Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

It’s not worth answering your question if you’re not even going to bother to look up what the subject matter is of this thread. There is no discussion to be had with you if you don’t even know what we’re talking about. It literally takes 2 seconds, just go read about it, then we can discuss it.

I’ll even do you a favor and link you a video about it, but this was pre-ilvl change.

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People will complain not matter what, at this point I’d rather be rowing a boat across an ocean made of tears of the “gear is the point” players who are drowning in the same then have to deal with complaints that the content is too easy or not rewarding enough for anyone that actually puts fors some effort.

I know what you are referring to. I already stated that I have been against welfare epics since the start of this expansion, when I came back from Wrath. It doesn’t matter what the unique scenario is, which you keep bringing up is Invasions. Welfare epics are welfare epics, it doesn’t matter what new form it takes.

I answered your why, so did others. You are the one who refuses to touch the question. Your avoidance is very telling that you have no answer to justify why they deserve gear at the Normal Raid level over LFR.

Here is a question for you then, is that also before any changes that might make those easier to do? nerfed difficulty, nerfed reward, If the difficulty was not changed, then the ilvl likely should not have been changed.

If you can answer the question on if the difficulty changed, then maybe you will have your answer on why the ilvl was nerfed.

The difficulty was not changed, just the ilvl of the rewards.

Can the forums make up their mind? is the game dying, or are raiders/M+/PvP players the 1%?

This is all because they’re going cold turkey after 4 years of titanforged world quest gear from helping turtles make it to the water in Legion/BfA.

That’s what this is all about.

Give it time, it will go away.

They sway which every way the wind blows them. They say whatever fits their narrative.

Just like how Flower refuses to explain or justify why “open-worlders” deserve Normal Raid equivalent gear instead of LFR. Yet, tries to strong arm others into answering his 21 questions.

Let’s be completely fair to Shadowlands. It had a lot of content, especially in the covenant halls. But every thing was so blocked off by lack of anima, a lot of people couldn’t be bothered to do it.

I’m one of them. I’m coming in right before the closing bell to things like the Venthyr party and I’m enjoying it a lot, but I would have enjoyed it a craptonne more had it been available to me to play with during that huge mid-expansion content drought. However, Blizzard’s awesome idea to have anima so ridiculously drip-fed (and used for LITERALLY EVERYTHING, notably things much more important than mini-games) meant there wasn’t anywhere near enough to power these anima-hogging covenant features. The time that a lot of people WOULD HAVE interacted with them, for all intents and purposes they weren’t available.

This doesn’t even go into how annoying it was to have to look up everything about them on third party websites because there was basically no way you were going to run into the stuff on your own. So many things were buried under drop rates so stupidly low, you could be doing the “right thing” to get something for half the expansion and never see it. Rock bottom drop rates should NEVER be used on something intended to be an expansion-specific just for kicks and giggles feature. Most of your audience will never see and and won’t bother to come back later. If nothing else, not having the pieces to play with the feature while the expansion was current defeats the entire point of the feature – TO GIVE PLAYERS SOMETHING TO PLAY WITH DURING THE EXPANSION IN QUESTION. Not AFTER it’s done!!

So did they give people content? Sure, I guess, except they didn’t make it accessible and a large number of people, who might have been interested, instead rightly shrugged and walked away.


Even if we only look at M+, and assume that everyone doing M+ has 3 toons that they run keys on, going with M+ is the 1% puts the total playerbase at over 50 million players.

There was tons of content that nobody did.

I think it’s only fitting that there’s less of it now. The content that people are actually doing is going to have it… Makes sense to me

Still leaves the idea you can, and likely will, be helped by anyone in the area.

I was one that thought TF to the degree it was was too much, i would not have gone cold turkey but I would have capped the forging as follows:
Word content at LFR, maybe normal max (just so people don;t feel like they have to do the nightmare that LFR can be).
LFR at normal base
Normal at heroic base
Heroic at mythic base
Mythic either does not forge or only forges up to 5-10 ilvls.

It’s okay to admit that you had no idea what we were talking about, but I think it’s hurt your ego or something so I guess you’d rather just double down instead. You can just say “whoops, my bad”, go read about it, and then I would have been glad to answer your question.

Keep evading. Your tactic isn’t working.

I know what you are referring to. I already stated that I have been against welfare epics since the start of this expansion, when I came back from Wrath. It doesn’t matter what the unique scenario is, which you keep bringing up is Invasions. Welfare epics are welfare epics, it doesn’t matter what new form it takes.

I answered your why, so did others. You are the one who refuses to touch the question. Your avoidance is very telling that you have no answer to justify why they deserve gear at the Normal Raid level over LFR.

You didn’t need anima to do mounts/transmog in Korthia.
You didn’t need much anima to do ember court / stitchyard / path of ascension (ugh) / queen’s conservatory.
You didn’t need any anima to do rares/puzzles/toys/mounts/treasures/transmog in the 4 main zones.
You didn’t need any anima to do anything in the Maw.

The only thing you really needed a ton of anima for was buying the transmog, and that’s not the content I’m talking about.

There was a simple solution to that, which they should have done:

Rares in The Maw should have dropped anima.

That’s where it was all going in the story, anyway. And it would have given people more of a reason to go there.

Indeed. They should be integrating Handynotes into the UI in Dragonflight, not Bartender.

Also, just so we’re all clear:

Was shutting off 75% of the covenant content at any given time a mistake?

Yes. In fact, I was the ONLY PERSON on these forums and in Shadowlands beta complaining about how the biggest crime of the covenant system was that it shut people off from content. While everybody else was bellyaching about their class powers, I was the only person spotlighting this critical issue.

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Believe me, the less time spent in The Maw, the better. The Maw never should have existed as end game open world content to begin with, it was completely awful. And this is entirely speculation before you ask for the numbers, but I would bet money that a huge amount of people quit Shadowlands at the beginning because of how awful The Maw was. I truly do not think Blizzard saying “hey guys you can get more anima from rares in The Maw” would have motivated anyone.

So much for casual players wanting “more challenging world content”.

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I’ve never said that personally, but I can see that others would want that, and I think they should have it. I’m sure other people don’t, like me, though. I think everyone should get content they enjoy doing in this game.


and for ones like me, it did not even do that, as I set up my toons in a way each covenant had 1 of each armor type. In essence, I could argue I was using the covenant system the way it was intended to be used.

The only ones that found the maw awful are those that tried to treat it as anything more then a get in, do what you need to do, get out set-up.

The maw was a more challenging version of a world zone.