Hunter Buffs Finally!


It’s literally the only weapon in the game with a non normalised speed. It’s quite obviously an oversight.

Grow up.

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I have most all classes to 70, pushing a few of them between 16 - 21 keys, and hunter is by far the most fragile.

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Someone disagreeing with you about numbers on the boards is neither trolling nor harassment.

Abuse of the reporting system is; however, a violation of board policies.

The disagreement between you and the other poster is not cause for anyone to become upset. Perhaps best to just agree to disagree.


It’s a bit more nuanced than that. I have no doubt they would have left it as it was if that was all there was to it, but the Clefthoof messed things up and they would rather just remove Mend Pet leech than fix one pet.

For clarity, the Clefthoof has an ability called Blood of the Rhino, which increases armor by 10% and healing received by 20%. It’s also a ferocity pet, so grants up to 15% Leech.

  • My clefthoof pet has about 200k health.
  • Mend Pet is a 50% heal over 10 seconds, which is about 100k.
  • Increase by 20%, that’s 120k heal.
  • At 15% Leech, that is ~18k heal every 10 seconds.

Not exactly a massive heal, but something they felt was important to nerf.

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But that amount of healing was only available to one spec, with one specific pet.

My (MM) wolf also has 200k HP, so 100k Mend Pet, so 10k heal over 10s at 10% Leech. 1k HPS while burning 1 of every 7 GCDs to maintain it.

Counting that as any kind of meaningful self healing is absolutely ridiculous.

I’d much prefer they give us a some baseline Leech in the Class Tree, and allow pet damage to (also) Leech to the Hunter for BM. With that, an 8% max HP increase from Rejuvenating Winds (22k for me at 405 ilvl), and a cooldown reduction on our defensives (e.g. 3 min to 2 min baseline on SotF), we’d be fine. Mend Pet Leech gimmick need not apply.

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Oh, I agree. It wasn’t strong enough to warrant a nerf at all. Just saying I think it was the Hunters complaining they were pigeon-holed into Clefthoof that caused it. It also contributed to healing numbers in logs, which likely skewed the devs when deciding on appropriate defensives coming into DF.

I mean yeah, it’s kind of BS that we are pigeonholed into a few very specific pets.

Clefthoof letting you spend 14% of your GCDs to heal 20% less pathetically than any other Ferocity pet is not pigeonholing by any stretch of the imagination.

That’s my point. People need to pick their battles and not complain over minor non-issues.

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I wrote a rewrite to the MM Hunter skill tree in MS paint. I actually put in a lot of thought and a few hours of effort into it, but I can’t upload it to the forums. RIP. :frowning:

It added in a little survivability, new less-lackluster abilities, and reimagined the core of being an MM Hunter. It didn’t even give a ton of passive damage increases, it just focused on changing abilities to be more dynamic where it could.

If anyone knows how I could upload it here, let me know. I’d love input on the ideas.

The issue in 20+ keys is that our DEF CD’s are on long timers. So if you don’t space them out enough and a big ability is being cast and you don’t have a CD ready you’re pretty much dead.

We have powerful defensive abilities they’re just on to long of a CD

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This, so much this! and the talent trees please!

I dont think ive ever seen someone so adamantly defend their position in such a wrong way. The crafted bow is fine, wont be changed, and engineer will move on just fine afterwards. Season 2 is almost upon us anyway. If they were going to do something about it, logically they would have done it when they nerfed the raz bow as it would be in line with the work they were already doing. Its nkt an oversight, and unique qualities in crafted gear was a big part of the DF crafting overhaul. Wouldnt be surprised if later seasons bring even more surprises like this.

I dont see how ONE item in comparison between two professions is at all a reason to be so disturbed. Its just…not a deal at all. I for one love the bow!


I am thinking they are an engineer and upset that LW can make a great bow. Next time around it could be the other way.

It’s just a game.

Which is what we should expect from a minor patch. Reworks are pretty rare to see outside of major patches. Like even the ret pally changes, which are far greater than a minor patch typically yields, isnt much of a rework as it is turning some knobs

for some reason i have a trusted level that lets me post pictures (even though all i do is whine about the bow and post memes in GD), if you upload it to imgur and link it i’ll put it up for you

Trust levels are weird, because you can be banned forever from the higher trust levels if you’ve ever been suspended in game. I was once suspended for five minutes because someone complained about my pet’s name. It was an undead dinosaur named Erectus.

Funny thing is, that name was fine for years. It wasn’t until a pair of world pvpers got upset that I beat them that it became an issue.

My favorite thing about trust levels is that you get 5 chances (aka suspensions), regardless of context on your entire blizzard account for the forums and then you’re automatically barred from trust level 3.
Shoutout to multiflaggers and trolls for removing my ability to post helpful graphics and sometimes memes

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5 chances? The Blizzard description of Trust levels says one. If it’s five, I still have a couple left.

  • First flag was in vanilla, when I logged on and all my gear and gold was gone. Reported it and got banned. They insisted the game was unhackable and therefore I must’ve shared my password, so that account was banned. (I got it back at the end of BfA)
  • Second flag was when people were discussing the death of the Pope in general chat. I was congratulating a guildie for passing an important test, but accidentally sent it to general chat. I said “That’s awesome!” and got a 24 hour suspension…
  • Third was the 5 min suspension while they logged into my account and renamed my pet.

i forget where i read it, and just spent the last 10 minutes looking for the the exact post to link but there was an mvp post that outlined how it worked, with 5 suspensions being the hard limit before the system will lock your account to no higher than 2 and under from my understanding
it could’ve changed, as this is info from roughly 3-4 years ago, but i honestly doubt it

the only thing that completely circumvents it to my understanding is if your account is flagged for a beta license testing b group, which grants permanent tl3 regardless of account actions or status, which is neat

The buff just got nerfed. Imagine that.

New changes after adjustments:

Kill Command damage will be increased by 10%, down from 25%.
Barbed Shot damage will be increased by 12%, down from 25%.
Kill Cleave (talent) will now transfer 60% of Kill Command’s damage, up from 50%.