Human Females - “It’s too big!”

In that case. He was experimented on and had alien cells messed with him.

The stuff I called “Dead planet juice” jokingly was a reference to Mako. Basically the energy of the planet.

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Ah. Sounds very Final Fantasy. A child with twigs for arms is dunked into alien juice and can use a sword near twice his size and probably weighs more than he does soaking wet.

Cloud has nothing on Goldion’s Crusher from Super Robot Wars.

The other reason is due to trauma he experienced. He basically takes another characters memories / stories and personality and mixes it with himself. Basically believing that some events actually happened so hard that he can fight.

That’s the short version anyway lol. Also Cloud isn’t a child. He’s 21 in the original and remake.

You know there are probably people here who haven’t played the game but might want to besides that dude just saying. Not one of them but would kind of suck to be.

It’s hard to tell sometimes. Japan is weird like that. They have a underage looking child and BAM! turns out they’re an 8000 year old demi God from the sun or something.


1: It’s an old game
2: I’m barely telling the whole assortment of details

It’s like how people can get spoiled on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure but it’s so random that you can still experience the show just fine

Gnomes say hi.


This coming from a blood elf…

it’s not just humans. Even on a Night Elf a polearm is gigantic.

Each individual hair on his head=+2 strength stat :sparkles: :sparkles: :sparkles:

Well, I suppose you would know that elven women don’t get to handle large things very often.


Why go for realism in a fantasy?

This is your only chance to wield a cool big weapon, you don’t want dinky daggers.

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I’m sure the handles of these weapons double as stress relievers, you freaks.

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Well, of course. Mine is tiny. I like it that way, I’m a bottom.

I also happen to know worgen daddies (humans after a fashion) pack a lot of heat <3


he got castrated by the void, you dont have to rub it in. Don’t see how you would know what one of these large things are, considering there are no male blood elves. Unless youre doing that inter-species stuff :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Or to re-word it for the WoW-playing layman, Cloud absorbed all the Azerite from the worl’s open WOONS.


Hojo would make a neat Forsaken now that I think about it

wow…that post right there…

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Uh… no, I didn’t. I still have mine, it’s just locked in a cage because that’s what I’m into.