Human pride

Do you think the storm wind humans are proud for their accomplishments or cause they think their better than other races?



Not really? I mean the only major accomplishment was becoming the last human bastion on azeroth. Lordaeron was the envy of the human world, and it took a lot to bring it down. Stormwind has nothing on its Brother Kingdom.


My human is from Dalaran. He thinks it’s pretty neat.


Of course not.

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Why not? They have successfully carved out the horde and basically stripped it of much of its proud heritage. The horde, led by Foulhoof and his sympathizers have nearly turned the horde into a subservient faction.



I mean the only race that has always looked down on other races were the bloodelves.

Is stormwind proud, sure i mean its one of two surviving kingdoms. However Honestly I would feel a little ashamed considering what effort the other nations went to restore stormwind. What has stormwind done to help rebuild them since. I mean sure Arathi are back but seems like thats more now a vassal of stormwind. I want to see them get their own leader back.

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Stormwind has been sending its people to die for wars it wouldn’t be involved if it was not part of the Alliance. Ashenvale would Garroshmar by now if not for them. They send forces to help the Gnomes retake their city. 7th Legion was sent to help retake part of Gilneas.

I assume there are some racist humans just as there are in real life. However, the people who most interact with other races are less likely to be racist and know that the Alliance live together or die separately.


It’s hard to say. Stormwind has very much been subsumed by the Alliance. It’s a direct consequence of Stormwind’s monarchy, military, and national emblem all being used in the same roles for the Alliance at large. It’s very rare that we get any insight or storylines about Stormwind itself or its citizens.

I’d LOVE for a novel that’s only about Stormwind, and follows someone not named Anduin Wrynn. Not because of my well-documented hatred for the Royal Twink, but because I think we’d get a much better view of the kingdom from someone else’s perspective. Maybe Shaw and Flynn go on an adventure that takes them all across the kingdoms borders, or something involving Stormwind’s native mages trying to make a name for themselves in a world where human magic is dominated by Dalaran.


??? The Stormwind humans haven’t lifted a finger for the Nightelves in Kalimdor. They have only housed them in a pumpkin patch. It seems quite the opposite really, other alliance races have been dying for Stormwind interests. Especially the diversion in Vol’dun.


I think they might be talking about the books and other external materials, which depict Varian leading alliance forces to several key victories in Warsong Gulch?

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I’d be curious to know where Stormwind helped in Ashenvale as well?

Any human high on their own farts can take a nice stroll through Westfall.

I think someone is looking for yet another excuse to hate the Alliance by trying as hard as possible to find made up villain traits that don’t really exist.


That makes sense. I don’t hate SW, it just drives me nuts that Blizz always showers SW with the Hero Spotlight.


Yeah thats an extremely valid complaint to make! Unfortunately the people we’re complaining about control whats canon so it can be hard to make arguments from the perspective of someone existing in the story.



Stormwind was destroyed during the First War. Their closest allies are the Gnomes and Dwarves, so close to them that there is even an entire District in Stormwind dedicated to them.

Stormwind has faced crisis after crisis and not with a lot of resolutions. Lakeshire and Darkshire have both faced near-destruction a handful of times since WoW began, Westfall which was once the breadbasket of the kingdom is now a barren wasteland inhabited by bandits and transients while a small militia struggles to maintain peace, etc…

There is little cause for a sense of pride among the population, or for them to look down on other races when Stormwind constantly see’s other races.

And the High Elves, the Night Elves, and every other elf offshoot.

Trolls also are not only hold the same attitude about other races but every other troll tribe at one time or another.

The orc tribes on Draenor were also pretty often at war with each other. About the only race that practised conmity were the Tauren.


Varian literally participated in Warsong Gulch once. That is not to mention the entire Alliance has been constantly sending forces there.

The humans/Varian helped during Wolfheart which would have been a route if not for Varian leading the charge.

The entire point of the Alliance going go the Barrens was to create a second front so the Horde would be force to lessen the pressure against the night elves and turn toward defending their own border. Or did you think the Alliance wanted some barren piece of dirt?

Lets not forget when Garrosh decided to blockade the entirety of Kalimdor Varian sent the fleet to try to siege Ogrimmar and ultimate end his blockade.

Lastly, Anduin literally opened portals to try and evacuate the night elves and sent his fleet to try and rescue to them(which they were too late to do but still they did try on that front).


The humans don’t really feel like the underdog in this setting. Their only real L came during the Third War but they were back to being one of Azeroth’s foremost military, economic, academic and cultural leaders within a year or two.

The humans in say Warhammer feel more sympathetic because they’re often on the backfoot and are fighting tooth and nail for every victory against seemingly endless tides of supernatural horrors. The fact that they’re able to thrive, not just survive, in the setting makes them intrinsically heroic.