Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

I have tried that before.

People often leave keys or raids shortly after joining the group if they don’t think everyone’s iLvl is high enough to zerg the content.

People often don’t listen to instructions in rated BGs, or sometimes they fail to port in, leaving your team at a huge disadvantage.

People often disagree with your or someone else’s strats, or threaten to leave your group halfway through a run unless you kick underperforming members.

There are often PuGs where the leader doesn’t say or do much. But I don’t want to be the leader unless I can do it well and the activity goes smoothly. Being the leader of PuGs is rough and not everyone is meant for it.

So replace them ?

Oh… let me use a word I would never use… Gatekeep better maybe ?

So decide who to kick and replace.

So don’t be that leader.

So learn what you need to know, here :

Pug leading Mythic+ is “Hi!” followed by lots of booms, zaps, smash, wooosh woosh, and then “gg”.

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People leave keys if you invite high experience players and they figure out that the person is clueless. People should invite others in their own bracket so everyone in the group has skin in the game. Talk to the group before it starts about the expectations. Completion or timed run.

Eleusia : “Why do you gatekeep me from your keys!”.

Also Eleusia : “Oh, shiny ilvl 300, 2.5k io player wants in on my +2”.


Not everyone has the privilege to no life this game, eh?

I feel sorry for ppl who pug who may be an amazing player or even a learning player but the sweaty folks get sweaty and it can make it more difficult to find a group.

Add ppl as you go that you connect with and build a friend list.

Or, I know an ez way… Everyone should learn to play a healer and know it fairly well and steal even a decent looking chicks picture off the internet, that = instant carry from guys. xD

For me, I’m so glad to not be sweaty anymore and in the trap of sweatiness.


Just filled, 2 min 8 seconds from when I listed.

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You bet your bottom dollar I would invite that 300.

That’s why PuGs for most easier activities should be matchmade and not pre-organized only. Let the game decide who is qualified and has waited in queue the longest, and if their iLvl is barely enough to meet the requirement no group is going to vote kick them unless they are getting the group wiped.

It’s not just the community, but the game devs themselves that are fostering the gatekeeping by requiring pre-made groups for content of any worth.

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Kinda sad you’re now stuck either running a key you didn’t want to do, or tell everyone they were a social experiment to win some forum PvP and disband the group.

Then I don’t think you have any place to whine about “Gatekeeping”.

Anyway, Gatekeeping isn’t real, no matter how many :blue_heart: you give to the rogue troll : Everyone has access to the Start a group button.

They are already. LFR, normal and heroic dungeons.

You know, if you don’t want to no life the game, I suggest you stop pugging.

Find a guild, schedule your runs. More success, less time spent overall.

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So you perpetuate the very thing you hate, gatekeeping, by… gatekeeping. This also prevents players from actually getting better because they just get carried.

LFG had to be massively nerfed because people couldn’t do it with randomized groups. LFG doesn’t even have all of the boss abilities.

LFR had to be massively nerfed for the same reason. Bosses have major abilities turned off completely and some don’t even do damage and only show the visual effects. Let’s also not ignore the insane Determination buff they had to give players because they are so bad at the game.

No one can look at their history of nerfing queueable PvE content and say if they added M+ to LFG it would not happen again.

Many of us are not against queueable M+ because we are against easier groups from forming. We are against it because of Blizzards long historical pattern of destroying the difficulty of anything made queueable.


Pugging isnt that hard at all. I literally pug most of my keys and if You are actually good at the game there isnt an issue.


I agree. Pugged all 4 seasons. If anything, it makes you a more versatile player having to adapt to different players, group comps, playstyles, ect.

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I think the biggest issue is people apply outside of their exp. People think they know what they are doing and should get auto invited to 15s when they havent timed a 10


This was exactly the point I was trying to make. Sure you will progress faster by inviting that 2500+ valor farmer, but you will learn nothing from it. Your key will only get pushed to the point where it is completely outside of your competence level.

I’ve literally seen 230 ilvl 0 io peeps apply to my 20+ keys.

That M+2 should have been queue-able in the first place, and I should never have had to make my own group in the first place. We are talking about a theoretical situation that elitist players and WoW devs have put me into.

But trust me, if I were leader I wouldn’t kick a 270 that was already in the group even if a 300 applied later when all we had room for was a tank.

And I wouldn’t sit around for 15 minutes waiting for 300s to apply to carry me, I would invite based upon the first waves of applicants.

No one in their right mind would turn down a 300 if they applied at the same time as a 270. The system is more at fault than the typical player.

LFR, Normal, and Heroic dungeons have been made worthless for progression in recent years precisely because they are queue-able.

Normal raids, lower M+ keys, and lower rated BGs should be made queue-able as well, and there will be less gatekeeping.

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Feel free to invite on a “first come, first served” basis.

M+2s are too hard to be queueable.

Exactly, any content that is queued cannot be hard and thus cannot be rewarding.

How did anyone put you in any sort of “position”? You literally have free will and choice of who to bring with you. You have full autonomy of listing your own group and deciding if you want to play with others who are in your skill bracket or to be carried and learn nothing.

Why are you so focused on Ilvl, it’s literally an inconsequential metric 99% of the time. The only time it matters is if they are like a full tier behind.

I remember some LFR bosses that don’t even have the actual boss.

Let’s add M+ to queueable content, they definitely won’t nerf it to the ground. /s
psh what’s history and patterns going to prove?

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Eh, keys fun.