Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

When I see “toxic addon,” Elitist Helper immediately comes to mind.

Probably because of how it auto-shames other party members, and the fact it actually has Elitist in the title.


is that the one that reports how much “Failure damage” someone takes?

people running that are always the worst ones :rofl:


I’d like to get back on topic of world content. This isn’t a mythic+ or addon thread


Okay? That’s completely irrelevant.

It’s been explained to you how many times. Players have the ability to create their own groups and invite who they want. They can choose to bring other players in their league or to be carried by bringing others who are beyond their league.

Fun fact: You can intentionally stand in bad so their addon spams chat, then report them for spam.

Turning the tables is fun.


I believe they’re a factor when you can sell them for lump sums of gold and can use them to buy these runs I keep seeing advertised in chat.

Carry does not have to be paid and is most often not paid.

I know reading comprehension is hard for you so read it again. I didn’t say paid carries are not a thing. I said carries are not always paid.

FINE FINE you wanna be that way. Be that way your type of player don’t deserve anything.

I agree, but I would say it’s both. I wouldn’t feel so bad about getting a 230 gear piece after two weeks. If I grinded for two weeks and got a single LFR piece? Quite frankly I’d just stop playing because it’s insulting.


But it can still be paid.

That is a boost, which is a subtype of carry. All boosts are carries, but not all carries are boosts.

I stated from the start that it can be paid. Jeeze you are dense.

Is your time that precious? Or am I giving off bad vibes?

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Time is a resource you can never get back.

Yet here we are.

My we humans are strange.

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You toxic players are so lucky that I can’t cuss on here because I really want to show my true emotions. And luckily I know a lot of other words besides relying on cuss words.

Lmao, emotional intelligence of a child if you are that mad over the forums because we said players have equal access and opportunities to create their own groups.

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We sure are. (Thumbs up)

Lets be honest here, if Blizzard stripped back raiding rewards then the roles would be quite reversed.


You’re a delusional person that’s who you are. All you know is how to name call and be a negative person and I bet in real life you don’t have many friends to hang out with.

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