Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

Unholy Deathknight.


kk, I’ll list right after this OS in wrath.


Now get off your high pop server.

I’ll wait.

Group finder is region wide and cross realm.

That’s not the point. Mythic raid gear is better for open world than open world gear

I don’t know where y’all live but my region is NA (North America [United States and Canada])

Thanks for confirming you dont know what gatekeping means

Every class is capable of doing 20s. I have even offered to do keys with you and you declined so once again you dont have a clue what you are talking about.

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No one needs mythic raid gear to do anything hell heroic dungeon or even mythic dungeons (not plus) is good enough. Let alone you can survive most things with heroic gear and or mythic dungeon gear.

You’re not going to fix this game by fixing the people.

It’s the game itself that is the issue. Not me.


No they dont.

Again thats not what gatekeeping is.

Cant escape something that doesnt exist.

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The game doesnt need fixing .

The issue is you as you dont even play the content youre claiming is gatekept.

lol guess it doesn’t need an expansion then.

I don’t play it cause its boring. I don’t want my leisure time to be boiled down to a second job.




the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something.


It’s almost as if players don’t have equal access and opportunities to create their own groups. Gatekeeping is not inherently bad. Players invite others who increase their chances for success. If someone has a hard time getting invited, they can create their own. No one is stopping them and the game doesn’t either.

Expansions are new content. Expansions arent there to fix issues that are self made.

Cause youre bad at it.

Its not a second job. You just make excuses.

It creates unnecessary rifts.

Players shouldn’t be separated by voids in gear power as it has at retails endgame.

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Guess what blizzard does have the power to implement quality of life and remove barriers of entry and block out all toxic addons.

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Eh, but couldn’t it be argued that the same situation occurs? Who’s going to join someone’s group that is not as geared or as knowledgeable on the content?

100 more to go till 1000 comments have been reached.

(Throws hands into the air)


I’d like to hear opinions from other people instead of the same 3-4 elitists