Human Females - “It’s too big!”

Come on now, the bigger the better.

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strangely im having trouble getting into the game.

something about it doesnt feel right

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It’s doubtful they’ll reduce them even though I hope they do. In Legion I think they specifically made all the blood elf females weapons 30 or 40% larger, there were posts complaining about it at the time and the one that that stuck out to me was something like: “We went from having weapons we could comfortably wield to looking like we stole our father’s sword.” It’s a real shame imo, cause it’s so true. They are beyond disproportionate, would probably get catapulted if an orc deflected the other end of the blade.

I definitely agree that being able to wield it and be effective is important.

omg, IKR? Soooo big… tauren and worgen are the best! <3

…for healing, I mean. Only for wholesome purposes.

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You should see my gnome, if I don’t choose specific weapons it looks ridiculous. I had some fist weapons that were taller than me I used to wear, it looked like I was walking on stilts. In a way it makes sense that weapons look big compared to our avatar though armor seems to adjust to size so any fantasy argument is a bit specious.

The thing that gets me is how small my BElf appears to be on their mount. We’re like the same height as humans, it doesn’t make sense we’d look like a little kid riding a horse.


There once was a Paladin who expected

To keep her body morally protected

And ascend into greatness

But her hips were vivacious

So by The Light she was not resurrected.

What do you mean? There are no male blood elves…

On second thought, I don’t want to know

Not only no, but hayell no!

I like my ginormous weaponry!

Everyone knows human females are size queens.


Totally jebaited by the title.


Not mad at you but, for years we got "Can you make blood elf female weapons bigger like human females'". Blood elf female weapons looked perfectly fine. But, Blizz listened and made blood elf female weapons bigger. Now it's "Can you make human female weapons smaller".

It hurts my brain.


I completely agree… I liked the blood elf weapons when they were small. I’d like them reduced size as well, just figured I’d start out asking with the humans first.


I’d prefer models get a rework so I don’t need a microscope to see my shoulder pads

It is why I play male toons, almost exclusively.

Hmm, I better not.

“Discretion is the better part of posting.”


Absolutely not. Race change is available.

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its based on an actual japanese sword called the Zanbato or the horse chopping saber.

same with female BE , some weapons look insanely huge. Take 20 min. out this weekend Blizz and fix, it has been ignored too long. Hire a student to do it if need be, no more excuses, scale them properly.

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Those twigs are stronger than they look because of the Mako infusion all Soldiers receive.