Human heritage armor needs to be redesigned

Crying about stuff gets thing done. Hell, orc priest NPC apperently were too “human” so they were not added this patch.

Survivors of Lordearon/Theramore(and Theramore survivors were composed of Kul Tiran,Gilnean, Lordaeron and Dalaran citizens), Gilneas and Stromgarde(which is effectively a vassel state of Stormwind) all live in Stormwind. We also have Dalaran mages living in Stormwind. Just look at the mage tower.


Then it’s up to Blizzard to tell us. It’s not that hard to understand.

Until then, I’ll be under the impression the Variant means a robe, a “skimpier” top, a belt that doesn’t have the tabard bottom, etc. AKA the same approach the new store mog does.


Heck, I’d settle for different belts each with a symbol from each of the Seven Kingdoms.](

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Human heritage armor:
One size fits all baseball hat, worn sideways
Puka necklace
Tshirt with alf on it
No shoulder
Beige satchel facing back
Sweatpants with top of butt showing plaid boxers
Black sneakers, right shoe untied
10-20 thin leather and bead bracelets
Fingerless black gloves
Red suspenders

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It still looks like a painted tshirt in 2023…

Human armor is a total joke, just like half this game.

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probably just a bunch of recolours. i mean, they did that with the mag’har, why would’nt they do that with the humies and orcs?

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Don’t worry they’ll add some cool variations like human “hot pink” and “metallic purple” shades as variations and call it.

Blood Elves heritage armor was just that. A fancier looking version of the set worn by the guards of Silvermoon. There was even 2 versions of it. One with a robe and one without.

It’s not guard armor though. It doesn’t look anything like the guard armor. Please, put the guard armor side by side with this set and post it so everyone can see just how insane this comparison is. Also what is this weird suggestion about the stone masons? What would that even look like? Defias armor? Defias is the Stormwind heritage, the criminals under the thrall of a Black Dragon?

The playable humans in the game are from Stormwind.


Guess you didn’t see the blue post where they said that there were multiple variations?

Because that’s what they’ve said. For both Orcs and Humans there will be multiple variations available. We’re just seeing one of them.

So settle down.

The orc armor looks cool. Humans should be thankful they didn’t get something as bad as the Vulpera armor. The werst of the lot.

I doubt its gonna be anything huge. A recolor or minor tweaks.

If it was minor tweaks and recolours then they would have shown them during the preview. Wouldn’t have taken much to get them ready.

No, I expect there may be variations between various armor types, because the one we got shown looks like a mail set.

Fair. Not sure what they would do otherwise regarding humans.

Those of us without heritage armor on the horizon or are stuck with a singular look are all super sad for you. The Dwarves of Ironforge will light candles.

Actual human heritage armor would be like, jeans and a tshirt lol

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I suspect if they unveiled “Human Heritage” armor as a farmers outfit or white slacks with an apron… and stuck it next to the Orc Heritage armor they did… you would have 90% of Alliance players somehow reinvested in the “Horde Bias” argument overnight.

And that horse is more dead than Blanchy.

IMHO: Heritage has been used as a bit of a misnomer - Iconic probably would have been a better term for these sets.

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Several years to plan the heritage armor and this is what they came up with lol

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Helmet looks goofy but otherwise looks fine to me. I’m not really sure what else they would go with. Stormwind armor is kind of our thing.