Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

I have to agree with this.

It is the same with rep gear that is useless because they prolonged the rep grind.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Hopefully this means that they are fully embracing the world being catchup gear, and are making the world grind really short and having it put you out at a spot where you are ready to start doing the end game content.

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I’m not sure what you mean by “loot” or “gear,” but from my POV, these two statements are both false. I recently did a Shadowlands LFR, & the only thing I got out of it was some sort of “Renown” thingie, which I don’t personally consider “loot” & which most certainly was not “gear.”

& while I have not done any SL WQs, I can guarantee there were quite a few Legion WQs in which I was required to put in only a bare minimum of effort, yet still got a reward of some sort. I even remember a World Boss WQ which was ridiculously easy, & for which I got a quite nice necklace.

Keep in mind that I’m an open world, casual, almost wholly solo player. Yet I agree with most of what the “elitist” raiders are saying in this thread.

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It might be easier to embrace if there was more endgame content then just dungeons, raids and PvP.

World content possibly fine where it is, but some might enjoy an M+ style Torghast or visions they can do solo, others might (and I know what I said about dungeons and raids) doing a solo version of the dungeon/raid with a party of NPCs. You know, just making content they put in the game a pillar of end game for those who want it.


In terms of “huge time commitments,” here’s what the OP said about them.

If they want to add another set of end game power activates, that’s one thing. But right now, there exists nothing like that currently in DF.

The way the world content works combined with it’s tuning put it more in line with giving cosmetic rewards than power rewards.

The much larger chunk of people who quit at the start of Shadowlands would agree.


If it’s relative power rewards they want, why didn’t they come back for korthia?

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My best guess is because they left and wrote Shadowlands off and moved onto other games. People always come back for the beginning of expansions, though.

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If you’ve got the numbers to compare, feel free to share them.

It is most certainly loot. It’s not gear but keep doing a couple LFR and you are guaranteed to get gear that’s probably a higher ilvl than the WQ neck you got, and you may not even need to have abilities on your bar to get it. That LFR gear also tends to be better optimized and have more desireable secondary effects like trinket procs. Like the other guy said, no serious raiders are busy farming WQs for gear, it’s just another incentive to get players out into the world. And it’s just normal ilvl, way behind the others. Your anecdotal experience doesn’t tell the whole story, just look at how long it takes to get ZM gear. Personally I really don’t care because I plan on raiding and doing M+ for gear in DF. I just hate seeing an empty overworld and i think more sources of gear means more relevant content, which is good for the game.


Or maybe people care about content more than the relative amount of power that they get. At SL launch, only about 1/4th of the non-instanced content was available to a single character at a given time, since so much of it was locked behind covenants.

Yeah that is essentially why I quit at the start of Shadowlands. And I hated doing Torghast/The Maw. It’s like they saw people ask for more content for solo players, and then made the most absolutely suffering content to do. I didn’t bother coming back until the end of Shadowlands myself because I just assumed they didn’t bother to move away from that design philosophy throughout the expansion and just played other games instead.

Even if I had known what Korthia was like, I don’t think I would have enjoyed it regardless because you still had to Torghast/The Maw/Covenants and you could not fly yet. So still not worth coming back to the game for me.

Dragonflight was looking like a fresh start with a gear progression system for solo players, without all the added fluff I hated about Shadowlands.


Then you are coming from a different position than OP. OP doesn’t seem to care about adding more content, only buffing rewards to existing content.

I’ll agree that more content is good, and I don’t think that forcing content by over buffing rewards is not a good answer.

And this will kill warcraft once and for all.

It’s been a good run but EVERY time they screw over casuals population plummets.

Everyone pays 15 dollars. EVERYONE
 equal gear at equal time. If you don’t like what I said, then volunteer to pay more.


I’m sorry but I read the OP’s posts and that’s not what I took away from them. This looks more like making content (Primalist Invasions) obsolete and pointless more quickly for the majority of players. That is taking content away. Gear progression IS content. I don’t know why you think it is not when it has been the most fundamental form of content in WoW from the beginning.


And people doing m+ and raiding will have to spend months getting to their desired level of progress.

It’s almost like Blizzard knows that players have different goals and play styles and try to set it up so that no matter what it will take about the same amount of time to reach their goals.

There it is.

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I read that as players in general don’t care for difficulty, not exclusively solo players.

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??? Yes? I’m not seeing how this is a shocking statement. This game is a skinner box and always has been, I don’t know why that is a shocking thing to say. You should know that since you said you play for mounts, pets, titles, etc. Those are still rewards that people work towards in the same way they do for gear progression. Some people even work towards both! Like me, for example.