don’t take it, you’re not gimped to the point that your a hinderance to your group.

Pets are a core part of hunter identity. They have been since the game first came out, and it feels kinda crappy to be stuck playing a single spec if you want both a pet and ranged combat.


I for one, do prefer using a pet. I don’t want to be the zoo keeper spec so this works for me.


5% damage on only single target spells is basically pet damage. except you dont get to lust and lose on utility.

Pets are not core to MM for many people. Should not need pets to use Utility on MM.

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Sure, I don’t disagree with that. I’m just advocating for the choice. It doesn’t have to be an either or thing here.