Hunter changes in beta

Ya, I also don’t care if people want that. It’s what we got and I’ll enjoy playing with it.

It’s also only 3%, so unless they make this scale, it will be unnoticed when missed. Strange they went out of the way to make a 10 second grace period for a 3% damage reduction, but won’t do something much more meaningful like make raptor strike baseline.


Yeah, it’s just a LOT of detail for something so minor. Why make it complex?

What’s frustrating is there will be an argument of "well you have 3/6% DR, why are you complaining? As if it’s a major boost. But then it’s just got all of this “extra” to deal with. Yeah most of the time it’s fine, but why add the extra at all? Why not just make it ALL of the time with the pet out?

Some additional things I’d like to mention.
I don’t like that you have to spec into Trailblazer to pick up Roar of Sac, and I say that as someone who actually loves Trailblazer.
And for BM the spec side of the tree seems pretty expensive and very divided between ST and AOE. I actually favored BM slightly this expansion because it had a better ST → AOE Marriage than MM.

Ya that argument depends on the content, in pvp that is a pretty significant thing. In pve I’m not so sure, but even then it’s just free.

Nothing is ever free. There’s always an opportunity cost.


Lol ok.

I truly appreciate the team that worked hard on the rework of hunter! Well done and thank you so much!

So it’s 5% damage and 5% extra haste over a pet using MM.

TRUE, but is this actually a haste buff or just “attack speed” which would only reference autos…

It’s attack speed, not haste

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First of all, excellent changes, thank you very much. On the class talent side, everything looks very good.

My first impressions in the Beast Master talents i find 3 main problems regarding gameplay and padding:

1- Explosive Venom: the idea of ​​the design of this talent is excellent, but the way in which it is applied is wrong. It should be the first cobra shot and the first multi shot and then the effect cannot occur in the next 3. This way it allows the player to control when to do it and allows the effect to start doing its damage over time from the beginning, thinking about low life enemies, priority enemies and the openers of raid bosses.

2- Dire Command (as a core hunter’s fantasy): Should be relocated to Dire Beast’s as a Cap Stone. Doing it this way the choice could open three forms of gameplay:

a- Dire Beast: for players who want to control when to use Dire Beast (every 20s)

b- Dire Frenzy: to make it last 2s longer at 60% damage

c- Huntmasters call: to call Hati of Fenryr (every 3 Dire Beast) for players who want this ability without being forced to take Dire Beast Talent

By doing it this way and having as cap stone Dire Commnd any of the 2 options (b or c) can occur without the need to force the player to use Dire Beast as a talent.

Opening up the possibility of using Dire Frenzy or Huntmasters call in both single or multi target situations without forcing us to take the Dire Beast talent.

3- Scent of Blood: At this stage Scent of Blood should be a single talent point and grants 1 charge of Barbed Shot only, giving the player the option of how to get to Piercing Fangs with only 1 pointers behind

I mean there’s going to always be people who like it. I’m talking in broad strokes. You have to when dealing with large groups of people. But those who want to be melee are in the vast minority.


Im kinda interested in having multishot replace arcane shot when you get bulletstorm and small game hunter. Wonder hows that gonna feel.

Rapid fire is trash, Put that crap lower on the tree. Don’t foist that trash ability on me i’m a marksman hunter not an LMG hunter.

It’s 5% damage at cost of a talent and 5% extra Auto-Attack speed over not using a pet (assuming you even bother with Trigger Finger as MM despite AAs making up less than 2.3% of your ST damage and far less of your AoE damage). And that’s with the Razz Bow Legendary.

  • Seriously, though, don’t take Trigger Finger as MM unless it’s buffed some 12x or more and running Lone Wolf or 20x+ otherwise. It’s at best a 0.1% dps increase for per point in ST; less in AoE.

Rofl LMG hunter. UziSpec.

Well, assuming balance.

Which is a great target, though sadly not so consistently the result.

Sadly, with the hidden 10s leniency period, it’s just that: Flavor text. You have Versatility, and Versatility-without-scaled-mitigation.

Which, arguably, is better than if the range constraint were real, since the alternative would be a net loss in nuance (by curtailing/precluding nuances more so than adding new optimization concerns).

Pack Tactic and Animal Companion should be baseline for BM the spec is made with these 2 to work in mind for it work. They shouldnt be talent

These changes seem nice overall. I just hope that someday I can play Hunter while being able to use Ancient Hysteria while having a duck pet instead of feeling forced to use a different pet to bring that utility to a group. I say this because ducks are very special to me for personal reasons.

For me, the fantasy of playing a hunter would hinge on me being able to play with my pet of choice in all content. I suspect other people feel the same way about the pet they would love to have out all the time. It feels weird that Blizz doesn’t see it this way?


There was a time it was possible to choose your pet roles. I hope it come back. I liked having a dps pet with a tank role so its stats was those of a tank and all