Hunter changes in beta

Yea a choice would be good. It just flip flopped from requiring lone wolf to now going to pet.


Im really happy we got some changes to all spec tress as well as the general talent.

You mean just like MM for almost the entire expansion. Surv is not ignored, most hunters just only want to play bm.


Most hunters want ranged with a pet lol. Or at least ranged, thatā€™s why BM has such a high number of players. Itā€™s a core part of hunters identity, and one theyā€™re adamant on ignoring for 2/3rds of the class.

Also MM being ignored is more of a numbers and DF thing. Survā€™s been ignored by players since the legion rework.


MM was ignored this xpac because its dps was bad not because people hate playing range, if it did more dps than BM people would play it like in shadowlands. Survival ALWAYS is the least played spec regardless of expac unlike MM


It should definitely be a choice.
lone wolf should be baseline and damage neutral with using a pet, alongside letting you use pet utility without the pet. Literally make it a cosmetic difference nothing more. I want to use mm with a pet, some donā€™t, we should both be allowed to choose


Wow survivalā€™s mastery is actually really useful IF the damage reduction scales with mastery

[Mastery: Spirit Bond]) You and your pet deal [ 85% of Spell Power ]% increased damage> and take 3% reduced damage. This bonus is increased by 100% when youā€™re within 25 yds of each other. Hunter - Survival Spec. Hunter - Survival Spec. 100 yd range.

I like the interaction between bombs, explosive shot and KC in survival.

And volley replaces sentinel owl.

Kill Zone
Your spells and attacks deal 8% increased damage and ignore line of sight against any target in your Volley.


I kinda like changes for BM kinda sad on some other part tough. Hati and Fenryr is cool. But what if I dont want them visually. Can we get a glyph for it. Cobra shot get like 2 talents into the skills tree like really ā€¦ Some stuff should be added baseline. Like having 2 pets or having stronger pet passive.

Iā€™m disappointed by them because they donā€™t have any cool visual effects. it justā€¦ summons them.
We donā€™t even get the titans thunder artifact effectā€¦?

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It currently does not. Itā€™s 3% or 6% depending on the distance from your pet. Iā€™ve tested it with 0 mastery and 7000 mastery. It remains at 3% when out of range of pet and 6% within.


For all the improved point-efficiency, this seems a net loss for Survival.

No more Wildfire Infusions (replaced with KC instead reducing WFB CD by 2 seconds).

No more manual Serpent Sting, a downtime and mid-gather tool synergetic with Wildfire Infusions.

No more Poison Injector management available, and Hydraā€™s has been slightly nerfed.

Fury of the Eagle is now locked behind uninteresting and ineffective bloat that is now even more pointlessly weak.

Our capstones are even more gated by 2-point-nodes than before.

Harpoon is now even out of the way and delayed in access during leveling.

MM and SV both seem even more distinctly ST | AoE | Hybrid split in their capstones, effectively seeing MM and SV limited to just 1-2 gameplay-adding capstone choices for M+ or a given raid fight.

The new Mastery is literally Versatilityā€¦ but without the mitigation, and requiring now that you donā€™t use Intimidate on distant enemies nor Growl-Move LoS if thatā€™d take your pet more than 25 yards away from you. (The mitigation doesnā€™t scale with Mastery. You effectively just get a straight 3% mit as a spec aura-buff, doubled while near to your pet.)

  • Even a tuning buffed old Mastery would honestly have felt better, as at least then we could pop a Mastery trinket (almost 50% off a maxed Puzzle Box) just before going ham on a focus target. Iā€™d far rather have a more narrowly targeted but high-scaling damage stat than a universal but low scaling one (i.e., a Versatility, but even more dull).

Like, I want to be happy that weā€™re getting changes, butā€¦ despite a couple novel gimmicks I do quite enjoy (especially, new Bombardier and, to a lesser extent, Grenade Juggler), tooā€¦ Iā€™m probably going to be having less fun if this goes live like this.

Iā€™m okay with its loss, if only because new Bombardier largely hits the same spot, but there is currently a pretty big issue in that Bombardier makes Relentless Fury (one half of the new CA-augmenting choice node) a non-option.

