Human and orc racials are too strong

Just remove racials


I’m not opposed but I don’t think they’ll ever do that. They should just provide miniscule flavor benefits.

Rogues are the whiniest bunch on these forums.

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You reply to every post a rogue makes to say this.

This is a legitimate complaint.


You sound like a Karen not gonna lie


Can I speak to the manager of rogue-haters or something? Who is your boss?

But in all seriousness I would like to know why you want racials to be a deciding factor in games.

Seems pointless to complain about racial imbalance, just pick the race and be done with it. Each faction has one OP race and that’s good enough.

If you want to remove the racial imbalance then just ask for racials to not work in arena. Problem solved.

It’s a complete waste of time to try to get blizzard to balancing something they have never been able to do, specially when class balance is a bigger priority.

Picking the race myself does not stop it from countering my class.

I agree with OP.

It’s unacceptable and unhealthy for the game that there are races that a Rogue cannot kill in a Cheapshot.

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I disagree. If that were the case we’d have to buff rogues so that we could kill in a cheapshot.

Orc and human don’t hard counter your class. Your class has been dominant for many expansions despite them existing.


Have you read my posts? Do you understand why I do much less damage to orcs and relentless humans? If not I ask you to read the OP in its entirety. Your post shows your ignorance.

Doing 30-40% less damage to someone passively IS a counter. It doesn’t mean my class isn’t good.

Agreed, remove armor mitigation.

People still die in a cheapshot from RMP. Do you really wanna die on this hill?

Do you know why they die in a cheapshot? Because mage damage is ridiculous. This isn’t a rogue issue.

If you’re going to base your entire argument on math, It should probably be more precise than just a “rough guesstimate.”

So you’re claiming that 40% of your damage comes from one MFD eviscerate? You could just… not MFD kidney and play like you normally do. I’m skeptical of your “math” here, I doubt it’s a 40% damage loss. Do you have any numbers to prove this?

Because it’s true

Just for you, I’ll run a test RIGHT now and post the results.

They go hand in hand. Since season 1 of BC rogue/mage has been a pinnacle of arena.

I play an undead warrior cuz undead looks badass. People need to stop being stat simps. Especially those who roll panda just for quaking palm lmao :joy::joy::joy: