Hunter changes in beta

You have a 10s window to get back within 25 yards before the 100% boost drops. That is more than enough time to do so.

6% DR is about 8000~ vers at level 80. Even though it’s not an exciting mastery, it’s a very good one.


It’s fundamentally not, though. Its value hinges solely on whether it has a higher growth rate than Versatility, and provides nothing that Versatility didn’t already provide.

Hell, I’d rather be able to take Puzzle Box to amp my Mongoose/Butchery/Explosive/Sting damage by 50% on the fly than have it increase all damage but only by some 11%.

Which does not matter when it’s not a scalar anyways. It’s just base DR increase for the spec.

It’s ‘couldn’t care less’.

Wait really…

Keep in mind the Dark Ranger tree will proc a kill shot every time you black arrow. Also, the talent that is a 10% chance on KC to proc a KS might be worth taking now.

Overall I really like the changes for BM. I don’t know the other two specs well enough to comment on them.

Things are definitely looking better for us survival. Great to see so much wasted nodes go away. But still one is kind of wonky. Why are we still having to waste a point on raptor strike just to have it replaced a few nodes down still. Its good to see carve go away since it was useless in comparison to butchery, but the same goes for raptor. That should be a baseline ability for starting survivals and then spec into mongoose as you level. It feels bad to still spend 2 points to only use 1 of the abilities.


I got into the beta for a little bit to check it out, and my first impression is I like the trees a lot better than what we currently have. I like the feel of MM specifically a bit more, and I enjoy Rapid Fire Barrage even though they just mixed the names and its a smaller aoe rapid fire. I am happy so far outside of hero trees. I still like Sentinel the most.

To be fair, its better than expected. Still a few must changes in my books for BM:

  • there shouldn’t be any 2 point nodes period. This allows more options further down and perhaps move a few lower nodes up. The bottom of the tree is very cluttered.

  • Multi Shot and Beast Cleave should be base line. Or combine the talents into one and make them unavoidable to take. Base line AOE shouldn’t be an option.

  • Hunters Prey (Kill Shot Proc) need to be 25% chance up from 10% from Cobra Shot, it might actually make the shot relavent and node relavent.

  • Explosive Vemon should be if you hit a target already affected with serpent sting by either Cobra Shot or Multi Shot it refreshes it or, if you hit the same target twice in a row with either Cobra or Multi Shot it applies Serpent Sting.

I believe the above changes aren’t too much to ask for and are decently easy to implement.

The rest is either passable or decent and I can deal with it. This does’t rock my socks but its not bad.

I feel like I might be in the minority here but as someone who only plays BM the reworked talent trees seem… underwhelming?

My biggest concern is that the BM tree only offers the illusion of choice.
When Call of the Wild got reworked it became a mandatory pick along with it’s modifier talent Bloody Frenzy/Wild Insticts. Piercing fangs has been another default choice as well since it was a legendary effect in Shadowlands. With both of those still being capstones, you spend 28/30 talents to just end up with 95% of the talents we’re already running. It seems like there’s hardly any wiggle room. I’d prefer they make Scent of Blood (two charges of Barbed Shot on Bestial Wrath) baseline or a single point. That would at least free up one or two points in the middle path.

That aside, there’s other minor changes I think they should consider:
Pack tactics should become baseline for BM. 100% Focus regen feels like such a wasted talent point.
Kindred Spirits (max focus increase) just needs to be removed. Not only is it not useful, it’s also 2 points.

As for the general class tree my only major issue is that we have to go through Tar Trap to get to our interrupt.
A minor gripe would be that we’re still going to be using Death Chakram and that skill has never felt good.

Other than that I’m happy they’ve looked at defensive aspect of hunters and have seemed to address that.

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My main complaint with BM is both hero specs synergize with Call of the Wild, yet they put it in the deep left capstone of the spec tree. Like they did with Wake of Ashes for ret paladins, Call of the Wild needs to have easier access so it doesn’t make other capstones so difficult to reach.

Not really, we are all in here on this forum, all of the time. Just because you choose to ignore us doesn’t mean we aren’t here. I’m getting truly sick of having to explain this to you people


Yes really. It was level 11, but at level 10 you got kill command at least. There are zero baseline survival rotational abilities. You have to use a ranged weapon until level 12 now, it was level 11 (or 10 if you were okay with autoattack + kill command).

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Why are explosive shot and two traps at the middle of left side talents …

They’re just incapable as usual.

Thoughts on BM:

  1. I preferred the Hunter starting tree of starting with Kill Command then Trailblazer → Counter shot or Kill Shot → Improved Kill Shot
  2. BM used to start with Kill Command. Now it’s moved to the BM tree and it’s your first buy. BM always took about 10 levels to feel like a more rounded spec. This delays that so this is worse;
  3. Multi-shot and Beast Cleave are gated behind Animal Companion. I don’t understand (nor like) that. The current tree that puts Animal Companion with Aspect of the Beast sorta feels more consistent;
  4. The right side of the BM tree has collected a bunch of Barbed Shot modifiers. That’s the kind of thing I mean with (3) and that feels fine;
  5. I like how Alpha Predator has moved way up the tree;
  6. Hunter’s Prey feels out of place where it is in the tree. Kill Command modifiers are largely on the left. It feels like it was put there because there was a blank space and no other reason;
  7. Stomp feels out of place. It should be nearer Barbed Shot or Kill Cleave talents;
  8. Kindred Spirits has moved down the tree and hasn’t changed. I don’t understand this. It’s a largely worthless talent as is and now it’s harder to get?
  9. Training Expert feels out of place. It should be nearer to Animal Companion, Aspect of the Beast, etc. If anything, the pet talents should feed into the Dire Beast talents later;
  10. Barrage is new. It’s in a really odd place in the tree however (IMHO);
  11. I really don’t like the first 4 rows of the general Hunter tree at all… It doesn’t feel cohesive. It feels like you have to get through some useless talents to get to anything good. This is a general issue with the Hunter tree (IMHO). I struggle to spend points because it’s all useless after a certain point;
  12. Territorial Instincts seems nice;
  13. I don’t like the 3 talents above Death Chakram;
  14. Can we just have the 9.2 legendary power of Death Chakram + Explosive Shot? That was so fun and I still miss it;
  15. Traps and trap talents are all over the place on the Hunter tree. It feels random and not thought out;
  16. Moving Trailblazer (and Pathfinding) WAY down the tree I don’t like at all. I liked Trailblazer being an early talent;
  17. Trailblazer and Pathfinding used to have 2 charges. Now they have 1. Is this intentional? If so, I don’t like it;
  18. Several other talents were reduced from 2 ranks to 1.
  19. Did Sharp Barbs disappear? Why?


I’m struggling to spend points in the Hunter tree.

This build is similar to my current issues with the Hunter tree in that I don’t see a lot of real choice. You’re making a cleave build because there’s nothing else to do. You could do lots of things to Kill Command (higher minimum % of health), Multi-Shot (eg a second wave of shots like the Ret Paladin talents do), etc.

Not to mention not having raptor strike for the first dozen levels. That must be fun.

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What’s the plan for bosses with giant hit boxes? Are surv hunters going to have to constantly work to stay close enough to their pets who are on the rear end of mobs and 30 yards away?

Are surv hunters struggling to stay alive on these types of bosses currently? I’m not a hardcore raider but I don’t see the issue here.

Also, don’t you also want to be hitting the mobs in the back as well if possible?

There are times when that’s not happening. And it’s less about whether the buff kicks in IMO and more about why the restriction is there in the first place. It should just have to be out to have the buff, not within a certain range.

I mean, let’s be real, who’s using their pet but having it parked 30 yards away? The damage loss from not having a pet would negate any gimmick benefit of the DR, so why put the restriction in there to begin with? If it’s about “flavor” it’s silly.

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I like the way it’s being done, adds a skill eexpression to it.

As a mostly arena player I envision playing vs a RMP and my pet is attacking a mage 30yards away because reasons, I get kidneyed and they do a go on me. Bad hunters will keep their pet on mage while I will call it back for the extra DR and possibly not have to use a team defensive due to it. I like interactions like that.

I mean this in the best way possible, but I don’t want talents for the entire spec balanced around PVP nuances.