Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

Not really, the primalist invasions are not being removed from the game. Having no power reason to do content does not mean that the content does not exist.

My main can gain literally nothing aside from transmog/gold from LFR or ZM, so does that take away the content? It’s still there, I just have no power to gain from it.

Well, if you believe that, there is no content in this game. Gear effectively gets soft reset every patch.

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youre upset that the FIRST step to raiding is LFR?
What am I missing here?
LFR SHOULD be entry into raiding.

“There is no content because you out level it with an expansion. Progression doesn’t matter, and therefore raid content, dungeons, and so forth all also don’t matter.” - Capslock logic.

I’m sure by their statement you also think Vanilla-Wrath didn’t happen because of the removal of zones, lol. It was all never content. Genius.

If Gear progression wasn’t content, why do raiders raid? Because if they had the same gear ilvl as the ‘casuals’ they show so much disdain for, the argument is that quite a few raiders would stop raiding because there’s no point.


For access to the game. That 15 dollars isn’t a guarantee of rewards. If you choose to not do the content that rewards higher, you’re just not using your full sub fee value.

I’m not the one saying that something has to be relevant for power for it to be content, that’s flower.

Because it’s fun? We’re not the one asking for blizzard to prop up our content by buffing the rewards.

Thanks for agreeing with me that you think your 15 dollars a month is more valuable that someone who just does open world content.

How does it change YOUR gameplay experience if a casual gets the same gear you do?

This needs to change or you can keep watching Warcraft decline.


I wish GD would stop equating casual to solo player. It may be true that all solo players are casuals but it’s certainly not true that all casual players are solo players.


Interestingly, the 4 best patches for open world ilvl were all in what is regarded as the 2 worst expansion, BFA and SL.

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I didn’t say that either, you’re putting words in my mouth, which I said right here even:

You’re saying player power and gear upgrades have never mattered in WoW. That is just so objectively wrong, have you even played this game, like at all?


Then make mythic raiding and high level M+ only give cosmetics, see how far that goes.

Not denying that some find such fun, but I’d just like to see how many do it if it is divorced from power progression.

I am starting to take more and more the argument of people want content they find fun, and those that equate gear to fun need to shut up.

The best attitude in the game should be have fun and get gear, the attitude I see most is more akin to get gear to have fun, something is a little off there.


People keep spouting this nonsense like it’s some sort of good argument. It is human nature to take the path of least resistance. If the easiest way to the best gear is grinding stupidly easy WQs that is what the end game will become. WOW will be a MMO where nobody actually plays together. That sound like a good game to you? So yes Johnny Soloplayer getting the best gear for WQ_EZLOL does in fact change a raider’s, or M+ player’s, or PVP player’s experience.

Sexual Harassment
Terrible story
Terrible systems

Those are the reasons for shadowlands downfall. But nice try


In a strange way, it might increase the number of players doing mythic, as it would remove a good portion of the mythic tax and increase accessibility.

In another viewpoint: forcing equal gear changes gear from a reward to a cover charge. It is no longer viewed as a reward for doing a thing, but something you are expected to have.
It will also remove the “of course they did more damage, they have more gear” excuse that players use.

I’m not saying they never mattered, I’m saying that gear is a means to an end.

ie. content

So then you agree with me!

Which is one reason we have a lot of catch-22 set ups, they need the gear from the content (raid/M+) but to get into the content, even if they form their own group they need to already have that gear or better.

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The gear itself is not the content. The raid or the dungeon is the content.

Without a damage meter, do you notice the difference between 239 and 265?
Is it immediately obvious when you’re in Castle Nathria instead of Sanctum or Sepulcher?


Right, which is why I have continually said gear progression. Why do you think people bother doing raids or dungeons if not for the gear progression? Do you think people are doing the same dungeon over and over again because they just really like doing it, or is it perhaps because they want some loot drops? Why are people doing raid reclears every week even after they’ve defeated all of the tier bosses?


Ask the people who run keys above 15. There is no gear reason to go above 15, and players have done up to a 35.

??? For score?

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But that’s not gear.