Human heritage armor needs to be redesigned

It’s almost like that’s how Alliance/Stormwind humans look in Warcraft or something. :roll_eyes:

I have no idea what people were expecting, if not some variation on this:


I meant it as a joke, since your current mog isn’t far from the “new” design they’re showing off in their development preview.

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Something that better represented humans, not stormwind. Also something that doesn’t make you look like a tank if your a a cloth or leather user. The current 1st variation is meant for plate wearers, and would be very bad on cloth wearers.


Yeah you and everyone else holding that delusion should have woken up earlier.

I blame the rum for not getting that ^.^

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I think it’s fitting for humans. What’s the big deal? What did you expect?

Same with dark iron but I still use it on my warlock…

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I expected exactly this. However everyone and others like me who told people it would be like the warfront sets (and thus they should just farm those sets then) refused to accept such advice.

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I have two issues with it:

  1. Guards are not “Heritage” - Heritage means going back to your roots. The armor should have been about going back to the Stonemason, Ship Builders, etc. Not Guards. Humans don’t exist just to guard the Royal Family, which is what they’re saying by making their heritage armor guard armor.
  2. Humans encompass a LOT more than Stormwind. We already have 2 different flavors of Stormwind Guard ARmor. We don’t need a third.

Wait what? Male is any better !!???

Now that I looked again, I prefer the Horde arathi warfront armor as well, at least some aspects. It had bigger shoulders, which has always been an Orc feature. Looks more ornamental – the new Orc heritage armor looks very “Iron Horde” influenced, even tho that was just Garrosh’s influence.

What’s up with this view that human=warrior only haha Stormwind has many ties to rogues, priests, and mages just as much as warriors.

Exactly. Unless it’s something entirely unique like the void elf armor, I don’t expect “heritage armor” to actually be… well, armor haha

Playable humans in WoW (that aren’t Kul Tirans or Gilneans) are literally citizens of Stormwind…


Don’t get me wrong, I like the armor - just not as a Heritage Armor. Release it as Trading Post Armor and re-do the Human Heritage to be actual Heritage Armor.

Delay it if you have to.


all plate armor looks best on a human male

big shoulders, compared to females small shoulders. it puts the shoulders at capacity for how big they can be

The other armors are exactly what you’d expect from their main cities how is humans different?

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Every other armor is about going back to the roots of the races.

Guarding the Royal Family is not the roots of the Human Race.


it looks like a really cool blue remake of the old grand marshal gear

Humans male paladins do look quite good in most plate sets not gonna lie…

They’re so goofy though.

Like I said. I like the Armor.

Just not as Heritage Armor.

They’re telling human players their entire race only exists to protect the royal humans.


human male warrior, DK, paladin

all the sets look good on em, at least the 3D asset ones

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