Human and orc racials are too strong

Just for good measure though, I recorded some clips showing what the problem was, proving it anyway.

You mean in tournaments? The top .001% of play? Where players are playing perfectly and every advantage, even the tiniest of advantages, is taken up by teams?

Tournament play does not reflect the live game.

I mean, you want to convince us that there’s a problem and it’s worth changing… but I’m more than content just leaving this thread unconvinced, as this doesn’t seem to be very productive.

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Hey, I recorded those clips just for you, you better watch them.

Oh woops didn’t even realize I replyed to a bloomsday post. Nvm

Keep on trolling

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I agree. I’m not seeing it from his way. Shadowmeld is one of the best racials in the game.

It’s also a 2 minute cooldown that you have to press to use. The two in question in the thread passively counter my class.