Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

You put yourself in that position because you decided you wanted more than what was reasonably available to solo world content.

Ilvl means nothing in the wrong hands. Ilvl is a players potential. A 270 ilvl who knows what they are doing will out play and out dps someone who is 300 and unskilled.

This is 100% not true and your lack of experience shows.


Assuming equal skill. With un-equal skill, you have cases where someone is 5-10 ilvls ahead, and only does 65% of your damage.

And soon, depending on your talents. Thank god you can switch those on the fly in DF. People will probably still stubbornly refuse to respec somehow.

Eh, in the scenerio I was talking about, I had completely the wrong spec legendary for what I was playing. Was playing Superstrain UH DK.

Item level plays a big part in class spec power.

blizzard can nerf or buff certain class spec that’s why we see disparity in terms of class power.

And that’s why we see unevenness some times even with high item and low item hurts the most due to power loss.

After each class became spec identity skill no longer matters.

Well yeah, a decent player in the wrong spec is still gonna do better than the one in the good spec but horrible knowledge and experience. But I meant this as ‘another factor’ that is gonna be (not fun) to handle.

Again, can you at least try to be coherent?

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I am not reading 1002 post so I will come up to my own sum of this thread (from the solo/casuals mind)

I play an MMO but want to be the best playing solo.

I know that won’t sink in for some and go “So WuT M8?! I PlAyz WoW WanTz GeaRz PickIng WoRLDz Quest” But again: YOU PLAY AN MMO and expect SOLO gear to be the best way to progress.

It is meant to be played with others to see and progress and get the best gear. If you want a solo experience where you can get the best gear then play a solo game.

Elden ring is a fine choice: yes there are online elements that can be used but you are solo, its open world, and its not an mmo.

To hard?

then play Costume Quest:
Costume Quest’s defining mechanic is the ability to equip the characters with new costumes that determine the form they take in combat. The battle system is straightforward and simple to grasp, all the while delivering a great deal of visual flair.

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Guess what MMO is moving towards a more HYBRID model solo can do what they want and have equal rights and same goes for group content as well.

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There would certainly have to be nerfs if content was made queue-able, or special bonuses would have to be provided for queued players.

Did you know that even today, queued dungeons offer up to a 15% damage/health bonus for players that queued separately?

And you know what? The massive nerfs would be fine. Not everyone wants to wipe dozens of times. Form a group for the next difficulty higher if you want to do more challenging content with people of your choosing.

Again, we are back to the crux of the issue with elitism in WoW: this insistence that content should not be rewarding if it does not meet the top players’ standards for challenge level.

No other game or successful MMO has to follow this rule except post-modern WoW.

Thank you for bringing that up.

WoW subs reached a peak when the game offered queue-able accessible progression at the end of Wrath.

Then WoW subs started dropping for the first time in its history when the gear elitists got their way and Cata Heroic dungeons were too difficult for the majority of players to comfortably handle in PuGs.

It’s OK for queue-able content to be made easy enough for most groups to succeed. It’s also OK for queue-able content to provide progression. The universe isn’t going to explode because you can’t handle the travesty.


They actually peaked before that, and had started a slow slide down during Wrath.

They weren’t hard, they just were not faceroll easy.

Queued content and not faceroll easy just don’t work.

Manual group forming remains best for anything that has even the slightest mechanic requirement.

Subs stopped growing the patch that LFD was added, and since then have followed the predictable pattern of spike up at the launch of an expansion then trail off until the next one.

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Stop spreading bias false information already!

So sick of seeing it!


Nope. Wrath started at around 11 million and ended at around 12 million. The growth was not as explosive as it was during Vanilla, but you are off your rocker if you think the game didn’t grow during Wrath.

Or perhaps the base game should do a better job of telegraphing or explaining mechanics without assuming that everyone has DBM or Bigwigs.

“You have been targeted with XYZ!” doesn’t really tell you whether to stack, spread, move behind boss/tank, or do some other arbitrary thing.

Subs were on the rise until Cata launch. It was the quarter after Cata launch where we saw subs drop for the first time.

Do you think that players mysteriously waited 6 months to quit after LFD was introduced, or do you think that players quit within 3 months of reaching max level in Cata and being frustrated with the endgame?

Hint: Most players are on the casual side of the spectrum.


The game does a plenty good job. What mechanic are you struggling with exactly ? You don’t need DBM/Bigwigs in dungeons.

The game is pretty good at showing you that.

The look of the circle under your feet usually does. The game has distinct looking circles for “Run this away” and “bring this to soak with group”.

Thus why queue’d hard dungeons will never work and should never be tried again.

M+ is just fine without a queue.


Just to clarify I was meaning full base ilvl gearing in the first example, as emphasis to much of the current design implementation where they throw catch-up gear at you when a new patch is released which often takes you to what is essentially “fully geared” for a casual player.

I don’t think people should necessarily look at it as “LFR gear”, the problem we’ve had these days is you get equivalent gear from other much easier much more frequent sources and that’s why getting those pieces is a disappointment.

Disparity between base gearing and future rewards I feel is more important than ilvl.
If you feel like you are getting a decent boost to your power or to the power level of your item it feels good.

In a world where solo world content rewards better or equivalent gear to LFR or even normal raids that content loses it’s relevancy, unless of course those solo world content rewards take that long to obtain that it becomes superfluous due to the restricted timescale of the season.

If they started teaching players earlier on and implemented consistent markers this wouldn’t be anywhere near true. FFXIV is the best example of this, where even in Ally raids there are unique mechanics which are on top of the basic (WoW) raid mechanic equivalent.


The game actually does a pretty decent job of it these days to be honest, the biggest let down in this regard compared to addons is really their audio queues.
Not all abilities have audio queues, and many are either the same or aren’t consistent with the type of ability (unlike the visual indicators which have consistent indicators depending on the type of mechanic)

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They hit peak in Q3 of 10 (1 July - 30 September), which was the quarter that ended before cataclysm launched. They sustained that number for Q4 (1 October - 31 December)- of 2010, which had cataclysm launch at the end of it (7 December). Subs were down for the 1st time in Q1 of 2011, which was the 1st full quarter of Cataclysm.


I never said I was struggling. I was talking about the masses of casual players that queue for dungeons and LFR without knowing mechanics ahead of time or installing addons.

My bad. You need DBM or Littlewigs.

Sarcasm aside, you either need addons or to have studied mechanics before doing anything Mythic+0 or higher. Sometimes even LFR has mechanics that wipe the team if even one clueless player does something wrong (such as messing with a rune that was already in place for Fatescribe or breaking chains for Soulrender).

The base game alerts you to the fact that some mechanic is happening, but rarely tells you what to do about it.

Many players are not aware of the meaning of the different kinds of circles.

For example, a swirly spinning upwards usually means to stack, but you sort of have to know that first.

Some one-shot mechanics are not telegraphed at all.

Agreed. I wonder where the game would be today if Cata Heroics had never happened.

Then let solo and open world players have progression again, and we will never have to deal with M+ unless we really want to.