Hunter changes in beta

Guess I should have tested with Bloodseeker and Steady Shot, but that just seemed so out of the way that I just… /shrug, lol.

Surv hunter had a moment in shadowlands! I remember seeing them quite a bit, but that was long ago xD

it was just fotm rerollers who promptly dropped the spec after sl s4 finished

think it has weirdly affected aimed shot for a while now I do remember this interaction with raz bow as well

Maybe it just has something to do with it being “physical” despite being a cast, such that attack speed refers to all physical frequencies but therefore somehow also includes it?

Has it also affected Rapid Fire’s/Barrage’s channel duration, so far as you recall?

Would be interesting if it was, and then you could spend talent points into boosting it. Maybe make it a 4/8% boost, which while techincally less than the 1 point for 5% it now is, would at least provide an option for up to 8% if you wanted to spend an extra point.

Having Lone Wolf in the spec tree adds extra layers to any needed balancing, as it creates an added cost to taking or not taking the talent on top of the cost of having a pet out, or not.

If it is a talent, you’re short a talent point compared to Hunters who do not take Lone Wolf and have an extra talent point to invest elsewhere. Investing in Lone Wolf brings petless Hunters relatively in line with those who choose not to invest and do use a pet. If those who do not invest then are able to invest in a different talent, then the equivalency of the 2 builds is offset, with Lone Wolf being behind. Adding a point to make Lone Wolf a higher damage boost than it would be at baseline could very likely return us to the same issue we could solve by making LW a baseline spell with a simple on/off balance.

I would also say that the actual percentage amount of the LW damage buff is unimportant, provided there is parity between playstyles, and if LW provides near the same amount of utility that using a pet would; access to Lust, an Intimidation-equivalent stun, leech/speed/stam, etc.

The challenge with LW is, MM pets only do single target damage, so using one in aoe-focused scenarios is very often a dps loss. Single target these things will be much closer, of course.


Just make it so lone wolf does extra damage on your auto attacks that is identical to pet damage. Its not super complicated then it woupd be peefectly balanced and a coametic choice

Then you dont have to balance aoe, and make it so you have a hawk or spirit pet that uses pet stun or lust and everything is balanced/fixed

At the moment pet is going to be stronger just due to getting 10% leach and a extra talent point. Its so stupid

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Why? Having it be “free” but “able to spend extra talent points into” creates the very same balancing and cost-foe-utility issues.

Utility not specific to having a second unit (with the separate position, HP bar, threat pool, and status effects received inherent to that) should not rely on having a pet out; the (most recent) pet or some equally or more convenient means of swapping chosen effects should only add rapid access to customization.

Hunter Leech, Movement Speed, or HP, and Lust, Freedom, or Last Stand should not require a pet to be out, only allow the (most recent) pet (or similar switch) to rapidly change which we use.

Meanwhile, Lone Wolf should substitute only what the loss of pet costs us, which is single target white damage. It should therefore affect AAs, nothing more.