Human heritage armor needs to be redesigned

Not to mention, as I said, most humans in Warcraft aren’t even from Stormwind.

what is the human heritage anyway?

when i think of their heritage im reminded of the W2 and 3 armor they had

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Agreed. Not a huge fan of it. This would have been better for the Trading Post or something. There are better designs out there that they could have used. Looking at the WC3 Reforged models, some of them have better designs than this, like Dagren the Orcslayer and Lord Nicholas Buzan and like I said in the other thread, Sir Anduin Lothar’s armor is also pretty good.

The Stonemason Guild, the Farmers of Lordaeron, etc. Hard Work to get to where they were.

Similar to how Tess had to learn how the Worgen have overcome their curse and it isn’t as easy as it looks.

at least it tops worgens in their heritage armor lol that was sad

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Wait. You expected the heritage armor for humans from Stormwind to not represent Stormwind?


Humans, being one half of the de-facto “originators” in Warcraft, should have “heritage” that spans all the race’s history in Warcraft, not just the current iteration of WoW. I just think they could’ve done more than make it look like a shiny version of any guard you see on the streets.

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You mean like how the Mag’har were given 4 different colors of their heritage armor because not all Mag’har come from one tribe?


God forbid we expect the same treatment as Horde.


so night elf feathers on one shoulder, orc tusks on the other, a headpiece with troll mowhawk?

personally, i like the human heritage armor. the orc one… i might be in the minority (i have’nt read the thread, so i dunno) but i don’t like it. i was hoping for a reworked version of the orgrimmar set from WoD, not a reworked version of the trial-of-valor mail set.

honestly, i was hoping for sets based on varian and anduin for the human (and we got varian-y shoulders, so… that something) and a doomhammer/thrall set for orcs… basically, thralls armor he wore from cata to legion. heck, figured that’s what we were gonna get when he got that fur-armor in bfa.

All the race’s, not all the races’.
I guess I should’ve put all that race’s

Are Stormwind humans now a mix of tribes? Wasn’t aware of that.

And they already said there will be variants to what’s shown.

humans don’t have tribes in WoW. they have kingdoms. they’re a mix of kingdoms… er, survivors of kingdoms.


Stormwind is literally a hodgepodge of kingdoms of humans. It’s why it exists.

But by making the heritage stormwind themed, it’s saying we should forget their heritage (aka their original kingdoms), which is counter to the idea of heritage armor.

The remaining kingdoms are separate, and KT already have heritage armor. So does Gilneas. The others aren’t playable.

I don’t recall players angry because the Goblin heritage armor didn’t represent all groups of Goblins lol

A hodgepodge of survivors from kingdoms like Lordaeron that no longer exist.

The Stormwind humans are literally human survivors from all the human kingdoms. At the very least it needs the L from Lordearon.


…which is literally why you have heritage. To remember it so it doesn’t fade from your memories or existence.

Or do you tell people like refugees or immigrants in real life to forget their past life/country because they need to move on?


Human (

Literally, the human icon uses the L of Lordearon.

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Lmao y’all will literally cry about anything. You don’t even know what the variants will be. Good night.

huh… i suppose that’s true. though i figured the remaining human kingdoms like dalaran, and survivors of destroyed ones like lordaeron immigrated over to stormwind. i mean… i dunno, it makes sense to me.

oh. you mentioned lordaeron. well, my guess is still my guess.