Human Customization Thread

Our favorite san’lyn is here to put vampire shows in the trash with these recommendations yaaiiiiiyy, though twilight isn’t a high… :sob: you know what I don’t want to remember


I never knew that about Orcs (I’ve only ever made an undead and a tauren, and that was very recent). Damn, I’m now super envious over their scar slider. ESO freaking KILLS it with options!

Feel free to add some suggestions for humans if you think of any!


Wait, you mean in other threads it is tolerated?

YES. There’s a customization thread, that I will not link here. Some very literal, very aggressively racist stuff was posted, and to this date, absolutely zero was done about it.

I’d prefer if this was the last it was mentioned here. If you have any suggestions on what you’d like to see, that I haven’t posted, feel free to add it, or let me know and I’ll see what I can find for you!


WTB Cutie Marks for Draenei, PST.

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I think I’ve added what you’re looking for, in the following thread:

Please, have a look at their other entries for Draenei! The customization threads try to focus on one race, mostly.


One thing i would love to see for humans would be war paint options. In my mind, I’ve always seen “Braveheart” style paint fitting the humans of Stromgarde and think that could be a cool look.

More hair colors would be nice too. Would specifically like to see some more proper brown hair options. The brown hair option at least for human males has always looked weird to me. Something about the color just seems off and has especially seemed off ever since we got the new models in WoD.

Some more shades of Red and Even blonde hair would be nice. When it comes to blonde, would specifically be nice to have some darker shades of blonde hair.

Another thing i’d like to see would be actual wizard beards.


oh yeah! that would be awesome.

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What the, what are you even talking about ,you placed restrictive rules on a forum thread like if your a boss of company and you take this to the next level? I don’t care about you up bring nor racial profile if that’s what your suggesting,who cares. I love diversity but i don’t love people making rules in a public forum that they don’t own. good day.

How about updating many of the old haircuts that look like black paper, they’re basically playstation 2 graphcis (by updating I mean keep the haircuts but update the textures).


Haha my favorite vampire show is Castlevania from Netflix! Also saw Blade recently and enjoyed it a lot ^^ I HATE Twilight so much.

Heya! Cool, thanks! I don’t play humans much (would if they were vampires of course, but duh!) but I do like worgen and would prolly play mine if I joined again. I think more diverse options are extremely important and hope to see some more greatly expanded :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t worry about the known trolls hitting this thread either, your warnings are great to keep them away anyhow. Think my ignore list will grow from people who cause a fuss.


I’m totally with you on this! I have some things I’ll share tomorrow on the matter. If you find any, feel free to share, I’ll be glad to add them in the list of suggestions.

Ask and ye shall receive, dude! Definitely more hairstyles incoming tomorrow. Andor, thank you for reminding me, I’m salt and pepper myself, I’d like to have so more options for that.

I did add a few of each above, have you had the chance to see them?

Hmm…a challenge…I’ll see what I have.

I’m not even giving them a second thought.

I said what I said, because I want people to come to this thread, and not worry about catching hell or being ridiculed for their suggestions or requests.

The thread looks like its going really well, people are sharing and talking. Honestly, the thread so far has turned out better than I could have hoped :smiley: I’m really excited to post more and see more suggestions. (Also, I want vampire options too, so yeah, I’ll keep you posted :smiley: )


I think WoW would need a whole new game engine to be able to handle what you’re looking for.

At most, Wrathion’s look is something similar to what they can provide for character customization.
Idk if they can even add a slider bar. Still, worth asking for. GL.

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I think for humans in general my top wishlist item is to have the scars added as separate from faces and to be available for body and face.

Now I think on it I also want the regular colors available on some of the new hairs so my characters hair didn’t have to go from darkish red to carrot…


second batch favorites

this is a cool idea and i like her hairstyle too

baaards, yes, baaards. and his hairstyle is cool, too

he just looks so powerful. awesome pose and i think his hair is wrathion-like. well its wrathion on steroids

gorgeous, love the hair, the style and the delicate asian features.


I’m not a scientist, but I think you like hair.

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hehe its customizations for various ethnicities of the human variety - so stormwind, kul’tiran, tanaris and stranglethorn humans. it includes ethnic features, hairstyles/colors, eye colors, skin colors, hair types, scars, freckles and new classes

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There are two things they can do here actually.

  1. Connect Accents to the Point of Origin, thus the Human’s audio file changes to suit their Point of Origin (IE: Humans from Stormwind sound like they’re from Stormwind, Humans from Gilneas sound like they’re from Gilneas, Humans from Kul Tiras, sound like they’re from Kul Tiras, and etc.) However, if Blizzard wants to maximize Roleplay & Storytelling-
  2. Make Accents (customizable Voice option basically) separate from the Point of Origin. Your Human might be from Kul Tiras & sound like they’re from there, but they’re still starting in Stormwind. Your Human might be from Stormwind & sound like they’re from there, but they’re starting in Gilneas, and etc.

Also thank you for this note. Warcraft Humans have NEVER to my knowledge, ever been separated into different groups of People based upon something like skin color, facial structure, and etc…That just hasn’t been a thing in lore. Outside of some exceptions, extremes, & other very situational things, I simply could not see a Warcraft Human taking such things into consideration without assuming some out-of-universe influence is starting to bleed into the setting.


Day 2, let’s get right into it:

First, I wanted to post a chart of eye types that Blizzard should go over. The reason being that they have a few of these already, but unfortunately the eye shapes are locked to certain faces. That just doesn’t cut it anymore, and this would go a long way in character satisfaction.

Second, eye colors. Sure, you’d think Human eye color would be boring. And it may be, if we weren’t constantly around corrupting and invasive energies that warp living things. Demons, elementals, dragons, and now the afterlife…humans have been through some stuff on (and beyond) Azeroth. And they are due some unique eye color choices!

If anything, some of unique eye options should be rewards from past expansions, to give people something to go into old dungeons and raids for.

In future expansions, being bit by a vampire (please, please, please) could unlock other options. So, in the spirit of the Shadowlands, here are a few I thought would be neat…

Revendreth 1

Revendreth 2

Maldraxxian 1

Maldraxxian 2

Kyrian - I’m not saying Kyrian eyes should win contests…

Kyrian 2 - I’m saying, they totally WOULD win contests.

Night Fae - Elemental eyes that change color with the seasons


Honestly? Blizzard has kind of a golden ticket at this moment, to invest in just that. Sure, it would cause a bit of turmoil, but they’re kind of down right now, so any changes they make showing they want to step up their game would be great optics for them. Thanks for the vote of confidence, by the way. If you see anything you like, let us know!

I’m whittling down my ‘scars’ candidates right now, but I should have a full entry either tomorrow or Monday. And, I agree with you and gent earlier, there’s a bit missing from the hair color categories for humans. I think I’ll dig up what I have for two toned and dyed options.