Human Females - “It’s too big!”

its ok buddy, we understand why youre uncomfortable with telling the truth.

I mean, if you want to pretend it doesn’t exist, that’s fine by me, it’s what I wish it was like, but sadly it isn’t :man_shrugging:

Thanks for the compliment though

Ideally I’d like to see a scaling option in the transmog interface so we can adjust the size of certain weapons, offhands, and shoulder slot items to at least some degree. I’m not saying ridiculous amounts of shrinkage or enlargement but if I could even reduce the size of certain shoulder armor on some of my male characters by 10-20% I’d have a much bigger selection of armor I am willing to transmog into.

Right now there’s certain weapons and shoulders I just won’t use because they look ridiculously oversized on certain races/sexes. Letting me scale these things down even if only 10-20% would let me actually use these mogs without looking ridiculous.

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That’s what she said?


You’re telling me. :joy:

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Dat thread title…


It’s even worse on smaller races like Vulpera, goblins and gnomes like it just looks so unnatural especially fury warrior they really need to add scaling to the size of two handers

Never! Make them bigger!


Wait, really? I remember looking at the human female fury artifact weapon and thinking to myself “Those weapons look cute” because of how small they were.

If Blood/Void Elf “males” can handle big weapons with those lady arms so can human females.

Id like an across the board weapon size reduction, not just for human female characters. Maybe they could make it a glyph or something?

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Well, we’re on the same faction as Tauren.

Tauren are big, to heal. They have a lot of surface area to mend wounds.

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There are many people in our time who say that there should no longer be a difference between men and women: gender equality!

Why are you asking the opposite?
Are you saying that women can’t lift?

some of them have gotten ridiculously oversized, especially when dual weilding them

Like a warrior

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I have a bigger problem with weapons changing size between sheathed and unsheathed, it seems specific for some races


Asking for a friend.

What is the average proportional size?

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what about the night elf man hands?

no, it’s fun to see, esp. with fury warriors

Less realistic and more cartoon like is basically the foundation of Warcraft’s aesthetic. You’re asking them to change that, in a way.

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It’s never too big