Human pride

Uh huh. You’re really making a case for yourself here.

I remember Lena. I remember not always agreeing with Lena, but I remember that Lena had a pretty good point - and it was that the Alliance was being taken over by human homogenization which was, yes, crowding out the ability of other races to be portrayed fairly, or to be portrayed at all. Lena was right. BFA more than vindicated Lena - and the idea that you’re still holding her up as some malignant force tells me all I need to know when you roll up to me, considering my arguments, the framework I use, and the causes I stand for, and claim that you want a balanced rollout.

If you wanted a balanced rollout, then you wouldn’t be one of the principal defenders of human domination of the Alliance, and if you wanted a balanced rollout, you wouldn’t be defending designating an entire race the “victim race” of the Alliance. If you wanted a balanced rollout, you wouldn’t be castigating Lena, you would be marching around with a picture of Lena like it was one of the Orthodox relics that the Byzantines paraded around the walls of Constantinople every time they had to defend them. Yet here you are, stock lines and all.

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No my point was simply if blizzard gave you exactly what you wanted you would quit the game as soon as the story deviated at all from that.

You want Night elves front of the story and for them to be depicted as a powerhouse against all others. That isn’t going to happen, you have to share the spotlight will all other races.

I want characters Like Jaina and Anduin removed from the story simply because they hog that spotlight. I want other races to be brought to the forefront. However I don’t think the night elves need that They get plenty of focus.

That isn’t true, and if you read my posts, you would know that.

I’d say more to clarify, but you’re going to have to convince me that it’s worth the effort here. I’ve got no desire to say the same thing twenty times in twenty different ways to a wall.

Your Literally in a thread called “human pride” and bringing up issues the Night elves have. You do this with all threads and end up derailing them. No one can argue the issues other races have without you bringing up night elves.

Your a one note poster.

I’ll admit that I have a specialty, yes. But that doesn’t really address the matter here - you changed the subject our conversation.

I couldn’t care less if they burnt stormwind to the ground and crucified Anduin, I would love that. If that meant dwarves got to be the backbone of the Alliance all the better.

I was just pointing out Humans have had as bad time as the nightelves in the story. That doesn’t mean the story should revolve around them.

I’m not looking for them to raze Stormwind again. I think that would be extremely bad for the sense of investment that people built into the area, and it would make people feel like crud about the efficacy of the race in an MMO - and that last bit is again, critical, because we’re dealing with a different medium from an RTS.

If you want my frame of mind - look at my conversation with Aki from earlier. I want things to be balanced, I want everyone to feel great about the race that they picked. Unfortunately, we don’t have that now, and the desire on the part of the writers to simplify Alliance writing by trying to synonymize the Alliance with the humans is a large part of why we don’t have it.

As for the Night Elves, give us our redemptive moment against our faction rival - our onscreen victory to match what we’ve endured, then never touch us again. That’s what I want.

So you want everything to return to the status quo but where humans are pushed to the background of the story but not the night elves.

you ALSO want everyone to feel great about the race the picked(including human players) but want to rub the Hordes face into the ground with a victory against them by the Elves. Then want the elves to be untouchable in the story.

You don’t see the Hypocrisy in this right? None of this is possible, They aren’t going to revert the losses the Night elves had or have them be untouchable, No race is. Any Victory against the Horde will be An alliance victory not just night elf.

They have to move the story forwards from here, However having some humiliating defeat of the Horde by just the Night elves against isn’t going to help anything and is just going to exacerbate issues.

You want the Elves to do something? Then watch the Tyrande storyline in shadowlands as she hunts the main Culprit. Hopefully she will be the one to take Sylvanas down, I don’t think anyone disagrees heavily with this.

It’s funny that you should say this but don’t have a word to say about the humans getting a victory against the Horde, while being in a rather untouchable position themselves - Stormwind after all is miles away from the battlespaces at issue - while largely leaving the NIght Elves in the cold aside from Darkshore, which itself is still a net loss when we pull back and look at the overall situation. Humans had themselves a big old party to which only they were largely invited - but that’s okay and a Night Elven hit back isn’t?

Isn’t that just a bit of a double standard?

You realise Cata had the Horde setting up an invasion point just off Stormwinds coast trying to invade after deathwing had already taken a chunk out. Hell the blackrock clan one zone over was trying to invade. Then we also had the Gurubashi stirring trouble to the south.

When have the Humans solely had a victory against the Horde? Do you mean siege where the Night elves and alliance forces(including other races) both show up at the gates.

You love to paint the humans in the story as issue but Ignore all the times the Night elves show up in the story.

Cata also spent a great deal of its time making the Night Elves look awful, which was incredibly impressive in the sense that it took something that actually was a Night Elf victory, and presented it as though it was a humiliating loss. Further, for all of those threats, not one of them was realized - and Gurubashi? Really? Were they prepping an army to march north? When did this happen?

But I notice here that rather than addressing my point about BFA, you just dodged it. So I’ll mark that down in the flow as a point you didn’t answer. Here’s another one for you - it’s hard to argue that Night Elves can ever be said to be “untouched” after Teldrassil.

Didn’t they drive the Horde out of darkshore and take out the troll tribe that had been there since vanilla that joined them. I would consider that a victory.

What argument about BFA? sure they night elves suffered some hits that Expac but so have other races in other expacs. That doesn’t mean that the story needs to solely focus on them. Nor would I want the Night elves to be untouchable going forwards, As I said No race should be.

The trolls were dormant before, and you’re ignoring the greater context of Ashenvale, and the changes that were made to that zone.

I’ll pause there. Compare Vanilla Ashenvale to Cataclysm’s Ashenvale. Do you consider Ashenvale to have been a victory?

Also, outside of the Forsaken, who I agree have issues that must be fixed now, can you name the race that lost their entire country in an expansion? You said that there were “other races in other expacs”, and I feel like I’m missing something here.

So your only concern is a net Increase of Night elf holdings or a keeping a Status Quo from Vanilla. Boring.

Even now you have won back Darkshore and you and the Horde both still have forces in Ashenvale(even then we don’t know if the horde are still there)

Again this is a story things need to move passed Vanilla. I actually applaud blizzard for actually changing the world that much.

Remember, even the loss of the Stormwind area is the loss of the night elves.

Why? Why do they need to move past that point? What is good about that change?

Is it that Night Elf fans are leaving the story and you’re being forced to make do with fewer resources?

Edit: Also, noting that you didn’t answer the three points presented previously. Those are dead points on your side in the flow as well.

We have not seen this victory. We were told that we won.
I think they would cry less about Teldrassil if it was presented as a victory. Well … no commercials. It’s just that for two years people will walk around confused and build theories about what happened. They will get used to the idea of loss, and then they can show a video clip, even a cinematic one.

Will this be the solution? Or at least mitigation? But the situation will be strange.

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You don’t want the story to moved forwards that’s fine. You Literally have a WHOLE game based back in Vanilla that is as static as its going to get, Enjoy that.

Some of us want the story to move forwards.

Your probably the Most ardent Night elf player on the forums and your still here. Me I dropped the game for most of BFA as it was a bit dull I picked it up again in Shadowlands. Hell my main is a night elf hunter but I still don’t want everything you want.

You’re not even trying to engage with my points are you? This has just been aimless reaction.

… I want those moments of my life back. This has been a waste.

I’m not asking you to respond just pointing out your argument is transparent.

You want to make more nightelf threads go ahead stop picking apart what other people want because it doesn’t suit what you want.