Human and orc racials are too strong


ah man

What I’m hearing is stuns are op. If we nerf stuns that indirectly nerds those racials by making them less impactful.

Need to edit your really long post to tldr: nerf stuns so I can feel okay playing tauren.


It’s always the lock/sham players

The idea is that because the stuns reduced, I cannot fit damaging abilities into my rotation, making me do massively less damage. This only affects rogues as massively as it does.

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I like spriest. Stun, incap (panda), fear, silence is pretty nasty cc chain all by the spriest alone.

hmm maybe i should change my monk from human to pandabear since i have glad trinket already.

I’m gonna switch my priest from human to Nelf because of the same thing.

Nerf NE racial for rogues imo.

Absolutely fine with that if orc and human are addressed.

It’s like clockwork people on the forums trying to discredit OP based on what they play.


So with how broken the game is atm you are complaining to nerf racials that may actually help you stay alive a bit longer?

I wish I could live long enough where my Orc racial actually is used lol. Stunned for 5 secs dead in 3 lol

This take completely misses the point of this post and it’s clear you’re either being disingenuous or didn’t read.


You are correct. I didn’t read after the “nerf racial” part. The game is broken. Nerfing racials will only make it worst. Fix what’s actually broken

Then why did you choose to post, knowing you were ignorant?


You answered your own question :joy:

Anyways no use making a post on something that won’t happen. At least not anytime soon.

Rogue crying he can’t DPS while he maintains someone stunned for multiple cheap shots is just over the top funny. Was he just being trolly or sarcastic?

Ignorant rogue hating take that doesn’t deserve a legitimate response.


The best part is that they are all different DRs, lol. You can follow up with mind control (DR’d) but it’s super lengthy chain.

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I just assume their is a rogue discord where you all sit around and talk about how bad you have it lmao

You’ll never catch me saying rogues are bad right now but it’s unfun to have a racial that PASSIVELY counters my class.

I imagine the same about rogue haters.

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Hardiness stacks with Sephiz Lego too.

It is prob more fun then half the classes who have no defensive which can be used while stunned.

Like rogue?