Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

I can read just fine.

You tried to compare 15s being shorter than WQs and giving better gear.

Like I said stop trying to look smart.

LOL at thinking I go into a rage over the forums. Very funny.

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Then you’d be wrong.


World quests should give gear comparable to a 15 key. Why should everyone be forced to run keys if they don’t want to. There’s more than one right way to play


Would something similar to horrific visions be suitable? Did you do that in BFA 8.3?

Everyone has the exact same opportunity to clear content as everyone else. Some players just choose not to put in the effort.

That doesn’t mean gatekeeping doesn’t happen.

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Personally, to go with their logic, they should bar guilds and force every single player to pug, no discord or anything else allowed to form groups. Because finding the right guild just makes the effort to get into a raid non-existent. Put in the real effort. But they never do. Especially given not every one has a consistent schedule to even raid with a guild, so how can that be the ‘exact same opportunity?’ it’s not. Not every one has the exact same opportunities to clear content, let alone for anything else.

Hahaha. Dang, I think you would make a better comedian than a WoW player. You get a lot of laughs out of me.

If gear is rewarded on difficulty, how come AFK players can earn BiS raid gear if they pay with tokens? :thinking:

Further, is PvP gear BiS for everything?


Gatekeeping doesnt exist in this game. This is how you keep using words you dont understand the definition too.

No they shouldnt. gear is rewarded on difficulty

Then you’re just pushing lies. Again.

Big surprise coming from Szoth.


Its not a lie because you dont understand how it works.

PLEASE give me an example where gatekeeping happens so I can confirm you dont understand what the word means

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just wait six months before you start playing all the nerfs/buffs will be set and they may even have some decent gear to start you out. All is made better with Time


Honestly? I thought Torghast was the perfect thing for solo/open world content players even though it wasn’t necessarily “open world.” The problem was that Blizzard basically took everything away that makes roguelikes fun (the exploitation of systems and the encouragement of breaking said systems for your own power benefit, rewards that are funneled back into content for you to play around with like new zones, enemy types, secrets, powers, its replayability with increased rewards for every run beyond the first run, etc. etc.) and turned it into a tedious weekly chore meant to funnel you into other content.

Maybe I’m speaking way out of turn by saying this, but I’ve yet to see someone intimately acquainted with the roguelike genre say that Torghast is good. It’s always from people who don’t actually play roguelikes, because Torghast is a sorry excuse.

If Torghast was made to stand on its own, I truly believe that it could have been what raiders and M+ players have every expansion except for open world players. I certainly would have been content. Instead, we got a micromanaged chore that didn’t feel rewarding in the slightest to do or complete, and it didn’t get updated beyond adding a few new floors to continue the grind propagation. A completely missed opportunity.

A more roundabout way of answering your question, but no, I haven’t done horrific visions. I did do Torghast, though, and I think Blizzard should revisit it in the future except without tying it to some meaningless endgame progression system. That is the kind of content I want to see for open world/casual/solo players.


There is no gatekeeping unless you choose to be gatekept. 1 group saying they don’t want you is not saying you can’t do the content.

Anytime you do a keystone that isn’t yours.

Pretty much is since there nothing else meaningful to do, particularly if you’re using a spec or class that’s been theory crafted to be subpar.

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SL / DF game systems themselves gatekeep players from not only content but also gear progression by requiring premade groups for the three pillars.

Then the premade groups gatekeep the content and gear progression by requiring a higher iLvl for the group than technically required or even rewarded by the content. They may also only invite certain classes or specs to maximize performance.

Queued content, open world content, and soloable instances like Torghast or Visions are the only way to escape gatekeeping.


Counterpoint: what if you just list your own group?

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Then they get nowhere and feel disengaged to play.

The outdoor content gear in Dragonflight is more than sufficient for any open world content.

pick a non-meta class/spec, and If I have one at max level I’ll tell you how long it takes for a key to fill when I post it.