Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

Irrelevant, you dont do content that requires the highest quality gear.

Yeah thats not actually happening lol


Yeah well moving towards something, and being something are two different things, but does not make them equal. You can move towards whatever you want but until it is changed it does not mean a thing.

Once blizzard announces: World of warcraft ™ a single player adventure with multiplayer elements it is, an MMO regardless of how or what you feel. and in an MMO group content and play will always reward higher then solo play.

As said: Go play costume quest you get lots of solo adventure time in there and awesome costumes to power up!

Is that the real reason why your mage is in a diff guild and you swapped over? Other guild’s back got tired?



New World

Some others that I can’t come up with because I don’t play any other mmo. Besides World of Warcraft due to that fact this is the only game that has my favorite race blood elf.

The markers are consistent. Cloudy circle bad, clear circle with outline stack.

Dungeon journal is there.


Or you did the dungeons and let years of instinct and experience guide you through.

There is no single way to handle mechanics. A game that forces you into a certain single way to do a mechanic is a bad game.

Maybe they should learn, 18 years in.

It’s actually clear circle with outline (meteor hit, shared damage).

They do, it’s called the same progression everyone else has.

There was 1 MMO I know of that tried, but they reverted back to challenging group content giving better rewards after 1 expansion.

Gear had stopped being a reward that people cared about. It had become a cover charge. If you weren’t max gear, don’t bother.

It’s almost like Blizzard did a poor job of implementing the new starting player island lol.

Honestly though that is one of the bigger issues of WoW, the requirement of assumed knowledge.
As far as I’m aware there is still no actual in-game teaching that even tells new players they can change a dungeon difficulty by clicking on their portrait lol.

With their only exposure being queued dungeons I honestly would be surprised if many new players didn’t even know that mythic 0 dungeons existed.

Or WotLK heroics for that matter.
That being said, it wasn’t until much later in Cataclysm’s lifespan that subs began to drop substantially.
The huge dungeon nerf and luck of the draw was incredibly soon after release.
The expansion was released in December, and the dungeons were nerfed in January yet the largest drops didn’t occur until Q3 + Q4.

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lmao i love this forum

Why again do you care about what gear other players get?


Nope. Guild broke up while I was taking care of my mothers health. Came back and found a new guild.

Nah. Atleast I do the content <3

What a lousy response I do dungeons content as a casual and nothing else and why you don’t see any shadowland mythic because I don’t really like the dungeons in shadowlands.

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Because it effects other peoples progression too…

All three games with no where close to the success WoW has.

I wasn’t talking about success and I was talking about the hybridity of it.


Do players of those games think of gear as a reward?

Me, I don’t care what others think but I have played a fair share of SWTOR but World of Warcraft has elves and so I dropped out and went back to this blood elf.

If the game models arent succesful then that means its not a good game.

Was I even talking about their successes, my answer is a no. I wasn’t so stop putting words into my mouth.

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Let me simplify it for you.

You talked about games swapping to cater to casuals
You then listed 3 games as an example
The three games you listed arent more succesful than wow considering the hybrid style.

Therefore the more casual model isnt that succesful.