Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

I see all the leets in this thread gave you likes, you feel good?

Not a chance DF will get new players. I am betting, the day 1 sales will be nowhere near what this trash fire called SL were day1 of release.

There were also some casuals who agreed. They understand that they don’t earn higher level gear.

Okay, good for you.

And most of the “heroic” BFA gear was just letting the open world interact with the PvP gear system.

Which they are doing again in dragonflight.

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“Solo/Casual” players are the result of participation trophies and you really can’t convince me otherwise

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That likely had some to do with it, another factor is the fact some might have tried to do group content or higher difficulty and got burned by it

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I get freaked out on by randoms in PvP all the time. I don’t let it bother me because it’s some random on a video game lol.

If people seriously get upset enough because someone was a big fat meanie to them, to just stop doing group content, then they really don’t belong on the internet lol.

No one said they got upset here, but maybe their response was “if that is the way I am going to be treated, I’ll just avoid grouping up”.


And everyone who’s run more than a single dungeon knows most of those complaints are entirely exaggerated and made up.

Unless you’re really triggered by “hi!” and “gg!”.

That’s your opinion. I think world content players should get better loot than LFR because they’re entitled to the loot as much as anyone else


Okay and?

If only there was some way to craft higher ilvl gear, gear that’s good enough for outdoor content and good enough for when you feel like jumping into harder stuff like raids and M+ you have the option to. If only

Glad to see you agree.

And they have access to the exact same loot I do. There is no game system locking a player out of clearing the content that drops higher level gear. They just choose not to participate in the activities that reward the higher level items.

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Not for the content they enjoy


You not enjoying the content and not wanting to do it are not the same as you not having access to it.

The game makes every player the exact same offer for gear.
Some players accept the offer and get items.
Some players decline the higher difficulty offers, and don’t get the items.
That is all.


You’re not really understanding what I’m saying. It’s not open for discussion


Why? If world content remains the way it is, why should it warrant anything past LFR?

I’m going to quote this mercilessly when the argument turns back to “I don’t want to do M+, just let me raidlog”

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If your stance is buff rewards for my content because I said so, end of story, That’s not really a discussion to begin with.

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It’s on the same ground as your stance. Which is NO, you can’t have it. Don’t care.


That’s a misrepresentation.

You get LFR direct drops, Normal from crafting, and full mythic end wing boss from warmode while you are in warmode.

You have beta, you can verrify all of this.

OP is making a big stink over disinformation.

Oo, that’ll be fun for what, 3-4 weeks. Season is 5 months. If they hit heroic level gear by month 4 . who cares. They get 30 days to play with it, and it all resets anyways.

We aside from you, and your’s. Who can’t allow anyone else to have fun, unless they participate in your masochistic group flagellation exercises.