Human and orc racials are too strong

Please read the original post to see why it is a big deal.

Being a NE rogue, you also have shadowmeld, something that Humans don’t have…You also have increased dodge.

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Rogue’s definitely rely on killing in setup stuns more than any other class in game. If you really just take the time to look at relentless, human and orc racial it’s a clear counter.

You should die in a stun vs the class and idk how ppl dont agree with that

Ok Flynnword

I would say Shadow Priests are just as reliant in killing within CC as rogues. Feral druids as well whom are squishier than rogues.

You notice I’m playing a tauren right? Stuns are so common and broken. How about we make it so combo points are specific to the person you build them on instead?

Nerf the crap out of stuns. They’re broken. Racials are fine.

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Even though stuns are absolutely absurd at the moment, many classes rely on them for their survival (WW Monks). Stuns can work in both a defensive and offensive fashion.

Can you do a side-by-side comparison then to show us? It’s not really translating well in this thread that this is a huge deal.

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Neither of those classes have to stun multiple times, wasting damage globals, and neither of them have crit windows they have to work in.

Those classes are not nearly as reliant on killing in stuns, nor do they have to waste as many globals.

You missed my previous point. It’s not the racials that are broken. It’s the abilities. Fear got nerfed for example (actually breaks) and is much less valuable. Warlock still survives.

Aka nerf stuns. I’ve given multiple examples where they get more and more obnoxious. By doing this you indirectly nerf those racials.

Tldr: nerf stuns and balance those classes like warlocks.

Hard pill to swallow

If you lost to RMP they played better and u made mistakes

I would say Feral druids rely more on stuns than Rogues because they are far squishier than Rogues and have to use stuns defensively. If you give Ferals evasion, and some kind of cloak of shadows, things will be far more fair. I think you have a huge amount of rogue bias if you think that other classes don’t rely on stuns as much as rogues.

Shadow priests without the assistance of say a rogue, feral or WW monk wouldn’t be able to kill anything without stuns. In fact, in a 1v1 scenario vs. competent melee w/o stuns shadow priests are semi-garbage

Ferals are not squishier than rogues. you’re trolling

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Bearform, instant heals, shifting slows, frenzied regen, 50% damage reduction and bark skin, etc. Idk why people talk like feral is a worse rogue when they actually have more utility

Let me know when you can do huge amounts of damage in bear form. Rogues don’t have to make such a sacrifice.

You are literally trolling.

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It is because Feral is a worse rogue. It wasn’t designed to be better than rogues because of their extra utility.

All, I posted clips of side by side comparisons of my damage using openers with relent as opposed to without. Should shed some light on the issue.


Lmao why exactly do you think everyone plays orc and human relent against rogues teams?

Just coincidence?

I don’t have to prove anything. The evidence is glaring right infront of you.