Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

World Content has no business matching Raid Content in terms of rewards. Its ridiculous that it ever even rewarded Normal Raid ilvl.

Why though? I think it’s pretty fair because it does require quite a bit of time investment. I think your idea of gear obtained through world quests is good. They could make bonuses that are only active outdoors, the way they’ve done for ZM.

At least, as long as world content is designed to be the easily accessible “anyone can do it without even paying attention” thing it always is.

That describes LFR to me. At least with world content there is some degree of thinking and execution that goes into it. LFR, you show up and you’re guaranteed to win eventually and be rewarded, regardless of your contribution. LFR is just a mess in general and I think it should be scrapped, but that’s another topic.

There need to be multiple ways to gear. The more relevant and rewarding content, the better.

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No they aren’t; they got that in Korthia, and complained about it.

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Any source for WoW players quitting and leaving the game in droves.

So, during WoD or right before WoD? :thinking:

Whoops again.

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Because rewards need to match up with the challenges overcome to acquire them.

That’s RPG design 101, going back to 1974.

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It takes way less time and effort to do LFR than it takes to get a higher end piece of gear from Primalist Invasions. That logic means Primalist Invasions should give Normal raid quality gear.


You’re confusing challenge with length.

I’m sorry but soloing elite mobs for months to get a single piece of gear is infinitely harder than AFKing in LFR, no hate to LFR as it is my only form of end game. But I’d much rather my end game be Primalist Invasions with Normal raid quality gear to work towards.


Raid: Get gear
Don’t raid: get gear but not as good because the content isn’t as hard

Seems fair to me

You’re just pointing out some of the reasoning why so many people think that LFR shouldn’t exist in its current form.

If it was solo content like Battle for the Undercity (which is what it should have been from the beginning), then people who AFK during it would inconvenience nobody but themselves.

No one does the solo content in this game anyway.

I couldn’t care less about raiding or M+ and am fine with it that the gear I’ll have access to is crap in comparison with what players get who do those activities which I hate.

Blizz keeps trying to coax and corner and push players into doing M+ and raiding, and I just keep NGivingAF. It’s my game, I’ll play it how I want to.


Like how they gave people raid tier gear from doing world content? Yeah that was totally a move to push players into M+/raiding.


Careful, your face might stick like that.

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So much this! Theres so many in this thread that must be getting nose bleeds, from being so high up on their soapbox, lecturing us plebs that we are playing THEIR GAME wrong!

What a joke, no wonder this game is declining faster than lake Mead.


Literally no one is telling you how to play the game. Stop creating a false narrative to push your victim complex.

Are you implying LFR is a greater challenge than world quests?

How about you read my post right above, about that?

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Probably over the course of the game’s (at that point) 10 year history.

100M unique players total with ~7M active at one time are 2 different metrics, and not contradictory.

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Dragonflight is getting Ioned :frowning:


At what point does outdoor content have the same difficulty as mythic plus or raiding? Why should i run with guild memebers and cordinate when i can just go do a daily quest and get heroic gear? Outdoor content should be vast in number of things to do but not the same ilvl as raiding. These are two completely different difficulties.

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