Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

You want to out-gear and trivialize it you mean.

You do not have the right to progress the way you want to. You have the ability to progress within the paths provided. If you choose the solo content path, then you have your own progression path that ends at the LFR level.

You wanting things to die faster without doing more challenging content is not a justification. It’s just a wish list that isn’t justified.

You act like solo content is the only progression path being revamped. M+ is seeing major changes as well.


Also, even 239 gear was incredibly powerful in ZM.

If that is the highest ilv your gear goes, yeah why not? As long as you get some sort of gear progression, it should be irrelevant what it is. You dont care about the number right? You only want a form of progression.

Or are you telling me you are comparing yourself with other people with higher ilv, why?

I have given multiple valid reasons multiple times, but you are elitist and biased beyond reason.

By your logic, we could cap ALL players at LFR iLvl and tune raids and dungeons not to require anything higher, because there’s no justification for making higher power levels.

You don’t have any logical argument for capping the open world at iLvl. You just have a deep-seated emotional need to keep open world and solo players as weak as the devs are willing to allow.

The same as everyone else.

What, are M+ players and raiders going to shard all their upgrades because they don’t want the next week to be easier?

No, I don’t. But I said I should have that right. The “should” makes a big difference here.

Having a higher iLvl makes a world of a difference, precisely when you are soloing content.

Did you know that higher iLvl gear gives you more health and damage? And this has an impact when fighting enemies in the open world?


Is WoW world content
you can do everything with heroic dungeon ilv

You’re missing the point. Boars and chickens don’t increase in difficulty. You kill them in quest greens, you easily kill them in WQ gear. I mean, you easily kill them im quest greens too for that matter.

But you can do it faster, more efficiently, or more safely in Normal raid iLvl.

Haven’t any of you played an RPG before?

WoW is a subscription-based RPG. You need players to repeat the same content over a long period of time. And power progression is the main way to incentivize that.


Most rpg have rewards based on the level of difficulty of the content, heroic ilv is more than fair for how braindead WQ is.


That raises a point. Why should Open World be so one-note?
It should not just a prep school for dungeoneering.
Make the World worthy of the rewards for which open world players plead. It is not like we want the moon on a stick.


Asking for more, harder solo content with better rewards is a reasonable request. asking for existing content to just give better rewards is being entitled.


lol What? M+ will push higher keys, Raiders will push high difficulties.

Just cause you call them valid does not make it true. I have countered them so you now just refer to it as “elitist reasoning” as a method to end the conversation.

The justification has always been, reward that is relevant to the difficulty of the content being completed. I have stated this multiple times in the past, yet you keep going back to that bad faith argument. Group instanced content is objectively more challenging and thus provides better rewards.

I’m not asking for better rewards, I’m asking for open world content to give the same rewards as it did in SL—which is actually worse rewards than in Legion/BfA.

A serious question for you:
If max M+ rewards were suddenly capped at Heroic raid iLvl, would M+ players be entitled for asking that the nerf be reverted so that they could get lower Mythic raid iLvl again? Would you accuse them of having raider envy?

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At a baseline level, this is objectively false.

You mean the way it works in SL? and the 1st 3 seasons of BFA?

Genuinely would not care so long as the content was tuned where it was doable. I have 3 toons that are easily doing 15+'s right now. None of them are max geared anyway.

Open world players will pull more mobs.

Solo players will solo harder rares.

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So your argument is that you want more gear so you can solo content that’s tuned for 3-5 people?


You can tag and pull 1,000,000 rats, but that doesn’t mean anything. I mean do the math for me. I have timed over 1,000 keys this expansion. How many mobs is that?

Lmao, no, they won’t. Objectively false.

Didn’t people QQ really hard about how launch ZM rares were too hard?