Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

You can’t have challenging content and not have some form of gate keeping happening.

I just don’t play it.

It’s a meaningless grind. I find Wrath more engaging, it’s that bad.

How many chores is it to get up to even close to par to raid? 5 or 6 two week grinds?

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Barriers of entry? You mean the self ones made by people who dont play the game?

No such thing as a toxic addon

Calling me an elitist that’s nice really because I don’t even do ANY plus 10s or hell any 20s but sure call me an elitist.

Eh, the addon that spams random people for guild invites is pretty bad.

Oh you know those grinds we keep mentioning that takes us a month where someone with unlimited time can do it in less than a week or two.

Not you, they know who they are

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Defend them all you like since you don’t know jack about how everything is. Also to think addons are not coherently toxic than you’re being delusional by default.


Ehh I am always in a guild so dont have any exp with that.

Anyone with a basic understanding of the game can do everything to be ready in a couple days.

Would be smart enough to wait for DF.

Someone’s bad at the game and wants to get free carries LOL

Keep calling programs toxic because no one wants to carry you.

Addons have ruined parts of the game. It started out as being small assistants and over time have started to become the game for some people. Even so much as to have the game designed around them. This isn’t a topic about addons though.

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You should lead with this in every reply you make because that’s all your arguments come down to.


That’s just an issue with pacing though, not ilvl of rewards.
Whether the ilvl is 230 or 190, if you acquire it within 2 weeks it makes no difference.
Same with if you acquire it as a single RNG drop every 2 weeks over 6-8 months praying to RNG each time like warfronts were in BfA.

It’s been an issue for awhile and it doesn’t just affect people who don’t do group content either.
A base ilvl is pushed rapidly and then acquisition rate slows to a crawl.

Carry is a made up term by toxic players like you. When gearing is the only way to get any stronger. And you know what you’re a delusional person to think somehow people can get stronger without doing any group content by themselves and guess what this game is about gearing and that is how all the class get stronger. But sure use your derogatory words all you like but the matter of fact gearing is what helps your toon to get any stronger.

A carry is when a player can’t carry their own weight and needs others to pick up the slack. It means you are playing content you are not ready for or relying on others by inviting highly experienced players intentionally.

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Fixed it for you.


No, you are 100% wrong. Carry does not have to be paid and is most often not paid. You can, and I have seen, lower geared player carry higher geared players who have no idea what they are doing.

Well there are these things called WoW Tokens…


Guess what all content requires gear and gear is what helps you and also how else are people gonna get stronger without doing any higher level content. Please amuse me please.

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