Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

I did and it didn’t address the question. Hypothetical situations don’t matter, if LFR was solo then ___ or if it was harder then ___. It’s not.

Because it will take you a whole month to get one piece of Normal raid ilvl gear? I think you’re confused on what this system looked like.

Both LFR and world quests are incredibly easy, because they are both balanced around being completable by the lowest common denominator, and because of that they are approximately the same difficulty.

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Its doesnt. But it has a huge time investment, and that should be rewarded. Either with better than LFR ilvl, or with bonuses to the gear that makes world content easier. EVERYONE in this game deserves a power progression. If they do not get one, the game becomes stale, and no longer worth playing.

I have not seen people asking for heroic raid ilvl loot for open world play, and those that keep saying we are are just gaslighting, period.

Players partaking in the 3 pillars of endgame will get their precious gear FAR FASTER than the open world players, for doing what THEY consider fun, so why should it not be the same for open world players that put in far more many hours?

Thats our point, not this fallacy some in this thread are spewing.


Storm sigil gear does have, at least afaik, a set bonus
Edit: they have as one can see on WoWhead

Something I also don’t understand is that if Blizzard is worried that Primalist Invasions giving Normal raid ilvl gear will make LFR obsolete too quickly, there is a simple fix for that: just increase the price of Storm Sigils it costs for each piece of gear. If there are upgrades for solo players, even with huge time investments, people will continue to work toward them. By making the Primalist Invasion gear LFR ilvl, people will max out their characters more quickly and stop playing. And that’s not even touching on alts then doing this system, too.

I don’t understand why it seems like they want people to play their game less.


That’s a fair opinion, and they are both incredibly easy, but I think WQs justify normal level tier because of the time involved. LFR guarantees loot. If you enter an LFR, you are going to win, you are going to get gear. And this is all regardless of your contribution. Usually the queue is longer than the content as a DPS. At least with a WQ like killing an elite or collecting a currency, youre actually required to put forth some effort. I just think if the rewards are too low, the world is going to be dead again, and not everyone has the desire or time to raid, and there is still a massive difference between normal ilvl and heroic/mythic/M+.

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Again, you are equating time with difficulty. They are not the same.

As long as world content remains so trivially easy that a trained ferret missing 3 legs could do it - and it is - it cannot justify gear rewards that even come close to approaching the game’s challenging content.

And if they make the world content harder than what a 1-legged-ferret could do, people will complain “this world content is only for the 1%!!!” as we’ve seen many, many, MANY times before.

At it’s core they essentially spent development time making content for solo players, and then basically made it pointless for solo players to do. Even if you raid or do M+ and wanna sit on your hardcore player pedestal and call us whiners, Blizzard still wasted development time on content they just made pointless. They could have spent that development time on actual, meaningful content instead. This effects you too, dummies.


I definitely factor time investment into considering the challenge level of content.


Only if the only thing you care about is gear.

If you like pets, mounts, titles, toys, transmog, or just plain fun - as I do - then the solo content is perfectly entertaining.

You really think the mythic raid crowd felt like they couldn’t raid log because they needed to farm normal raid ilevel gear from WQs?

I believe that was done previously …
And there was a huge outrage again by a few players.
just like this thread

Well good news! Rather than spending more time developing content to acquire new pets, mounts, titles, toys, and transmog, they spent time making Primalist Invasions and then making them basically pointless to do.


Not by itself, it needs the vault to guarantee that you actually get an item. Going 0/3 on bosses dropping an item for you in LFR isn’t uncommon.

Doing a WQ that rewards gear on the other hand, will always give you that item that shows up on the quest icon.

So the time in question is the sit in queue and wait for 1-3 1/5 rolls that you get an item with 1 guaranteed at the end of the week from vault, or wait for a world quest to spawn that has an item you want, and complete it in less than 10 minutes.

That’s not good news at all.

The lack of world content in Dragonflight (which is a thing) hurts me (who actually does world content) far more than it does the people complaining in this thread (who don’t).

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Yeah obvious sarcasm was obvious. That was my entire point that seems to have completely gone over your head.


You have the mindset that unlocks many doors with a master key.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


The chunk of people who quit during Korthia because the grind was too long would disagree