Human and orc racials are too strong

It’s been like this since the dawn of time, I know. That doesn’t make it okay.

There’s a reason there’s only one race who can use relentless. Human. If any other race tries to play this trinket, they instantly get rolled.

Orc not only gets stun relentless for free, but also gets a DPS trinket, while being able to wear actual trinkets as well.

As a rogue, I do MUCH less damage against orc or relentless targets, because I either have to use my MFD on a kidney shot instead of a crit window eviscerate and still lose two globals of damage since I have to double cheap after that and I can’t fit anything between the cheapshots, or I only get two globals of damage after my first cheapshot and then have to hold globals to cheapshot two more times, still not getting the MFD evis in the crit window.

It’s extremely frustrating to be outplayed this massively at the character creation screen. The only time it’s good to play a different race is nelf to avoid CC and get restealths for rogues.

I can already hear the usual lock/sham/warrior players with their "good"s and "rogue doesn’t deserve buffs"s and "but cloaked in shadows"s.

I get it, nobody likes rogues, and cloaked in shadows is no fun to play against, but do you really want rogues to be balanced around what race you choose? Do you want everyone to be forced to play orc/human?

Since people seem to have difficulty understanding this, I clipped a side by side of openers and openers required for relentless or orc targets.

No relent/orc:

Relent, opening with cheapshot:

Relent, opening with MFD kidney:

Clearly, orc/relentless counters my opener a TON. The only way I can do halfway decent damage to someone is if I MFD kidney, and then I don’t have kidney for off target.

Keep in mind, this is all because of a RACIAL.


Stuns are too powerful in this game so naturally the race with stun reduction is going to be good


It’s silly to have passive racials be the counter to stuns.

It’s especially silly when they stack with similar effects, and when they change completely how my class can do damage.


Ya I don’t know what to tell ya. Undead used to be the best race because of how powerful fear used to be before it was nerfed. Undead is still a solid choice however.

If they made an anti polymorph/incapacitate race, it’d be interesting to see how popular that would become.

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Agreed, having to play nasty orcs because stun reduc is so strong sucks.


I’m sure it would be popular with healers.

Stuns are different. People die in stuns. I am forced to give up a LARGE portion of my damage to keep orc/relentless targets stunned.

Imagine for a second if a race someone played passively made them take 20% less shadow damage.

If a race someone played passively made your rage generation 20% slower.

If a racial passively countered your spec. With no input required from the opponent than what they choose at character creation.


Orcs don’t really have anything going for them aside from the stun reductions. Their racial is meh and the pet boost is negligible aside from maybe a BM hunter or demo lock.

As compared to the race you play which has shadowmeld. Shadowmeld is the best racial in the game when it comes to PvE content. The amount of mechanics you can cheese with a shadowmeld is crazy and it allows for shenanigans in mythic+

Some mythic+ teams stack all night elves just because shadowmeld is so handy.

And you can use it in PvP for so many things

Isn’t Nelf best for rogues atm paired with crit lego?

Anything that hurts RMP is good for the game


dude you play nightelf rogue, the free vanishyou get from meld is more game changing than orc stun reduc

Edited my post to address nelf, which is NOT as impactful as orc/human.

As if on cue.

I agree, buff ret pally.

Oh? And what do gnomes have going for them? Trolls? Worgen? Pandaren? Tauren?

Orc and human have insane racials compared to anything else.

Nelf is the only other good race in the game. At least it’s an ACTIVE ability and not passive. If Nelf didn’t exist I’d be playing orc and human, and I’d still be complaining about them.

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its only $25 to race change. :joy:

The problem is me playing that race does not negate the effects of others playing it, and that it disproportionately effects my class.

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Racials typically don’t matter much unless you’re pushing for rank 1. At lower levels of play, any racial advantage can easily be overcome, due to the amount of mistakes happening at those levels.

Explain to me how me doing 30-40% less damage against orc targets and not being able to use MFD for kidney on off target only affects 3k+ players.

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Can you explain to me how you calculated this number?

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Sure. It’s a rough estimate, but the general idea is explained here:

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Nelf is a great example of a good racial, its a gimick that makes it possible to make 1-2 extra plays per game and heavily relies on the player’s skill to be useful. Another example is the Tauren stomp.

Those are good.

I agree racials affecting stuns shouldn’t be a thing considering how core to WoW PvP stuns and how rare effects removing them are, unlike Fear and Silence being niche CC and roots being easily counterable even without Escape Artist.

But its been an issue since forever and Blizzard doesn’t seem to think its an issue so, yeah :confused: