Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

Having world content gear scale to at least heroic raid should be a thing. It takes time but possible. Maybe even time gated


so what is the path of least resistance? ITT, we have people tell us the gear is the fun. others, the gear is incidental, the content is the fun. If you only raid to get the gear, couldnt they change that to something more fun? It seems you have fun keeping gear away from others, but that must be a minigame.

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Glad you said that, so when someone puts in more time grinding hours of a week for one piece of loot. IT is worth more than 45min of the same keystrokes.

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I’m playing on one monitor and typing on the other.

What do you mean by that?

I am delusional because I said all players have access to game content and anyone and everyone can create their own groups?

I am delusional because I said players can choose to invite others in their skill/experience level and not intentionally bring carries?

I’d imagine the raiders response would be less than sanguine.

To what?

I am beginning to think if people are using term carry as a derogatory comment towards other players.

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Actually not really. Sorry you have no credibility on any aspects of the game.

No its not. When someone isnt performing they are a carry.

You are free to improve your gear by running your own groups. Only one holding you back is you.

I need you to explain what you meant by if things were reversed, I’m just having a hard time picturing what that would look like.

I am beginning to think you are confused too often.

does anyone(sane) do that every week? Allthough I do know people that do resident evil runs and know every last hidden item by heart.

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Say what you want this so called performance is starting to sound like degrading others for your own amusement.


(Raises hand)

I tend to play Elder Scrolls: Oblivion at least once a year. Along with other games as well. Like Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning, Dragon Age: Origins, and more.

Tis a fun time when I do.

Go ahead be that way since you want to support this type of I don’t know environment so be it. But if this game dies it’s because of your type of people and I bet most will blame your type of people because of it.

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You mean like they did in 9.1?

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Can you at least try to be more coherent?

Everyone started from somewhere. Many of us worked our way up and improved. We played with other players who were similarly experienced. Then there are others who try to skip difficulties by getting carried by others.

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Start a group.

Start a group.

Start a group.

Start a group.


Start a group.


I have to wonder what the sentiment would evolve to (On both sides) if Blizzard implemented a queue finder for challenging, but not hardest content (IE: Normal / Heroic Raids, M+'s) And somehow being able to balance it well enough that similarly skilled players get put together to clear content. Obviously, keeping the manual option (As why wouldn’t you).

A hypothetical, but something I’m sure even the devs have thought about.

Probably hysteria as you laugh at the fail compilations.

Yeah, when they tried it back in Cataclysm. Pretty sure that boat has sailed now.

What you guys need to realise is you don’t need a queue.

You need to Start a group.

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It must suck to be so grumpy all the time. Truly.

You know what sucks ?

Not Starting a group.

You know what brings joy to me ?

Starting a group.

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