Human pride

The fact that aesthetics factor in before the personal narrative sort of makes it worse when there are major aesthetic changes to the character.

Yet, you seem to be in favor of aesthetic changes, but not narrative changes.

I said it depends on what Tauren players want and that Iā€™d have to punt to them.

Blizzard as I recall had to do something similar when they revamped the models.

After you casually said ā€œSure, why not?ā€ when I suggested that Tauren should be aesthetically ā€œimprovedā€ to make them more marketable.

Again, I will say, I know people who quit the game over new models.

Your suggestion got way more specific after my first reply. Generic improvements are not the same as say, what Sarm posted.

Itā€™s also something of a dodge from my point about how narrative changes can affect personal narratives.

I never denied that, I just think there are things more important than the personal narrative.

I also just think it is interesting that you draw the line at the personal narrative, and discount the many other factors that can have the same impact.

I said that aesthetics were a factor, but that they were not one of the big three. I also noted that they drive the choice before you start writing the personal narrative. Thatā€™s drawing a distinction and being specific, not throwing it out.

Youā€™re also still distracting, so tell me something - did the Burning of Teldrassil impact the way you saw the game and your desire to play it?

But Aesthetics play a roll in all three. Which you never really addressed. I also said that Aesthetic changed are worse than changes to the personal narrative BECAUSE itā€™s factored in before most anything else.

Again, I have never denied your claims. You are side stepping my criticism by trying to get me to argue something I donā€™t disagree with.

You confront the criticism, or donā€™t. If you donā€™t, you are just missing the opportunity to strengthen your own position.

I mean, I feel like youā€™re sidestepping mine here, so Iā€™m going to ask what the point of this pivot to aesthetics is.

Again, I never disagreed with your claim. I just deny that it is the MOST important factor in this equation. I am using aesthetics as an example because you, very nonchalantly, said ā€œSure why not?ā€ when I asked if Tauren should be aesthetically ā€œimprovedā€ to be more marketable.

So I am pulling that strand. Because you seem to discount the importance of other factors in order to uplift the importance of the ā€œPersonal narrativeā€.

Iā€™m still not seeing your point here. If you want to argue that aesthetics drive more people to play Blood Elves than Tauren, and therefore itā€™s an important factor - sure, I can see that. Iā€™m confused about what this has to do with my point though having to do with the danger of a larger narrative interfering and dismantling the personal narratives that people built around their characters.

I meanā€¦ I have explained it multiple times now.

Would you say Aesthetics play a larger or smaller factor when it comes to peopleā€™s desire to play the game, as compared to the larger narrative?

What is the point of this question?

Why not just answer the question?

Because the answer is complex. Iā€™d rather not dive into it until I understand what youā€™re trying to get at.

Suddenly it is complex when you were more than willing to say that aesthetics were not as important larger narrative several times earlier in the thread?

From within a certain context, yes. There were elements in there driving the conversation. Such as when they impacted the choice. You also jumped from generic improvements to something much more specific. So I have to step back and ask what youā€™re getting at so that we can have a productive conversation.

Ironically using your own goal posts the night elves have never been any better than any other race in WOW. They lost everything that was super powered them at the end of war 3. Hell even the writing has been consistent with them getting weaker as old age caught up with them.

Fact is you just donā€™t like that idea.

Honestly, you seem more bitter about the complaints of nelf fans than Nelf fans are regarding their own complaints.

I get annoyed when people paint their race as having the biggest problem and complain about it incessantly without looking at the story as a whole.

I remember a certain draenei player who use to harp on and on about their plights in every thread. Then we got both WOD and Legion and that Player dropped the game wasnā€™t seen again.

What I want is for a balanced rollout with All races getting some focus rather than just one because they complain so much. Overall I just want better story telling from the writers with them putting away the Pet characters and focusing on the story.

I suddenly wonder how Lenaā€™s doing.