Human Females - “It’s too big!”

I agree. Weapons that are sized to be two feet taller than my head and clip deeply into the ground…are stupid.

That is all.

No…they can still be over-the-top. I’d rather not dig a trench behind me or have the weapon be larger than my actual dwarf’s body. I don’t think that’s too big an ask. Scaling of weapon size was done beautifully with the Legion weapons, so it can be done. My gnome mogs every weapon as the warlock scythe because it actually fits her.



Big weapons = big dps.


Don’t you dare nerf my huge weapons!

I like big weapons and I can not lie!

You had me with the title, not gonna lie.

i’ve wanted this for years.

then they did the opposite and made belf female weapons too big in legion.

it’s awful, i hate it, and i wish that at least there were options to make them appear smaller.

this are the original pics i took to show the difference. i’ve almost never hated a single change to this game as much as i’ve hated this one
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That’s not what the OP said!

Title. Much bait.

Think of cloud as superman and the mako/planet is his sun.

reminds of goblin slayer where the kid hits the top of the cave with his sword, he died because of it.


75% of the current size so that weapons like Taeshalach (which while is an awesome weapon) aren’t ginormous.

For me, the real issue is when a big weapon is sheathed. And the solution I’d propose is to have the option to hide weapon when sheathed.

“you can’t even call that thing a sword, it’s more like a rectangular object made of iron on a stick with a handle or something”

  • bazuso
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Mako poisoning, it’ll give you the strength of 10 men, but not the strength to face the horrors of your past.


Averax criticals thread for 100k metaphysical damage

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fixed that for you.

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fixed that fixed that for you


i still don’t know what kingdom hearts is about


Yeah, I hate how most of the boots and gloves look on the Human Female model, too.

That is one reason why I don’t really want to play a plate wearer as a fem human. They all look ok on almost every other model. I don’t know about gnomes and goblins because I don’t have any interest in playing them.

I am also thankful that I can hide the shoulder pads. I know the art style in WoW is to have over sized shoulder pads, but they do look kinda dumb, especially when they visibly hover over the shoulder, and defy gravity. lol Very few shoulder pad styles I will even show on any of my toons because of this.


You can use what you want but I love my big mallet!

I made this toon specifically with this in mind actually, little Gnome girl swinging a weapon twice her size!

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