Humans are terribly characterized in this game

That’s fine. Let it be destroyed then. I was responding to the sentiment that the Alliance should ever get Lordaeron.


I would not mind Kel’thuzad or the Nathrezim coming back, taking over and making it a new raid.

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It’s hard to pull off mechanically, unfortunately.

Let’s use that example you listed. So, we change it so that there’s maybe 3-4 footman per horde soldier, with their health scaling accordingly.

Here’s the problem: Two mages of opposing factions get into this quest. Alliance mage needs to kill 10 of stronger mobs, not really able to pull too much or they’ll get roflstomped. Horde mage needs to kill 30-40 of weaker mobs, and can pull to their hearts content because their aoe spells can wreck the mobs before they get too many hits in.

The opposite favor happens in cases of classes with stronger single target output. It essentially means that the quest experience differs despite being the same class.

From a lore/story prespective, that’s totally fine. Because your experience should be different. Mechanically, that leads to frustration.

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While I do agree the single/multi-target experience would change, I think it wouldn’t be a problem if the quests fit into a similar whole:

Maybe one battlefield involves fighting 10 tauren and 20 humans, but the next in the chain involves fighting 10 draenei and 20 blood elves. And so on.

Or trade out classes: instead of a tough fighter, it’s a lower-HP caster, and so on.

I personally think it would be a good addition to the game, because it would also encourage quest designers to use a wide array of faction races/classes, rather than filling every role with NPCs from a single group.

Well certainly. Although mechanically we also have entire rows of talents to swap and under utilized abilities on our bars now. How many times do you actually chain lighting or lightning lasso while questing compared to the standard flame shock, lava burst, lighting shock while you wait for proc, repeat?

I dont think it would, overall, lead to frustration. Questing is already incredibly easy. A few mob like… mobs, or single target mobs scattered about ultimately doesn’t change much of the questing while also encouraging better play that is also more immersive.

This however also assumes its going to be a static ‘kill 10, kill 30’ as opposed to what Aviala suggested, using the new % based completion bar.

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I think alot of people forget that the humans of the alliance have always been shown to be able to field highly trained soldiers that work in unison to overcome enemies that are bigger and stronger than them.

Tides of Darkness novel explained it really well with the Alliance using formations of shield walls to block and funnel the horde warriors while using mages to destroy their forces. The orcs on the other hand were driven by bloodlust simply charged the alliance lines without strategy, Ogrim however did know how to best direct it at the alliance.

The Alliance also had far better equipment and ships than the horde, the Horde had to rely on brute strength and dark powers(death knights) to match the alliance

I rather liked Kul Tiran culture. Stormwind could have been interesting if they actually put names and faces to the house of nobles that screwed over the Defias. Instead it’s all Anduin all the time. Boring.


I see you’re digusting and prideful as the humans of warhammer. First all humans needed to band with elves in order to defeat the horde and they still never managed to wipe them out despite of constant years of war which speaks volumens how hard is to defeat trolls.

Secondly and last is that humans are just white-washed by the current team of writers that have a Kira’s desire with them(Nathanos, Jaina, Calia and Soyduin) and despite of being overpowered by plot excuses, they keep the intelligence of an ameba and continue to be decimated. Take a look at Lordaeron and only 2 human kingdomes remains in the game.


agree, and i think that we had the problem of timing.
People have been waiting years to see kultiras ingame, and at the time it comes we already had heavy human representantion with by example varian or khadgar/turalyon/tirion por pretty much all named humans.

After onixia they decided that stormwind would be just a generic kingdom not being specializated in anything in particular.

i think that is because they really didn’t cared that much about trolls.
like for example when zul attacked both factions, twice.
Who cared? literally nobody.

probably the same way azshara pretty much ignored them after conquering their lands.
she didn’t even see them as a threat. so she didn’t cared.

while lordaeron is gone recently they regained stromgrade and kultiras, stormwind is still standing and dalaran continues to be the pinacle of magic, despite that at least 3 of those 4 were destroyed once.

and probably soon they will gain gilneas, now, does that counts as humans? :thinking:

Not really, saying a nation has the right to annex another because refugees from that nation are in theirs is a pretty large leap of logic.


