Human pride

My argument is perfectly transparent, yes - it’s been shared all over these forums by this point - but it’s not the one you’re attempting to reply to.

You seem to object to the idea that Night Elves should get better content under any circumstances, and as we’ve seen through this episode of you dropping point after point and pivoting to areas where you think you can find an “in” but instead find more problems, that there’s nothing principled or concrete, or stable, or understandable about that objection. It’s mindless, frankly, it’s resistant to reason.

I’ll try some really stupid tactics.
How did you react to the Burning? How did you first visit Darkshore? Your emotion?
A bunch of starting level nelfs. How many times have I gone through Teldrassil and Darkshore without reading the texts, about three times - Ashwood, Stonetalone Mountains - one and a half times.
I am not much involved in the story, just recently learned about the number of survivors of Darkshore during the Cataclysm (1), not a single expansion was completed, nothing was really done. So-so player and loreist.
I had a hoarse cry. What happened? Where are the usual gray ruins? Why is Teldrassil this form? Where is EVERYTHING?
For two years I have been reading about the Burning. Sometimes I watched videos, several screenshots posted on the forum. Probably, if I watched videos and looked at pictures more often, I would study the new ruins with interest, and I would not have this moment of regret.
Hmm. No argument, no “crazy fun,” just a description of the emotional response. Okay.

Did you have something similar when playing as your chosen race? Thank.

I’m not against the Night elves getting better, I just don’t want them to drop a sledgehammer on the Horde to sooth some hurt egos. The Night elves will get their moment with Tyrande(hopefully) dealing with Sylvanas and that is good.

However I don’t see the need for blizzard to rush and rebuild all the night elf lands back to perfectly serene landscapes. Let them focus on developing some races that have been left in the background.

We already know there is plenty more focus coming when we eventually deal with Elune for the elves, So stop asking for more.

Maybe when WOW 2 comes around they can revisit the night elves lands.

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We were beaten. Others were not beaten, they were ignored. Why should they be the first?

Well, if you want to wait for WoW 2, then I don’t see why I should continue to provide resources to this company until they do make it, and do start to do right by me. Frankly, your job is to convince me otherwise given that without my resources, you’re going to have a harder time of getting the stories you want.

I’m curious as to what you define as a sledgehammer though. At what point would the content be going too far in soothing said “hurt egos”?

Im not waiting on it you are, I will enjoy the other stories blizzard is telling in the mean time. if I don’t enjoy the stories I will quit until something good comes along.

Your the one who can only enjoy one small portion of the content. Blizzard shouldn’t just cater to you because you cry the loudest.

Defeating the Horde in combat so one sided that the Night elves lose nothing.

I mean, the Night Elves already lost a metric ton to them, so that’s literally impossible. So what else are you expecting that the Night Elves should lose, and in service of gaining what?

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Exactly my point, You want a big victory without any of the cost. You want to humiliate the Horde with a complete one sided win. That doesn’t seem very respectful to people who play the Horde.

Exacly why it cannot happen.

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Answer my question.

I remind you that he thinks that the NElves have already lost, now it is their turn to receive. They have already paid. Now it is the Horde’s turn to hand over the goods.

So if I told you to lose the night elf army, Malfurion and tyrande but you managed to defeat the whole horde themselves and took out thunderbluff.

No you would still complain however this is basically what the Horde Lost invading you, They lost two faction leaders and huge portion of their army.

Night elves would also now be seen as villians and treated as such by everyone else in the story. You will also have some horde chartcter shifted to your faction to try heal your people.

So am I to take this as your line then? You feel that if the Night Elves managed to defeat the whole Horde and take out Thunderbluff, that’s too far?

How would you define “defeat”? Do you mean that they suffer a defeat, or that the entire army is disbanded? Also, is Orgrimmar on the way to Thunder Bluff in your example? Or is it ignored? What about the Barrens?

I’m not negotiating this supposed victory for you simply because as I said it isn’t going to happen. THE fact that you feel like it should be a feasible scenario is the absurd thing.

Your gonna have to accept that night elves are part of team alliance like they have been since day 1 of WOW. Stop expecting them suddenly be their own super power.

I’m not, but I am looking for what your line is. So, again I say: answer the question.

My Answer Is no you wouldn’t get anything else. you wouldn’t get the barrens you would simply just destroy thunderbluff and what ever villages are there.

Should also point out that the Rest of the Tauren fighting forces are elsewhere when this all goes down so your fighting farmers.

That’s kind of odd, frankly.

So your line is that the Night Elves destroy the capital for an entire playable race - which is something that I imagine would really suck for them and certainly isn’t something that I’d wish on them - but they achieve nothing on the way?

How do they do that? Do they use Shandris’s ion cannon?

no but seems to be yours, again your the one who wants to go around bullying horde races and rubbing their face in it.

It’s not, actually. I made a whole thread asking about Horde motivation. There was a reason for that.

So, again, I need to ask where YOUR line is. Right now the contours of it are confusing.

My line is way back there where Tyrande gets her revenge on Sylvanas. Thats it…

I don’t consider that revenge to really mean anything. I’m even at peace at this point with a Sylvanas redemption.

But that comment seems to be at odds with your Thunder Bluff scenario - so can we build this out? Ask what it entails and what it doesn’t? Why Thunder Bluff specifically, and how this works? I mean, if you agree with me in thinking this is silly, we can always mend the scenario with a different target, but I would like to map this out here.