Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

Maybe an NPC you can talk to to activate hard mode in the open world with higher rewards would be cool.

these invasions really cant fill the void of casual content DF is missing.


Eh, there is exploration content there. The invasions were just the only thing that gave gear.

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oh like island expidetions or somethin? like go discover a island and explore it? geniune ask havent seen much about df

WoW is so hamstrung by competitive content and appeasing those players (and people in charge who want to make that part of the game THE focus), that it ends up just not being a good MMORPG overall. It’s sad.


Yeah, that’s really too bad. the zones are huge and beautiful and fun to explore. Would be nice if there was more end game content in the open world.


I think we will have to agree to disagree on whether or not something that I never actually see in my bags – something I had to dig around for to even see what it had been – qualifies as “loot.”

I do not believe that doing an LFR guarantees one will get “gear,” though I’ll concede that one might be guaranteed “loot” under different definitions of the word. Regardless, none of the gear I’m currently equipping came from LFR; most of it was bought at the Auction House for relative pennies, & the rest is remnants of the stuff I got from buying a level 60 boost. I haven’t gone back to the AH to see how much more of my boost token gear I can replace, but the point I wish to make is that I think the doom-&-gloom I’m reading from other “open world solo casuals” appears unwarranted, so far. Whether I’ll still think so after seeing Dragonflight, I don’t know, but I’m guessing my opinion won’t change very much.

As for how long it takes to get ZM gear 
 well, some people in this thread are saying that’s no big deal, while other “casual solo” players are saying that forcing them to grind for months to get LFR-level gear is terribad horrible for the game. I think all of that is just as much anecdotal as my own experience & quite frankly, here on GD, I suspect there is not much that isn’t anecdotal, which implies that my anecdotal experience is every bit as good as anyone else’s.


At least WoD had the Garrisons for Something to Do.

Not talking the mission tables, but, for example, the stuff from the buildings (like the mounts from the stables), and the garrison invasions, etc.

Not Amazing, but Something.

Seems like at the start, “end game open world” is basically Professions. I honestly don’t know how compelling that will be.

I never cared for the “grind it to win it” style for rep in WoD. It’s nice to be able to grind rep, but having structured content on top of it helps too. Like the rep on Timeless Isle that you could get from dailies and grinding.

You can run the dailies for a quick shot, and grind the rest if you have time/motivation. I did a lot of grinding in TI, but some days I just went “meh” and did the dailies and went off.

Outside of professions, just doesn’t seem like much of anything in the open world, at least at first.


FWIW, I don’t plan to pre-order DF, & I don’t intend to buy it the day it goes live. I want to see what the general consensus is, at least as much of a general consensus there can be here in this forum.

But if what Piddy says turns out to be true, or even mostly true, I likely won’t be buying DF at all.

What’s actually competitive in wow though?

PvP? Always been a stepchild.
RWF? Tiny fraction of players
MDI? Tiny fraction of players.

Almost everything people do in wow isn’t competitive.

What different definitions? Loot is loot. Stuff that drops when you kill bosses in LFR. You can make up some odd definition, but the standard one hasn’t changed.

Cause it was better designed than this.

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Tiny fraction, but gets televised

Again, Tiny fraction, but this fraction bleeds down into non-MDI M+ because people watch the MDI and think they can do it or think it is the only way to do it without stopping to think those players are the cream of the crop, the best of the best, etc. and that they are no where near that and then complain or quit when they try MDI tactics and they don’t work for them .

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Yea, sure, that’s reasonable. But as I said, if I don’t even see it in my bags, have no idea what it was, & have to dig around just to figure those things out it doesn’t fit my idea of loot, i.e., something that “dropped” from a boss.

You may disagree. I may or may not care.

All the more reason to seek out friends who want to play the same way you do.

Fair enough, but you not being able to figure out what you got off a boss is a poor argument about loot systems. :person_shrugging:

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I know you’re not saying otherwise, & you may even agree, but 
 those people who whine because what they saw on MDI doesn’t work for them? That’s a “them” issue & not at all the fault of the game or the developers.

I agree with Sarama: the “competitive” part of WoW is the PvP, & that’s only important to the PvP players, of which I’m not one, never have been, never will be, & am almost wholly uncaring what their issues are. I think it’s a stretch, at best, to claim that WoW is built all along “competitive play,” when the reality is this game is only competitive for those who choose to make it so.

Oh, I fully agree

Thing is, it is the ones that are competitive that get the media, or are there for all to see unless they follow certain content creators. For ones like me WoW is competitive but my competition is myself as in I want to get a better time on my next run of an M+. I want to down a boss faster, I want to get my “chores” done in less time, etc.


To be clear, this is essentially what I did in BC and Cata (mostly BC).

In BC, since the only option was begging for group in Shatrath, something I loathe to do, I farmed mats, mats, and more mats to get the “epic” Tailoring gear. Which was “Kara” quality.

I did dailies, and farmed mats. This took a long time (2 months of clock time just to do the daily transmutes). I did this also in Cata, but it was quite fast in comparison.

People always grouse about “making money” with professions, which is all well and good, but never my thing. I was much more interested in gearing myself.

WoD was great for that because you can trivially make 3 pieces for yourself, and if so motivated fight the RNG to get them better.

I see professions as a bit of black hole in DF, and will await the scraps of light coming out of it by the early adopters who are willing to sink their time into it so that I don’t have to, and see if the happy path suits me.

In theory this will be a path to “gear” for “everyone”, we’ll just have to see how realistic this is, particularly on small servers.

Fair enough. I’m just saying I think Tenet’s original claim, that people are “guaranteed” loot from LFR, is a bit over-broad. & since I’ve done several LFRs in the past & gotten nothing at all, I’d hesitate to agree with him that doing LFR guarantees “gear.” That isn’t an argument about loot systems, it’s basic reality. I certainly didn’t get any gear from the most recent LFR I did, so apparently I need to do more than one, maybe several, which is good reason to believe that LFR does not guarantee gear – nor should it, any more than doing any other content should.

If you’re completing LFR weekly you’ll at least get a vault. It is guaranteed loot.

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