Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

OK, then I missed something, somewhere. Where is this “vault,” I ask in Old Noobish?

the solution is to make mythic raid gear the best in mythic raids but baseline in open world. M+ the best in M+ but baseline in open world. PVP gear the best in pvo bgs and warmode, but baseline in open world. open world gear the best in open world, but baseline every where else. You dont want to work at pvp? your raid gear shouldnt be anything special there. You dont want to M=? your raid or pvp gear shouldnt be anything special there. Face it, the devs dont want to develop anything worth a damn for open world. they want everyone to que for bg/arena/m=/mraid. Tell me why they feel they need the $$$ from casuals to keep the game going? They dont seem to care about it.


Next to the bank in oribos

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What gear level is needed to complete all solo/outdoor content in DF?

Calling TOTAL BS on that!

Dont care who you are, it never happened.

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Was playing around to test someone’s complaint about world scaling. Found that the mobs scale down to you when you are below ~180 ilvl. Had 0 issues questing.

If you don’t believe me, test it yourself.

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Know what is the funniest thing about all the people defending this, they didn’t complain once before the change, only after the change and after open world players said they weren’t happy with it did you all start coming out of the woodwork to start praising and defending Blizz, just like with the slime saber mount. Just saying.


Mythic raid gear.

There’s ducks in DF, they don’t mess around.

They lucky if it’s only takes months. Usually takes much longer, basically u til they introduce catch up gear and mechanics.

I mean you should know by now that Blizzard doesn’t give a rats a$$ anyone expect people who push keys and raids

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I disagree, the ilvl requirements are set higher than content requires so there is no difficulty. I AM KRUMTOILET!!!

As Biden would say. Two words, item level scaling :rofl:


World content should be lower ilvl. Honestly, LFR ilvl is too high. What’s the point of doing LFR if world content gear is better than it? What’s the point of doing normal raid if world content gear is better than it? So on and so forth. As long as world content gears ilvl is high enough for you to do world content barely knowing your rotation, there shouldn’t be a problem.

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Solo, casual, and open world players are all different categories. There is of course overlap between them, and people have different definitions for each of them.

But they are all being excluded from proper power progression in Dragonflight.

DF devs are doubling down on SL’s game design philosophy of asking players to go hard in the three pillars, or unsub.

You are describing Ion’s dream expansion.

SL Season 4 was in effect the dev team’s chance to finally fulfill their own wish of creating a game where only the three pillars can experience content updates and power progression.

DF might have similar “seasons”.

It’s an RPG. You fight monsters, you get stronger. You fight monsters again. You enjoy the power growth. Or else why keep playing the same content for months on end?

Competitive players understand this concept but for some reason think that non-competitive players don’t need or deserve progression.


Except that RPG design 101 states that rewards need to be commensurate to the challenge involved.

World content must be trivial in difficulty or else people will complain.
Therefore, world content rewards cannot be high quality.

That’s the conundrum. Every time they’ve tried to make world (or solo) content even remotely challenging, people complain.


Except every content has a cap. Mythic raiders can’t keep increasing by doing the same raid all season either.

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Do you honestly trust that devs have accumulating the right metrics and have been properly utilizing them to ensure the long-term health of the game?

Look at the poor game design decisions made over the last couple of years:
—9.0 Covenants were locked initially despite universal protests
—9.0 and 9.1 Torghast was hated due to having the wrong rewards for the wrong audience
—9.1 Domination Shards were a primitive and poorly received system
—9.1.5 Timewalking Mage Tower was overtuned and widely despised by the general community
—9.2 Creation Catalyst kept proper power levels and gameplay enhancements locked away from non-raiders for months

It should be obvious that WoW devs are scrambling to get the elusive kudos from the most competitive players (particularly raiders), but they are consistently driving this game’s sub numbers into the ground.


Almost 20 year old game is still in the top 2 MMOs? Kinda sounds like they’re doing a good job maintaining the long term health.

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But many players will never do any content other than open world content, and perhaps queued content if there is a currency reward or quest objective that appeals to them.

So WoW devs are basically designing an RPG that has no progression for this huge player demographic, and no way for them to achieve the power levels that they need to meet their goals.

But the soft cap from actual world content can’t be Normal dungeon or LFR item level, while the actual cap is crafted gear locked behind gold (or its equivalent in profession mats).

Professional game designers know that casual players are not going to be the whales. Even in SL, it was competitive players who were dropping 20 USD for gold to buy legendaries. My toons made do with the free Unity belt or without any legendaries until prices dropped in Season 4.

Since you don’t believe anything that I would write, please check Blizzard’s monthly MAUs over the past years as officially announced to stakeholders. The numbers are going way down.

WoW’s expansion launches consistently bring in a spike of players, but the season patches do not. The three-pillar model is not a success in terms of sub numbers, but WoW devs want to continue it because it is efficient from an investment perspective.




The difficulty level of that content is designed to be low so that should be no problem. If people want to do world content (which must, as we’ve seen, be easy) then as long as it’s easy there are no issues, since they can do the content they want just fine.

Gear progression is to let the player overcome greater challenges.

Gear progression is a tool.

It is not the goal.

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LFR gear in SL is plenty good enough to meet the needs of open world play. No reason to expect DF will be any different in that regard.

It can if gold is as easy to make as in SL.

It’s fine if you choose that, but you could definitely have had a less than max ilevel legendary besides unity for cheap that would give you the important part: the effect.

I haven’t disagreed with there being a decline, but the fact remains, an ancient game is still fighting for the #1 spot. That’s remarkable by any measure.