Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

Right, again, I never said people only play this game for gear, though.

What about this example?

Why do players go back and play single player RPGs that they’ve already beaten multiple times?

lol just gonna change the subject again I guess, cool cool


I’m not disagreeing with this part, just that their priorities in who they serve and how they serve them seems to not be taking into account casuals and solo players. Maybe they’re watching but don’t care. Or maybe they skip that page on the report.

The fact that they removed access to the slime kitty mount achievement from LFR and made no attempt to provide any new/recycled content for those players - while telling us they “hoped” people could find free carries, was literally adding insult to injury.

And let’s take a look at PvP, where ranked PvPers were incentivized to farm bgs endlessly in order to earn enough honor to keep upgrading their gear. Randoms, which used to be called “caaual PvP”, that half of players used to do, but now have been turned into a currency dispenser where premades can farm graveyards for free welfare upgrades. Do you really think the best geared players in the game should get rewarded for doing the easiest content in the game, while driving away the worst geared players in the game forever?

LOL no. You guys are still working on the assumption that treating noobs badly will make them want to be like you.

You have no idea what an “average player” is or how they play the game. Nobody does. They could break down players into demographics if they wanted to pay to do the research, but they’d actually have to pay someone to talk to a great many players, and they already know everything.

Ah, Mr. Armchair Psychiatrist has an opinion about how anybody who isn’t a mythic raider is mentally ill and wants to share this with everybody.

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If all you do is outdoor/solo content, why do you need heroic/normal gear?

Because it’s an added level of gear progression beyond LFR, which means I have more to do in the game and more of a reason to keep logging in.


Sounds like you can still progress towards your goals, but it’ll take longer than a wq.

Because outdoor/solo content is designed in Dragonflight to be much harder. Only people in the best gear will be able to solo some of those elites.

I’m not sure how “not having gear good enough to stay alive while doing required content” is consistent with “you can still do it but it will take longer than a wq”.

We’re talking about solo/outdoor gear progression, not sure what it is that you changed the goalposts to.


Rhetorical question: They have the same answer.

Because it’s fun. If something is intrinsically fun, doing it is its own reward.

I find it fun to clear bosses with my guild, because it’s a good group of people to hang out and game with.

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So the Primalist Invasions were that, it would take about a month or so to get one piece of Normal raid level gear. But they have reduced the ilvl to be LFR equivalent, thus making the Primalist Invasions pointless for non-solo players, and quickly obsolete for solo players. And therefore making Primalist Invasions a complete waste of development time, too.


I didn’t say anything of the sort. Gotta work on that reading comprehension bud.

I haven’t done anything past LFR since 9.2. I’m leaving just as much of my subs value on the table as you are.

Look at my gear. Any casual should actually have better gear than me right now.

You know people can do things because they are both fun and rewarding, right?

Is there any reason one would be required to solo any of those elites?

I have not disagreed with this once since I have said that is why I do content in WoW, I am only saying that people are severely downplaying the both part of that.

Im going to throw something out there that i haven’t seen discussed (I haven’t read the entire thread though): gear rewards should be appropriate for the content; personally I like having world content that isn’t trivialized once I have a mix of normal and heroic gear.

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Sadly it seems they arent going to add something like visions of N’zoth or a torgast like mode with solo progression.

Crafting may be a way to get token sales up though and a pay to win armor system it seems. Sort of like people were buying wow tokens for stuff like legendaries.

It seems mythic plus is the place to be for gear. As much as I wished solo gear to be good. The next easiest best thing is pugging dungeons.


If you want that to happen then you need to throw open world players a bone.

You can’t grind out bis gear in raid, then complain that the open world isn’t balanced with your gear in mind when the open world is a good 10-30 ilvls behind you.


Eh, I found ZM to be reasonably easy on an ilvl 146 with no soulbind or legendaries.

On what class? Ymmv - I doubt you were soloing rares with that (even the more trivial ones).

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WW monk.

Why would I judge how easy it is to solo group content when judging how easy/hard the solo content is?

That doesn’t work though because you can’t have BlizZard put in place scaling which makes doing world content require normal/heroic gearing while not being able to obtain that doing world content.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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