Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

It’s pretty crazy to think that their experience trumps anothers.

You can’t tell people how they should think or feel playing the game.

If there was no issue this topic wouldn’t have been made in the first place.


So what do you counter? I just took a spec of your choosing, listed a key, invited the 1st people that singed up that would result in a good comp, and +3d it, while I was doing top dam, despite lower on the ilvl chart and it being a spec I haven’t actually played since memeing around at the end of BFA.

You don’t get to set the standard just because you can do it.

You’ve missed the point of people asking for change.

His experiment is pretty standard. Nothing strange about a key group filling in 2 minutes.

I mean I can’t tell you how you should think or feel, but I can definately tell you you’re lying if you pretend key groups don’t fill. Because they do.

I seem to remember you set the standard actually.

You literally can’t do that because you will have fresh 60s in 160 iLvl gear applying for +10s whispering that their main already has KSM.

A queue system could filter such players out based on iLvl, current rating, or achievements.

A queue system could require the M+0 version to have been completed before you queue for the +2. The system could also require a certain M+ rating before you queue for +5, for example.

This is the crux of the problem with elitism. You think that only the most skilled players doing the most challenging content deserve any kind of power progression.

Easy content can be rewarding. Queued content can be easy and rewarding. (No one is saying that max iLvl gear should be mailed to toons that do the Flappy Birds world quest 100 times in a row.)

Think about what an MMO is. Think about why Wrath had more players than SL does now. Think about why FF14 grew so rapidly. The answer is not to gatekeep power progression.


If that was the case then retail would be more inviting to play.

It isn’t designed that way.


Not really? even if they do, you can filter if you want to do what you claim is gatekeeping to them.

This is perpetuated by Blizzard’s inability to create some stance on consistent mechanics and markers. I mean BfA and Shadowlands HAS upped the quality of Normal / Heroics from patchwerk fights to [Avoid this one mechanic] lol - but that’s nothing even compared to Cataclysm’s Heroics on launch, or even 4.2 troll dungeons that obliterated bad players.

Ghostcrawler was correct when he said players will rise up to the challenge; he missed the part where you just can’t frustrate them repeatedly otherwise players quit. Don’t even have to go to the past to see this even in M+ where frustrating design can make people refuse to climb to higher keys.

FFXIV proved this so much it hurts. I mean sure outside of JP you aren’t getting consistent Savage / Extreme queues (But even that’s impressive), but the average player over there has to actually do basic mechanics even in casual content. Those very same basic mechanics nuke LFR players here in WoW, lol. N’zoth’s LFR reminds me how much people struggled to understand basic concepts that shouldn’t be obscure at that point in the game.

Without that, we probably won’t get anything remotely challenging or fun in the queue finder. Self made groups it is until then, or just play solo content.


So you want the game to gatekeep for you so you don’t have to.

You keep talking about queuable M+ while completely ignoring my extremely likely argument that it would lead to massive nerfs to content that should be challenging.

Set a rating requirement then. Set an ilvl requirement. Tools are there.

You mean exactly like :

M0s are also too hard to be queuable.

No, it’s the crux of the problem with queue systems and those who use them.

Don’t blame us, blame the weirdos who couldn’t finish a heroic dungeon in Cataclysm.


Imagine what would happen if you let people queue into the mythic version of halls of atonement. Fear circle on 1st boss? needing to hit the adds with the leap on 2 (although you can sort of out-gear that one)?

:rofl: :skull:

Imagine Medivh with queue’d pugs.

In terms of WOW gear acquisition the path of least resistance would be WQs or story quests. These are challenges that are designed so that 100% of the player base can complete them. Raids, M+ and PVP (because 1 player/team will always lose) are not designed so that every player can succeed.

The chess game one yeah?

The dungeon journal literally exist and it’s the answer key to every fight albeit using words to describe it. (Which I doubt ANYONE on here uses the dungeon journal)

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WoW devs put me in this position by refusing to put in gear upgrades in open world or solo content, and by refusing to make M+ queue-able.

WoW players put me in this position by not accepting 250-ish applicants into their groups. (Which is understandable, given that there are going to be 280s and 290s applying.)

And now forum posters said I should make my own group, meaning I would be forced to choose between a 270 and a 300 who applied simultaneously.

The difference between 270 and 300 iLvl is huge. With a higher iLvl, you can ignore mechanics, skip boss phases, do larger pulls, and finish faster with a higher score.

iLvl matters, and it is the single biggest factor when trying to get into PuGs.

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I highly doubt even 80% of people who play this game even know that exists.

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No one is stopping you from starting a group. Not WoW devs, not gear upgrades in open world, not the lack of a queue.

Only you are stopping yourself from starting a group.

1000… neat.

dungeon journal user here!! hi!!

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