The US should annex Cuba with that logic.


More like a civil war where one group of civilians/both groups are now turning to foreign powers to either retain/take back power. And said super power claim the particular group they back should have legitimate claim.

But really, if we want to talk who should have legitimate claim it is either Calia, or her kid if said kid survived.

I mean…what you basically just described is that humans are more numerous than their opponents. Which is not really the case in WoW, given the various calamities the human nations have recently endured.

Edit: And that works for Warhammer because it’s a game that is focused on military units.

But WoW is focused on individual heroes. If individual elves were that much better than humans, as you describe, then everyone would just play elves. Uh…even more so.

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I mean, they’ve tried. A couple of times :stuck_out_tongue:

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Blizzard’s had multiple opportunities to make humans interesting, but let us not forget that they were pretty cool during Classic.

Back then, we had the Defias storyline along with the Missing Diplomat involving Stormwind. We saw that beyond Stormwind’s pearly white exterior, not everything was happy at home. The court of nobles were trying to assert themselves with the King being gone, the military was spread too thin fighting off seemingly nonexistent “threats”, the western part of the kingdom was in absolute ruin, the southern portion afflicted by a dark curse, and to the east, the Dark Horde was a rising threat.

As for the other human nations… either destroyed, closed-off or in complete shambles. Stromgarde was barely hanging on and Theramore was beset by deserters and agents of the Defias.

And just about all of that was dropped as soon as BC started. And with Wrath, Varian became a superhero who solved all of the humans’ problems.

So let’s not pretend that the humans were always this way- they definitely had issues that could not be easily overcome. But Blizzard dropped that aspect of their story like a sack of bricks and we got the generic, boring humans that we have now today.


Two things worgen

  1. Troll land was always coveted by alliance and horde factions. Take a look at this and let’s not forget the constant war the elfies did to get more Amani land. Unlike Worgens, they aren’t weaklings that surrender their city at the first sight of conflict.

  2. Zul never attacked the factions “twice” and the Horde with the Alliance joined sides to face both troll factions and was only with the goal of take down their leaders and hope the trolls don’t retail against them(so much for “nobody cared”)
    ToT was more a case of Pandarens asking help to face the new mogu and Zul alliance, they didn’t have any stake at all in that conflict.

Stromgarde will take years to rebuild, without mention the coffers of the alliance must be depleted for this war and there are troll tribes that with the help of the horde can put a stop in the rebuilding of that kingdome. Also borewind barely counts as anything but an extension of Soyduin character, Dalaran never counted as one since it was 50% elfie with humans

Gilneas is populated by blight and Forsaken refugees in the opinion of Golden:


lordaeron is gone :crab::crab:

sylvanas nuked that city and left the forsaken high and dry.

take back gilneas instead, scourge genocide now.

(unless calia actually becomes leader, then in which case, I guess Lordaeron exists again :man_shrugging:)

i am just saying that the alliance and the horde don’t care that much about trolls. they pretty much ignore them for the most part.
and when they focus on them usually they obliberate them.

i am not sure where you get that the worgens surrender the city at the first sigh of conflict, because i am pretty sure that they were defending the city that much that forced sylvanas to use blight making unable to conquer.

what are you even talking about? who was scared that the trolls retaliate?

stromgrade is already rebuilded.

the troll tribes are not a threat. they have been destroyed by almost every force in this universe.

Azshara killed them
nelfs killed them
helfs killed them
kultirans killed them
humans killed them
naga killed them
murlocs killed them
other trolls killed them
alliance and horde killed them.
the scourge killed them (they wiped out the drakkarri)
again, the horde killed a lot during garrosh.
and once again their city was sacked,their fleet destroyed and forgoten and their king killed by some dumb pirates.

now, really, did the trolls won something on their own?
did they even help to fight the legion?
No, that was the nelfs, who saved the world, like 4 times.
What did the trolls did?
at least they stopped g’hunn? No, that was basicaly the horde.

yes that is why i said “probably soon”.


Our faith is our shield!

By Ulric’s teeth!

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