Quick Accordant Suggestions:

  • Baseline Raptor Strike.
  • Baseline Harpoon.
  • Guerilla Tactics made optional or a choice nodeā€¦ or baselined.
  • Blood seeker moved to Row 3 directly below Kill Command, and feeding into Quick Shot and Mongoose Bite.
  • Wildfire Infusions returned, even if as a choice node against KC giving WFB CDR. Ideally with an improved Shrapnel Bomb (e.g., causes your attacks to penetrate half of enemy armor) that can better scale with ST instead of being useful only as an uncapped AoE source.
  • Replacements/rehauls for Outland Venom, Killer Companion, Explosives Expert, and Sweeping Spear.
  • Buff or replacement for Sicā€™ Em.
  • Stronger baseline Coordinated Assault if it is to remain gated behind a bloat-node.
  • A real Mastery, instead of just Versatility-but-without-defensive-scaling.

During Dragonflight Alpha I made a hunter talent tree and I added it cause I find it missing. Iā€™d much prefer it it over that ugly stomp

For the most part it looks very positive(for MM)

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Baseline Lone Wolf gives the choice alreadyā€¦ so long as the resultant buff for having no pet out is no better than what you get from the pet. You chooseā€¦ by summoning or dismissing the pet.

Utility should not be pet-dependent. Pet-varied, certainly, as you should either still have manual choice as to which family you, yourself, want to take the passive and active from or it should mimic that of your last pet summoned (to ultimately the same effect), but you should be able to perform each action without the pet or via a Hunter variant of those actions (e.g., Distracting Shot instead of Growl).

But at the same time, damage not affected by losing the pet, such as AoE damage, should not be compensated for loss of oneā€™s pet. Lone Wolf should buff the same type of damage that the pet provides: single-target white damage. It should buff your auto-attack damage; nothing more.

shouldā€™ve just baselined harpoon and raptor strike (since now you wont be able to do melee as a survival hunter until lv12 now lol)


Yeah =\ Kinda dumb that raptor strike still isnā€™t baseline, but maybe theyā€™ll figure it out.

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Why do the force you to take the stupid bombs in survival.

Iā€™m a nature pet lover I donā€™t want a freaking bomb!!!


First off thanks for giving Hunter some much needed attention.

I am THRILLED to have NEW talents and a pruning of options that just were never chosen.

Iā€™m very happy to see things moved around a bit, though it seems like we are still a bit bloated with items that we HAVE to take, that we donā€™t really want or need in order to get to the talents that we do really require. The Spec tree for Beast Mastery seems more expensive than it needs to be, even with less two point options.

Is there really a need to have pvp talents in the main or spec trees? Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d ever use Guille suit even in PVP. Quickshot might be helpful for Survival hunter but less so for MM or BM in a PVE setting.

Moment of Opportunity seems not very useful for PVE. If I need to sprint away, the last thing I want to do is try to put a trap down. This would be better if a trap was automatically placed down when we activate disengage.

Kindling Flare: If we are going to have more stealthing pets in the incoming expansion great. It was fun hunting with flare for the new spirit beast tiger. But if not? again seems more of a PVP talent.

Over all? Iā€™m happy with the Class tree. I can get most of the talents I need and want without having to do a lot of fiddling around with it per encounter or choice of activity (raiding / dungeons / open world events)

The spec tree for BM seems rather expensive. If I try to access whatā€™s currently available in Dragonflightā€™s tree in the TWW I canā€™t afford it. (Mostly because there are new talents you canā€™t avoid due to how the tree is layed out and there are mandatory amount of points per section)

Iā€™m not sure some of the new talents are worth the loss of the previous builds. Iā€™m all for meaningful choices but right now I canā€™t say either way if the placement of all the options is beneficial or simply designed to throttle our options.

I really LOVE the idea of the Horn summoning Hati or Fenryr but the visuals on this will really make or break it. As will the sound. Seeing who shows up will be fun. But will this be random? will it be in succession that goes back and forth?

Do most classes only get ONE capstone option? getting two seems possible if you go multi-target / cleave build but less possible if you want the two options on the left and right.

Please stop trying to push DPS off the table, you brilliant lunatic!

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Remember that youā€™re basically guaranteed to be taking 2 points of Trigger Finger from the class tree too, which gets doubled if you donā€™t have a pet.

So itā€™s 5% damage and 5% extra haste over a pet using MM.

Changes look pretty spicy all up. A lot of things to like.

Extremely pleased that there are more opportunities to have a little bit of AoE in your heavy single target builds.

I appreciate that they seem to be making crit our clear favourite stat, even if it does probably mean our race selection will become even more important to minmax.

Survivability changes are solid. Iā€™ll miss higher speed posthaste but such is life. Core tree just looks excellent in general, very pleased with all of that.

The spec trees are going to need a bunch of simming & theorycraft before we can get our heads around the impact of the changes, but they definitely look hopeful.

Edit: I see Survival still has its vestigial Steady Shot buff lmfao