Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

Are you telling me that you would die in the open world every 5 minutes while farming herbs in LFR gear?

I have no idea but I can tell you they have areas with 70 elites that do a heck of a lot of damage and these are ‘world quests’ you need to do to open up more world content and I just couldn’t do that this morning until 2 other people came along.

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Is it possible that those world quests are intended for, and tuned around groups?

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perhaps but there is far too many of them and they shouldn’t be gating other world content behind content that you need groups for.

in any case, gear will be definitely needed in world content in dragonflight - elites all over.

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I’m not disputing that you need some base level of gear. I’m disputing where that line is. I’m saying that LFR level is overkill to handle every bit of open world solo content in DF.

why are you bring up LFR in a thread about solo/outdoor gear? if people wanted to do LFR instead of world content they wouldn’t have made the thread.

I have no desire to do LFR but if I can’t get enough gear to do content in a reasonable manner I will just quit until they put catchups in and bam then I will have gear but blizzard will have less $

Here you go with NEED again. RWF guys don’t NEED to fully gear out to clear mythic. Yet we provide gear for later bosses.

Getting gear is fun. Getting gear is fun for everyone. Need is not “needed”


is not. :neutral_face:

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You haven’t seen your reply’s then.

Just see your whiny posts

Doesn’t matter when you act like an entitled child.

It’s irrelevant.

Also irrelevant.

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And it very well might be, if people group up for elite killing or some such, but will it be overkill for killing elites solo, or will we run into a situation where to be able to do the world content in a way that is open to us, we have to do normal riad/M+ .

Because the thread started with OP complaining that world gear is “only” LFR ilvl.

Do you have to be able to run dungeons solo at level to be able to run the dungeons?

I guess so - I was paying more attention to the subject heading as being the important part. I never got the impression they wanted to do LFR.

LFR was already going to be relevant because they have crafting mats from their that people need if they want to do professions (i think at least - can’t find them at all in the journel) They really didn’t need to nerf world content gear for that purpose.

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I only hear liquid snake 
 every time cap and friends blather on about need, and earned, and their other reasons that only they can have fun in this game and have some cool gear to flop around in.

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Why even bring this up? are you unable to think that maybe, just maybe, ones wanting more might be the kind that are going to be killing elites at odd time, when there is no one to really group with?

Maybe some just want to be able to cover all bases. Is it really too hard to grasp that “WoW is made to be a social game to play with others” is too easily countered by “that is all well and good, but what do we do if we play at dead times, are sharded away from people, or there is no one to group with because they are all in instances”?

Because you were the one who complained about the potential inability to solo group world quests in world gear.

DPS check on M rygelon before double legendary was out did require gear that was not available until S3 launched. In order to beat that boss’s enrage, you needed to have a total raid DPS of over 203.7k. The individual DPS values to beat that are what raidbots would sim a toon around 270 with double legendary and 4 set on for a patchwerk no movement fight iirc, and there was movement and downtime on that boss.

I never mentioned world quest, just elites, think of it like wanting to do things on Isle of Giants in MoP during the patch it was released .

World quests that take a group tend to have listings in LFG, but it is not always so obvious if the goal is not a world quest.

I have been doing group quests for things like Ember Court on a fresh 60 (just finished getting her sand worn relic gear) I listed my in LFG to try and get even a partner to make it easier, but I did not sit around and do nothing. I was able to do it solo, but it did mean I had to watch my pulls of elite mobs, as I could not take on more then 1-2 at a time.

I am not saying that world quest gear won’t be enough to cover all kinds of world content, I am just saying that we don’t know if world gear will be enough to enable everyone to do it all in any group condition. I would not be surprised if elite farming, for crafting mats, winds up taking at least normal level gear to maximize efficiency. if one is trying to do it solo

Ember court mobs haven’t been updated since 9.0, and combine that with it being old content that was locked to players who both rolled venthyr, and did a bit of a grind, not that surprising that there’s low interest.

So for the most part, you out-gear that content by probably about 60 ilvls or so.