Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

And this is reason #50009847 why you do not pre order the product before it has come out.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Or Wrath 2.0?

That was a raid log expansion that we are experiencing all over again in classic.

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I loved WotLK, Cata, and MoP world content.

Best era of the game IMO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It’s not that people didn’t do it. It’s that Blizzard bogged the game down with extraneous systems that nobody wanted to participate in.

They don’t play it because it’s not fun and the only rewarding thing to do in this game is get gear.


I did mention them :

Don’t be trolling Rudly.

That was just some extra world quests and extra rares.

That you could only do 1 of.

Yeah the Maw and its 5 minutes of daily content before the eye kicked you out.

Let’s not kid ourselves, SL in 9.0 wasn’t exactly filled to the brim with world content.


And they nerfed the gold rewards heading into systemlands from BFA. And then they gated the gold rewards behind the mission table when they said they wouldn’t and it wouldn’t be “mandatory”.

At least systemlands had decent cosmetic rewards and mounts though but still not as good as legion.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I can’t imagine ever being so triggered by the existence of someone that you have to consistently bring this up into the argument.

The only reason why you ever come into these threads is to downplay legitimate concerns. You argue in bad faith to get a rise out of people which is really just textbook trolling.


They should go back to their roots and make world content as worthwhile as the golden expansion of Wrath.


I liked world content in WotLK.

I prefer the daily system over the world quest system. Look at how butchered the world quest system became in systemlands compared to where it started in legion.

BlizZard nerfed world quest system to the ground with micro management to the max.

Instead of growing the world quest system introduced in legion they decided to make it more restrictive as time has gone on.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


You are assuming to know what metrics they are even using. Do you work for Blizzard?

Per character. Shadowlands was very much designed as an alt-focused expansion - players were intended to have different characters aligned with each Covenant to experience all of the unique campaign options and gameplay mode.

People just “played the game wrong”. Hence Blizzard stripping it down. Less focus on campaigns, less focus on activities, just one big sweaty grind for the plebs.

Yeah I don’t know who thought that would work out, with all the systems in place and their associated chores.


I mean at this point, you’re extremely ignorant or naive if you actually expected or thought you’d get good gear from world content. It hasn’t been acceptable to be a solo casual with an eye for good solo gearing progression in this game for multiple expansions now. In fact, your peak is capping out in SL S3 with normal raid gear with surprisingly strong outdoor procs/perks.

The reality is this game caters exclusively to the no life mythic raiding tryhard first and foremost when it comes to making sure they have/get the very tippy top best of the best and absolutely dumpsters on the solo casuals in that same regard. I mean what did you expect when the game director is a has been mythic raiding tryhard and the current company president is a currently active mythic raiding/mythic+ tryhard.

I’ve also got more bad news from you. Unless Blizzard is holding onto some massive troves of content, there is next to nothing for you to do in DF at max level…less even than SL had. World quests are weeklies and only a few per zone. No callings…just a weekly gain X rep like Korthia and ZM has. No covenants or sanctums to work on and build up or even something like Torghast to go kick back in.


I know people hated Fireland dailies, MoP dailies and argent tournament dailies but I really, really like all of that over WoD apexis, systemaland choreghast, systemlands running in the mud maw, etc.

Legion is the only saving grace of this 'era" of world content (eg mage tower).

WotLK/Cata/Mop world content was far more enjoyable than Legion/BFA/Systemlands

World content has to have the right mix of rewards, fun and ease of travel.

Systemland had a lot of things to do like WoD but it was not rewarding and traveling was very punitive to such activities out in the world.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I believe the goal is to have the rewards match the level of effort and organization that it takes to get them. In the past some systems were over rewarding for their difficulty.


WoW relies on people doing the same thing over and over. SL just thought you might enjoy different points of view while doing it. Evidently not, therefore instead you get a single big grind - 4 types of elemental invasions you will do every week for 6 months for a single currency (two currencies, but only the time-gated one is a serious bottleneck in the long term). This is what players want apparently.

The MAW is a perfect example of taking what did NOT work in WoD and amplifying it.

Make traveling very difficult and not fun. Check.

Not rewarding in terms of gear, gold, or cosmetics. Check.

Make the NPCs huge HP sponges only capable to be handled by those highly geared. Check.

Bad design is bad.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It’s not that there was a lot of stuff to do, it’s that most of it didn’t make you go “Hey, I know, Imma roll a new toon and do this again and again!”.

Sure WoW is built upon repetition of content, but the content people like to repeat is the actual good group content, not WQs and Choreghast.

If anything, they had a winner with Torghast and turned it into an absolute snooze fest of currency farming. Toss gear into Torghast, delete Flux/Ash/Cinders from the game, and we’re talking a whole different expansion.


I just started gearing up a warrior and doing torghast for my legendary made me want to vomit.


Do ZM instead and buy the mats. You can skip Torghast completely.