Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

Everyone’s subscription fee buys the same thing: access to the game. What we choose to do with that access is up to us, but we all get the same value for our fee.

It’s no different than paying for an amusement park ticket. It gets you in the door. If you decide not to go on any rides, the park isn’t giving you less value, you chose to not take advantage of the access you bought.


Nobody on the high end cares what you have, or what you think of their gear, though. Sorry to break it to you.

The reason that rewards are commensurate with difficulty is that that’s good RPG game design. In fact, it’s basic RPG game design, and has been since 1974.

There isn’t some grand conspiracy where “the man” is trying to keep you down.


Agreed, but if the amusement park only has the roller coaster of M+ and Raid then people will not come. It’s a bad business model to not include more customers. They are asking for something new. Why not give them more. What harm could it do to the people on the roller coaster as they walk by.

This is why wow sub’s are in the toilet. Bad management. Looking at Ion.

Why should mythic raid gear give you an IWIN button in open world. you dont need it there. put whatever ilvl you want in raids, but keep it there.

  1. I liked the game better in vanilla where there were definite “haves” and “have-nots.” I, for the record, was decidedly a “have-not,” but I thought it was excellent to have something to look up to and strive towards.

  2. Having said that, the game has changed a lot, and the community is reflective of that. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle on this issue. And it’s ridiculous that Ion has decided to try to - once again - push this ‘raid or die’ mentality. I cannot stand him or his policies.

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Not necessarily. Plenty of very successful business only cater to specific customers. Trying to please everyone is generally a losing battle.

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The game was vastly more popular when even M+ wasn’t part of the equation.

Cookie Clicker has more customers than WoW. That’s not a reason to make WoW like Cookie Clicker. People who want to play Cookie Clicker instead of WoW, should go play Cookie Clicker.

Because Monty Haul gaming is unsustainable.

I a sense of progress and player development. Felling of a valued customer for the time and funds received.

Better question is. Why would you care.?

How would it make you game experience change?

Monty Haul gaming is unsustainable. Rewards MUST match difficulty or the whole thing falls apart.

NOBODY CARES if you get fantastic gear for doing trivial content. Blizzard doesn’t do it BECAUSE IT’S A BAD GAMEPLAY EXPERIENCE FOR YOU.

Agreed new things bring new players. That’s the point.

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Right time played, for Rewards MUST match.

How would you know? Everyone is different.

Because RPG’s have been around for 50 years and we’ve seen what happens to munchkin gaming.

You can kill boars in Elwynn forest all you want, it’s never going to reward you.

What? Now you are just trolling

Dungeons and Dragons came out in 1974. That’s 48 years now. He was pretty close.

strawman argument- move along no one suggested that.

Seems like you did.

Literally the South Park meme.

D&D came out in 1974.

I play D&D each week and its never about gear.


As long as I have interesting things to do that isn’t just getting ilvl, I’ll be happy enough.

If I can do professions and reps and feel like I’m making some progress on my character during a play session, I’m good.

One thing that sucks about the state of gear is if I raid, then it feels like the world provides nothing. I hated that vibe these last few expansions.

There should be interesting things in the world to do, interesting goals to work on that feel like they matter, otherwise this game might as well be a lobby game.

IDK how professions will feel for me as I’m only testing them on a max level beta server where I buy all the resources needed, but the system itself looks good.