Human Females - “It’s too big!”

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Its probably because they have healthy diet and different perception of what considered good.

American usually love people that looks like Kul Tiran, in Japan you could lose your job if you look like one.

I wouldn’t be too sure about that


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that must be why kul tirans are so popular.

2h weapons are supposed to be big, that’s the point. There’s nothing intimidating about wielding a small 2h sword, axe or mace. No thanks.

I love how huge the nyalotha 2h axe is

I’ve always had this similar problem with female Blood elves, it’s how their weapons rest on their hips. If they would just adjust a little bit more up towards the abdominal area directed slightly more towards the ground just a touch it would look normal.

Ironically, human female weapons have been nerfed before as well.


I’d like to comment on this, however seeing as I have no physical form left (I’m a soul held together by runed armor like Ethereals or Ner’zhul post soul rending), I cannot speak from experience.

Fem Belfs have been wanting bigger weapons since they came out in TBC and Blizzard finally gave them 2handers that didn’t like like 1 handed twigs. While neither of the pictures you linked look terrible, there were plenty of other weapons that just looked awful on their model due to how small they were.

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Because in a game where we have talking and shapeshifting dragons, large green humans with tusks and fang, literal planet sized beings stabbing planets, and aliens with spaceships powered by crystals, realism is out of place.

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I love their hair, and I actually love the model. I think I would play one if they weren’t so tall. I haven’t done all the work to unlock them yet, because I am still working on so many other stuff. If I get them unlocked, I might use an elixir to make her closer to the same height as a normal fem human.

i’ve played fem belf for just about as long as they’ve been released, and i never asked for it.

it’s stupid looking. it’s the single reason i didn’t play many female humans, and then they screwed up fem belf with it.

this is why they need an option for it. because i sure as hell don’t want it.

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As did i. Just because you didn’t personally ask for or want it doesn’t mean it wasn’t highly requested. I personally think they should just add a weapon size scaling option in the settings that lets you adjust the size that way both crowds will be happy.


This would be good for BE’s too. A reduction in weapon size.

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Humans have it better than Gnomes…

My Gnome warrior’s weapons dig into the ground…

I should be leaving these trenches every where I go when playing her. lol


I prefer the new scaling. Though, in the interest of full disclosure, a big part of my issue with the old scaling was that it didn’t seem even. It always seemed like they scaled the weapon length much more than they did the other dimensions so they all looked squished.

Personal preference, I think the best solution would be to implement at least basic weapon scaling. It doesn’t have to be a true slider but being able to choose small, medium or large would allow for most people to be able to find something they’re happy with.

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If they added the trenches, that would make the gnomes 100% cooler! lol

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title makes it seem like an anti- halfrace thread

I would say small enough that a real life human would actually be able to wield it and be effective with it (it drives me insane how ludicrously oversized most WarCraft wrapons are). Most Vanilla weapons are about the right size, or at least close to it.

Some of us like them bigger. Leave us alone.